Flynn Rider ~ 4 years

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i'm only writing this because i'm a sucker for disney films
I'm definitely the nicest person in the ugly duckling and the best looking to say the least.

I had come to the ugly duckling right after my parents had abandoned me in the woods when I was 8 and I was left to fend for myself.

After hours of wandering around I found the ugly duckling and the people in it just took me in. I'm now 24 and a bit of a badass.

I grew up with only father figures since there were like no women who came in at lot I wish there were so I could finally have a mother figure.

There was one guy in the picture at the time about 4 years ago haven't seen him since.

No guys in the ugly duckling have ever matched him I have been waiting for him for 4 years which I know is really stupid.

His name was Flynn Rider but his real name was Eugene Fitzherbert and we would tell each other everything and go exploring together.

We lasted for about a year then he turned to crime to become rich and asked me to join him but I didn't go through with it.

Haven't seen that mad lad since and I do miss him a lot.

Suddenly the door of the bar slammed open and everyone looked over. I looked over quickly and seen a girl with very long blonde hair and a guy behind her who looked quite familiar but not at the same time.

They made their way through the bar the guy saying random stuff to everyone as they walked through.

The girl then stopped right in front of me and tilted her head to the side as did I. "Hi" she said smiling while everyone else was just silently watching us.

"Hi?" I said confused to why she was so happy to be here. "Right don't talk just keep walking" The guy said pushing her forward.

He then stopped pushing her when he was face to face with me. He dropped his arms from her back and looked at me confused.

I just rolled my eyes at him and sat back down.

Before I knew it everyone was singing about their dreams. I rolled my eyes once again knowing it would come to me.

If i'm being honest my dream was to find Eugene again and be with him for the rest of my life.

Of course I won't know what he looked like now since it's been 4 years and he would have changed.

Everyone was looking at me to start singing and I just sighed.

I refused to sing and the blonde girl who was standing on the table before just came and sat beside me.

"What's your dream" she asked me her head resting on her fist as she leaned on the table as her other arm just lay in the table.

"To find the guy I love" I said to her and smiled slightly. She looked even more interesting and then stood on the table and finished the song or something.

She sat back down and the guy sat beside her. He creeped me out a little because I thought I knew him.

"So this guy explain him to me how do you need to find him" she asked and the guy looked disinterested.

"I liked this guy years ago and he turned into a criminal so I left i'm hoping now he's not bad anymore I guess" I explained to her not saying much because I didn't know her.

"This guy sounds cool" The guy spoke up looking at his nails. "Sorry uh who are you" I said salty.

"Flynn, Flynn Rider" he said and my eyes widened and mouth dropped. They both looked at me weirdly.

"And you are" he asked me motioning his hand in a confused way.

"Y/N Y/L/N" I said closing my mouth then speaking. He stopped and just stared at me.

The blondie looked between us "am I missing something" she asked us.

Eugene coughed slightly "no no everything's, fine" he said pausing. "Are you sure Flynn" she asked touching his arm.

As soon as I seen that my face turned into disgust and Eugene moved his arm from her arm. I finished my beer and slammed it on the table.

Now that he was actually here I wanted to slap him in the face for being such a asshole and being a criminal.

"I'm Rapunzel" she said smiling at me. "Rapunzel" someone called from somewhere in the bar and she raced over.

"Why did you do it then" I asked him now that we were alone. "Look Y/N I had too I was poor and homeless stealing was my only
option" he explained to me trying to get me to understand.

"You could have stayed here with me" I said to
him starting to get mad. "I didn't want to stay in a crummy old bar why would I" he said back at me clearly annoyed.

I stayed quiet for a few moments and just looked at him. He had changed a lot in these 4 years his hair had grew a little more, his face had grown older, his style had definitely changed.

"You know you look way different" he said to me after some time of silence between us. "You've definitely changed more Eugene" I smiled at him.

He smiled back and moved into where Rapunzel was sitting. I blushed and then shook my head hoping it would go away.

"So tell me about her" I said and then winced realising I was talking to him about another girl and I am very jealous.

"What?" he asked then realised "oh Rapunzel she's a great friend not really my type though" he said smirking.

"Ahaha very funny" I said to him realising what he was doing. "You aren't getting forgiven that easy" I said giggling.

"Neither are you, you're the one who left me" Eugene said to me still holding his stupid but handsome smirk.

Suddenly the door burst open and it was one of the castle guards. Eugene quickly grabbed Rapunzel and they hid under the counter.

Me and hook hand went over and I leaned casually over the counter pretending to get a beer.

Hook hand went over and showed them the underground tunnel.

I looked at Eugene and smiled sadly. "I will see you again don't worry" he whispered and I nodded agreeing.

"Goodbye again Eugene" I whispered and it the most discreet way I kissed his cheek. That wasn't enough for him though and he reached up and kissed my lips.

I missed this and him so much. We both pulled away and he smiled and started crawling with Rapunzel.

He was annoying but god how I loved him. I knew we see each other again soon once this was all over.

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