Grayson Dolan ~ Timer Battle

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My friend Amelia and I were shopping in the mall looking around for a halloween costume for her. I already knew what I was going to be but she made me tag along.

"This is cute" she said pointing a jacket she liked. "We are here for halloween shit not normal shopping" I said to her which made her keep looking around. I really didn't want to be here she had barged into my house and dragged me out to come shopping with her.

She kept pointing out different items of clothing she liked then we were at the crop tops eventually. Amelia was looking at then when I felt a presence beside me. I looked up at a guy with another guy who looked the exact same as him with a camera in his hand. The other guy was obviously his twin brother.

I moved to right a little to try give the guy some space and he looked at me. I gave him a small smile and getting a good look at his face now. He was gorgeous.

He smiled back at me and then his twin spoke up. "What one would Emma wear" the other twin said holding a camera and pointed it to the tops.

I felt Amelia grab my arm and pull me away. We were about 6 meters away from the gorgeous guy and his twin. "He was totally checking you out" Amelia stated quite loudly which made me shush her.

I looked over to see if the guy had heard and he was smirking while looking at me and then his twin hit his arm and asked him something I couldn't make out.

"It doesn't matter let's just go" I said turning back to Amelia and she shook her head and she grabbed my arm and walked back over to the crop tops.

"Hi i'm Amelia this is my friend Y/N" Amelia said throwing her hand out for them to shake. Gorgeous boy shook her hand first then it was gorgeous boys twins turn.

"I'm Ethan this is my brother Grayson" Grayson aka gorgeous boys twin brother who's name had just upgraded to Ethan said. "Yeah so are you guys shopping for a girlfriend or something because Y/N here is really single and lonely" Amelia said which made me hit her arm hard.

Grayson laughed and I blushed looking down. "No we are filming a youtube video where our friend group dress up as each other and we are shopping for our friend Emma because Ethan is going to be her" Grayson explained and I was absolutely mesmerised by his deep voice.

"That's interesting" Amelia said and poked me urging me to say something. "Uh- Yeah, I was dragged to come halloween shopping but it turned into normal shopping" I said smiling and blushing like the mess I am.

"That's a shame" Grayson said smiling widely which made me blush again. "Who are you shopping for then" I asked him as Amelia walked away and started looking for more clothes and Ethan wasn't listening and was examining the tops.

"My friend James he's a makeup artist you might know him, James Charles" he asked and I nodded slightly. "Yeah I know of him I don't watch him though" I said and Grayson nodded.

"So yeah i'm getting a crop top as well just not one of these" he said looking at the tops. I was about to speak up but then Ethan beat me to it.

"This one is Emma right" Ethan said and looked at the size, Grayson turned to him. "Yeah sure" Grayson said and turned back to me.

"Hey can I get your number or snap or something so I can contact you later" he asked me and Ethan looked between us smiling like an idiot.

"Yeah uh let me just get my phone out" I said and pulled my phone out my back pocket. It instantly lit up and I typed in my passcode.

I got up my snapchat and showed him my name and he added me which then popped up on my screen. "Grayson Dolan cool" I said to him and he smiled. "Y/N!" I heard Amelia shout then someone told her to be quiet to which she started arguing with them.

"I better go i'll snap you bye Grayson" I said blushing and he waved and I walked over to Amelia a huge smile on my face.

a few days later
Me and Grayson had been snapping ever since we met and he's now second on my best friends list. Halloween was tomorrow and I was going out with a bunch of friends when I noticed something on my computer. I was on youtube and noticed something in my recommendations.

'DRESSING UP AS EACH OTHER ft Dolan Twins & James Charles' I read in my head and noticed that Grayson and Ethan were in the thumbnail. Ethan had said he was being Emma so I assumed he was the one with the red crop top on which meant Grayson was the one with the chalk white face and red lipstick on.

I clicked on the video and watched through it then I was at the part where Ethan and Grayson were at the crop tops. I heard Amelia talking in the back and the camera was on Ethan and he was looking suspiciously at someone the camera couldn't see.

I didn't really pay attention to Ethan so I never realised he had done that. A few seconds after that I heard Grayson asking for either my number or snap and it cut to Emma I had learned. The screen said 'me editing:' then it had her dancing while the words 'grayson do be smooth' and I blushed knowing she was talking about when he asked me for my snap.

Then I heard myself giving him my snap and in the edit a bunch of cheering played and I continued watching and Grayson and Ethan were walking away.

"Bro she was pretty" Grayson said to Ethan and took the camera off of Ethan. Ethan just rolled his eyes and then Grayson was smiling and blushing and he looked really cute.

I soon finished the video and looked at my phone noticing Grayson had answered my snap.

I took a photo of my full face with no filter with it on and captioned it 'just watched the dressing up video you were filming' and sent it.

He replied within a minute with a timer photo of him in front of a screen because you could see the blue light reflecting on him with a smile and thumbs up and it was captioned 'did you like it.'

I sent him back a timer photo of me copying his pose and saying 'yes.'

He replied with a timer photo of him in the air legs crossed. I sent him back a timer of me in the air and I looked like I was laying down.

This ended up becoming a full on timer battle and I won of course.

Having only met him once and knowing him for a few days I feel like I could trust him with anything. I couldn't wait to see him again. I was starting to develop feelings for Grayson Dolan.

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