ZigZag ~ Company

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"She runs the place" I heard Magnet say to the new guy Stanley. I smirked and rolled my eyes and walked over to them.

"Hey i'm Y/N/N nice to meet you" I said holding a hand out for Stanley to shake and he gladly accepted it. "Stanley Yelnats the fourth" he said to me. I looked at confused but just shook it off.

"So how long have you been here Y/N/N" Stanley asked me as I sat on the edge of the pool table as X-Ray and ZigZag played.

"About 3 years i'm guessing" I said back to him smiling. Stanley looked at me like someone had just slapped him in the face and I was gonna if he didn't start talking.

"What did you do" he asked me finally speaking up good for him. "That's for me to know and for you to not" I said as I hopped off the edge and grabbed ZigZag pool stick.

I took a shot at the yellow striped ball and managed to get one of X-Ray's in one of the holes on the side.

Me and ZigZag both cheered and X-Ray groaned. I high-fived ZigZag and then turned back to Stanley.

"So Stanley tell me about yourself" I said smiling at him. "Y/N/N why are your cheeks so pink" Magnet asked me pointing at my face.

I knew exactly why because I had the fattest crush on ZigZag but never told anyone. "Y/N/N has a crush on the new guy" Squid laughed.

Everyone stopped laughing when he said that. My head snapped toward him and I stormed over to him. I grabbed him by the collar and clenched my fists around his shirt hard.

"I will end you" I whispered angrily and he just gulped and nodded. I let him go and everyone slowly started talking again.

"Sorry bout that Stan you were saying" I said smiling like nothing happened. "Uh yeah-" Stanley started to explain all about his family life and to be honest I was really interested.

Eventually after me and Stanley talking for ages we had to head back to our tent. I had started my period I felt it as I was talking to Stanley so I went to talk to Mr Sir.

I was the only girl to come here so they had to provide me with sanitary products whenever I needed them. They'd leave a bag every month for me full of stuff I needed.

I had really bad cramps and I went to Mr Sir's office. He seen me walk in and threw the bag on the table. "Thank you Mr Sir" I said and slung the bag around my shoulder.

He just nodded and I was on my way back to the tent. I winced as my cramps got way worse and by the time I made it back to the tent everyone was there.

I discreetly grabbed a pad from the bag trying to not let the boys see and headed to the bathroom.

When I made it there I stuck it on and went back to the tent. When I got back they were all going through my bag except Stanley, Zero and ZigZag. Stanley and ZigZag were trying to stop them and Zero just lay on his bed.

"HEY!" I shouted and they all froze. I looked over a X-Ray who had a tampon in his hand because he was examining it a few seconds ago.

"Get away from the bag" I growled and they all stepped back. I grabbed the tampon off of X-Ray and threw it back in the bag and then placed the bag under my bed.

"I ever catch you doing something like that again you're all dead got it" I said but no answered me. "Got it!" I yelled at them this time and they all responded with yes.

ZigZag came over to me and I sighed happily knowing he was trying to stop them. "Thank you for trying" I giggled slightly. ZigZag was the only thing that made me feel like a normal teenage girl that wasn't trapped here. Him and my awful period.

"It's fine come here" He said laying his head on my pillow and opening his arms for me to crawl into. I did as he wanted me too and we lay there. We heard the guys whispering and I chose to ignore it and not whoop their asses.

I started to fall asleep listening to his heart beating and feeling his chest rise and fall. I closed my eyes finally and snuggled into him. I forgot that I was in a room with a bunch of boys and just imagined it was me and ZigZag.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and start stroking my hair and I blushed to myself.

Soon I drifted off and fell asleep within his arms.

The next morning we were awoke by that sound I hate it it's so cheerful. I sighed as I got up and realised I was still leaning on ZigZag.

I groaned and grabbed my bag from under the bed and pulled out a tampon from the bag.

When I was on my period ZigZag always saved me a good shovel cause he knew I was late all the time but he always wondered why I never got in trouble for being late.

I changed my pad to the tampon and disposed of the used pad. I then made my way over to ZigZag. He handed me my shovel and I smiled gratefully at him.

We made it somehow to a space where no holes had been dug and started digging. I was about 2 foot down underground when ZigZag came and sat crossed legged on the edge of my hole.

I shielded my eyes from the sun the best I could and looked at him. "Yeah" I asked smiling at him the best I could from the sun still finding my eyes.

"Everything good just checking up" he asked me and I nodded. I looked over at Stanley to see he wasn't doing so great.

ZigZag then got up and returned to his hole and I pouted feeling bad for Stanley he's going to have some nasty blisters.

After I finished my hole about an hour after Zero I got up and spat in it. I went over and sat at ZigZags the way he sat at mine. "What are you doing" he asked jokingly. "Keeping you company" I told him smiling.

"Go get shade or something" ZigZag said digging his shovel into the dirt and throwing it out. "I'd rather stay here with you" I blushed knowing i'm going soft. He looked up at me "really?" he asked.

I nodded. "Well ain't that cute" we heard X-Ray speak up. "Shut up dig your hole" I said to him and he done as he was told.

ZigZag just laughed and shook his head. I watched as he shovelled up dirt and threw it out. I kept him talking and company distracting him from the pain in his arms from digging for so long.

I felt safe with him like my past didn't matter. He made me feel like one of those girls who blush when their crush walk by in school. It's messed up but true just two messed up people.

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