Ethan Dolan ~ Back At It

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I sat behind the camera while watching Grayson, Ethan, James and Emma filmed a video of them having a mukbang.

Me and Ethan were really close and have been for a while. I seen him on vine with his twin brother Grayson and I messaged him and we got to talking.

A few years later and he's my best friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I eventually got bored of them talking and walked out. I headed to my room in the house and got changed into something comfortable.

Ethan had offered I move in with him and his brother when they got their new house and I accepted. We have sleepovers nearly every night and Grayson gets mad when he gets woke up at 3am from our giggling.

I sat on my bed on my phone with one of Ethan's hoodies and short shorts. I was scrolling through instagram liking posts I didn't care about.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door and I got up huffing because I couldn't be bothered moving.

I opened the door to see Ethan and I let him in. He made his way over to my bed and lay on it like it was his own.

"Right" I said laughing at him as he spread out. He laughed as well and opened his arms to hug me. I closed my door and groaned while smiling and headed over to him.

I climbed into his arms and he secured me within them. "I can see why people think we're dating now" I laughed as I lay my head on his chest.

"Yeah true" he said and he laid his hand on top of my head and started playing with my hair. "Are Emma and James gone" I asked him quietly my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah they're gone" he said moving his other arm that wasn't playing with my hair to around my back. My arms were practically hugging him as they were around his torso.

I started to get uncomfortable and moved my body up so my head was in the crook of his neck. His arms then moved to my hair again and around my side. I blushed to myself and smiled.

My eyes were closed and I started to drift off to sleep when I heard Ethan speaking. "You're falling asleep" he said looking down at me so my face was now just underneath his lips.

I looked up at him so our lips were nearly touching. "Yeah so shut up" I laughed softly and dropped my head again. Mainly because I was blushing like crazy from how close I was to kissing him.

I then realised a few minutes later I was meant to upload tonight so that meant I had to film a video.

"Ethan" I groaned and I felt him stif up a little. "Yeah?" he asked looking down at me again.

"I need to film a video" I said slowly leaning myself up with my elbows. "Okay i'll be here" he said not moving only his mouth.

I just playfully rolled my eyes and set up my camera. I decided not change one because Ethan was in the room and it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to move and two because I couldn't be bothered and I looked alright.

My hair was a bit of a mess from Ethan playing with it so I decided to brush it a little. I looked
at Ethan through my mirror to see him on his phone and I went back to brushing my hair.

After it was decent enough I set up my camera and all that shit. I set up what I was going to do for the video and all the video shit and started recording.

"Welcome back if your not new and hello if you are new" I said smiling at the camera.

"Today we are going to be on reddit again shocker" I explained. This is probably the 7th reddit video i've filmed but I can't come up with ideas so I steal memes.

After about 2 minutes I found my first good one. "Y/N and Ethan acting like a couple for 30 seconds straight" I read out and that made Ethan look up from his phone and to me.

I heard him moving slightly and looked over I paused the video that was just about to play "do you want to watch it" I asked him from off camera because you couldn't see him on.

He nodded and got up he leaned over so he was in the camera frame and smiled at the camera and put his thumbs up.

I played the video and it was just tiny clips from videos when we were either sitting closely or standing. There was one from a sister squad video where he looks off camera and starts mouthing stuff.

People must have assumed it was me and it was I was standing behind making sure the cameras didn't stop recording.

In the video they had put subtitles on his mouthing. "Can we go to starbucks after this" I read out loudly and laughed remembering what he did next.

I had mouthed a no to him and he had pouted like a little child when they don't get what they want. Long story short we got a starbucks.

After the video ended Ethan was the first to speak. "Well that was a ride" he said smiling and going back to my bed.

"Is that it" I said looking at him smiling and he responded by nodding and giving a really innocent smile.

I rolled my eyes and continued my video. After I finished I grabbed my computer and went to edit the video.

I sat against my wall and Ethan moved so he was leaning his head on my shoulder. He was still on his phone so I decided to take a nice photo of him and post it on my insta story.

I tagged him and he immediately got the notification of me posting on my story.

I smiled knowing he has my notifications on and he looked at it. It was the photo of him and he moved my computer off my lap and tried to grab my phone.

I squealed and grabbed and fell on my back trying to get away from him he climbed over me and still tried to get it.

"Delete it" he said in the mists of laughing. "Never" I laughed and held my phone tightly.

Soon enough we had calmed down but he was still on top of me. I noticed him looking down at my lips and I gulped not in a scared way in a sweaty way.

I felt one of his hands touch my cheek and the other keeping him balanced on top of me. I started to slowly lean toward him and as did he.

"Hey Y/N" Grayson said bursting in the door which made both me and Ethan just look at him. Still seeing us he continued his question.

"Do you have any makeup wipes?" he asked awkwardly and I just looked at him as Ethan got up.

"In my drawer at my desk" I coughed and pointed toward it. Grayson nodded and grabbed one quickly and ran out shutting the door.

I looked at Ethan and he looked back at me as well. "Well that was certainly awkward" I said wincing.

"Yep" Ethan said popping the p. We sat quiet for a moment then I spoke up. "Wanna kiss" I asked him not giving any fucks.

"Yeah" he smiled and moved my chin so I was facing him and he kissed me. His hand slid back to his spot on my cheek and my hand went to his thigh.

We started falling back so that I was on top of him not breaking the kiss you wouldn't even call it a kiss you'd call it a make out session now.

We both pulled away and just smiled and were back at it again.

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