Chapter 4

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    Dampbreeze still wasn't happy at all. He couldn't be happy because of the cat that killed his mate. He was still out there somewhere. Probably still killing cats... Dampbreeze thought as he rolled over in his nest. The Driftclan warrior has had his mind only on killing Shredflash, but who could blame him for having hatred in his heart? He could just put it off and try his best to forget about all of it, but he didn't want to. I will kill him if it's the last thing I do! Dampbreeze thought and then lifted his head to see his brother Eagleswoop standing in front of him. "Hey, Dampbreeze," He meowed.

"Hi." Dampbreeze sat up and looked at his brother. "Do you need something from me?"

"No, I just want to make sure you're okay. You seem sadder, more than I've ever seen you..." Eagleswoop meowed.

Dampbreeze held back a smart remark. "Yeah... I'm still sad about Blizzardfluff... She didn't deserve to be killed..." He said.

Eagleswoop sat down by him. "She didn't at all, but she wouldn't want you to stay sad now, wouldn't she? She would want you to keep going for her!" Eagleswoop exclaimed.

That won't stop me from killing Shredflash when I find him... He thought. "You're right Eagleswoop, she would want me to, but I'm still sad about it..."

"I think Thistlewhisper and Otterpelt have a herb that can cheer you up! Do you want to come to the medicine den with me?" He asked.

A herb that can cheer me up? Dampbreeze's curiosity had peeked, "Uh, sure. Let's go." He meowed back and got up from his nest.

The two toms left the warriors' den and headed to the medicine den. Before they entered, Dampbreeze saw Mistkit heading into the Nursery. Dampbreeze only sighed as he followed Eagleswoop into the medicine den. Once they entered, the two only saw their sister Thistlewhisper sniffing some herbs and putting them in different places.

"Hey, Thistlewhisper!" Eagleswoop meowed, causing the medicine cat to jump.

"O-Oh hi Eagleswoop! And Dampbreeze too!" She meowed back.

Dampbreeze only gave a slight nod to his sister.

"Need something? You both hurting somewhere?" Thistlewhisper gasped. "Don't tell me you're having kits with each other!"

"Of course not!" Eagleswoop said.

Thistlewhisper giggled, and Dampbreeze sighed.

"We're just here because Dampbreeze has been feeling down recently... Don't you have a herb that cheers cats up?" he asked.

"Oh! You mean the goatweed?" Thistlewhisper turned back around to all the medicinal herbs that there were. She moved some around.

"Where's Otterpelt?" Dampbreeze questioned.

"Oh! She went out to look for more herbs. I forgot what herbs they were, though." She meowed, turning around to have a certain plant in her maw.

She padded closer to Dampbreeze and dropped it in front of him. Dampbreeze sniffed it, it didn't have a smell at all. He then lapped it up with his tongue and chewed it. There wasn't a taste to it.

"You feel better yet?" Eagleswoop said.

"No, I feel the same-" Dampbreeze then felt like a wave of warmth and satisfaction hit him. He stood there with his eyes widened as the effect of the goatweed instantly took him.

Why... Do I feel so much better now? He thought and gave a smile.

"I think it worked!" Eagleswoop smiled. "Thanks Thistlewhisper!"

"Anytime, you can even take a little with you if you'd like Dampbreeze?"

Dampbreeze only gave a nod.

"Okay! I'll gather some for you to take." She went back over to the herbs and gathered some goatweed.

Dampbreeze only stared as his sister gathered the wonderful plant for him.

Maybe this plant was the answer to his problems.


Mistkit had a strange dream, a dream he was older than he was now. He was laying next to another cat, which he could only assume was his future mate in his dream.

But who was that cat? He thought to himself as he curled up against his mother. The only she-cats were in the clan that is as young as him were his sisters.

I definitely won't be mates with them! Mistkit looked at Ripplekit and Hollowkit as they slept, then stuck his tongue out at the thought.

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake Mistkit."

Mistkit looked up to see Rushstreak looking at him, "Yeah... I had a strange dream..." He mewed.

"What was it about?" She licked and clean his fur.

"It was about me, but I guess I was a warrior?"

"How is that strange?" Rushstreak meowed.

"I was mates with a cat that wasn't in our clan!" Mistkit exclaimed.

"That is strange!" The she-cat said and continued to clean his fur.

I guess it's nothing really to worry about... It makes little sense anyway, besides me becoming a skilled warrior, of course! He thought and smiled.

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