chapter 1~mystic falls

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i have just arrived in mystic falls and i hate it. Me, Klaus and Rebekah. I don't know why we are here, who we are here for or what is the point. but i'm happy i am here because before this i was locked in a box with a dagger through my heart so.

-y/n pov-

i was walking to get to grips with this place when i get a text probably from my older brother Klaus. i grab my phone from my jean pocket and read the text. yo sissy meet at the grill in 30!. it says i just sigh and as i go to reply i crash into this guy.

"i-i'm sorry" i say a little bit shy. i look up at the guy and see his gorgeous blue eyes shining down on me and his subtle smirk as he tries to impress me.

"Yep it was your fault, now why should i forgive you," he says with a wink and smirk. i blush a little "your new in town aint you?" he asks

"yep" i reply not giving him information the less he knows the better

"you got a name" he asks

"yep" i reply

"you going to tell me?"he questions getting irritated

"what makes you think you deserve to know my name" i smile and say making him know he has to work for it. He walks closer to me his broad posture towering over me, he grabs my face and looks me dead in the eyes.

"you are going to tell me your name!" he demands, i chuckle to myself and the look of confusion radiates from his face.

"your funny, you really just tried to compel me" i giggle "goodbye Damon Salvatore"i say and walk towards the grill allowing him to ponder that information. when i arrive at the grill i see Rebekah and Klaus and go sit next to them

"your late y/n," Klaus argues. "Where have you been?"

"none of your business what are we doing in this rats nest anyway?" I say with my usual snarky tone sitting down.

"looking for someone" Rebekah answers with a grin on her face.

"who?"i reply knowing that if my family needs to find someone it usually for revenge.

"none of you'r business" Klaus replies knowing it ticks me off "now do us all a favour and go get me a drink."

-Damon pov-

I stand there confused thinking to myself why i couldn't compel her but she was so gorgeous purple hair tied into a pony tail and her grey eyes staring into mine. How on earth can someone so beautiful be so shy and confident at the same time. I walk the rest of the way home and when i arrive home i grab myself some Bourbon and down it. I hear Stefan writing in his diary like a kid so i wonder up stairs and lean of his door frame.

"Dear diary. a chipmunk asked me my name today, i told him it was Joe. I lied. That lie will haunt me forever."i say teasing him and his non-human diet.

"what do you want Damon?" he says clearly not in the mood

"well there is this new family in town and they were suspicious, so this girl crashed into me and she was so pretty. we both had our flirt on because when i asked her for her name nicely she made me work for it. in the end i tried to compel her but she could not be compelled and its only Caroline and your Katherine look-alike girlfriend who know we are vampires and are on vervain" i explain.

"maybe they travelled from somewhere that had vampires and are on vervain"he says"or maybe they are vampires"he adds with a sarcastic gasp.

i knew he was going to be useless so i just walk back down stairs and am about to go to the Grill when there is a knock on the door. i open the door and smile.Its Elena.

"hello miss-i'm-on-a-mission"i say giggling to myself.

"how can you be so arrogant and glib after everything you have done, now where is Stefan?"she asked

"how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib" is say and smirk

"if you wanted me dead i would be but i'm not so!"she says knowing i cant do anything.

"yet!"i laugh trying to scare her"Stefan is upstairs writing in his diary" she pushes past me making me crash into the door. I walk to the grill.

    -y/n pov- 

"so who are we looking for"i ask actually getting an answer

"The Salvatore brothers" Klaus tells me and i go bright red.

"why what have they done?"is say as they stand up 

"just want to remember good times with Stefan Salvatore and kill his dumb ass of a brother"Klaus says.

i get up and leave and i see Damon. He looks at me and smiles, i start to run up to him and push him back he turns to the side and grabs my wrist.

"You have to get out of here now!" i say aggressively.He just stands there with his arms crossed. 

"lets start with a hey, now whats happening why do i have to leave?"he asks and pouts sounding genuinely concerned

"You just do now go!"i shout trying not to be to loud. Damon grabs my face and tries to compel me again

"tell me what is happening?"he says his beautiful blue eyes glaring into mine

"Damon, one: stop trying to compel me i'm a vampire like you you idiot and two: meet me at the school at two and ill explain everything okay"i say not realising that i told him i was a vampire. he whooshes away.

i walk back to Klaus and Rebekah.

"where the hell have you been?"he asks

"like you care you don't give a crap about me now you only have me here because you need me thats why Elijah, kol and Finn are still in a box with a daggers in there chest. Yes we swore always and forever but you only think about yourself you don't love me or Rebekah but we are only here because you are selfish and need us to charm people for you." i shout at him and turn to Rebekah."How the hell are you so blind to his selfishness  and neglect. he doesn't care if you get hurt in the process as long as he gets what he wants!"i attack her with my words and run in the opposite direction to them. i end up in the middle of a woods on the outside of the school.


authors note

hey so i'm super new to this so leave me a comment to tell me where i can improve it would help massively. anyway though i will try and add something new everyday and hope you enjoy the rest of the story.


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