Chapter 19

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      Skystar was anxious once again. The gathering was today, and he didn't know if he was ready for it. He was worrying about Driftclan not being at peace with Vertexclan again. It'll all be okay. I just need to calm down. Shellstar didn't seem upset when we spoke last time, so it should be fine, right? He thought and sighed as he sat outside his den, watching Buzzardgaze gather up cats for the gathering. Skystar forgot that today he also had to come up with an agreement with Shellstar on what to do about Shredflash, but the only thing he could think of was just killing him.

Wouldn't that be wrong, though?

Shredflash killed multiple cats, and one of them was Birdstar. He had one life left after he killed him. Skystar wished he did more to help his clan, but he didn't know what to do. Sometimes he felt helpless, he felt like he couldn't lead his clan sometimes, and sometimes, he felt like he was a bad lea-

"Hey, Skystar!" It was Buzzardgaze who padded up to Skystar with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Buzzardgaze." Skystar smiled back. "Have you gathered up every cat?" he asked.

He nodded. "Yep! They're gathering by the entrance as we speak."

"Thank you, Buzzardgaze. You'll make a magnificent leader for Vertexclan one day." Skystar complimented.

"Not as great as you, Skystar!" He purred.

Skystar blushed. "I appreciate the kindness." he meowed his heart picked up in speed and he didn't know why.

No, stop acting like this... He has Smokedream already and two toms being mates is way too crazy! Right...? he thought, then padded over to the group of Vertexclan cats and stood in front of them.

"Cats of Vertexclan. I know things have been frightening and confusing for the past few moons, but during this gathering, we will prove to Driftclan that we can still live peacefully!"

Vertexclan rejoiced in happiness.

"Let us go then." Skystar turned around and started his way to the Ocean Side, along with his clan.


Mistpaw was lying in his nest in the apprentices' den with his head under his paws. He was still thinking about what his mentor had told him. Mistpaw didn't feel like moving at all. What was the point when his mentor didn't believe in him? The apprentice then heard pawsteps in front of him. He looked up to see the face of Dampbreeze; he looked sad now.

"Hey, Mistpaw..." He meowed.

Mistpaw only replied with a sniff.

"I'm sorry for saying that you wouldn't become a warrior. I was just tired yesterday, so it made me grumpy." he meowed.

"I-It's okay..."

"And you will become a warrior!" Dampbreeze smiled.

Mistpaw's mood then went from sad to happy in a heartbeat. He looked up at his mentor with a wide smile. "You mean it?"

"Of course!" Dampbreeze exclaimed.


"Now, there will be a gathering soon. Would you like to go?" he asked.

Mistpaw instantly jumped up at the mention of a gathering. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" he bounced around like a kit.

Dampbreeze smiled, "Come on, let's get with the rest of the clan," he padded out of the apprentices' den with Mistpaw happily following behind him.

As they joined the group of Driftclan cats, they could hear Shellstar meowing at them all.

"My fellow clanmates. Times have been strange the past few moons, but things will return to normal again after this gathering. And please try not to argue there... We're trying to find peace..."

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