Chapter 20

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          Mistpaw was sleeping peacefully in the apprentices' den until the sunlight shone on his face. "I don't want to wake up..." He whined as he rolled over in his nest.

"Well, you must wake up soon, Mistpaw." the tom glanced to his left to see his sister Ripplepaw cleaning her fur.

"Sleeping is pleasant, though!" he mewed back to her.

"Yeah, I want to sleep more!" Hollowpaw suddenly meowed out of nowhere.

"We have more training to do. We can't sleep!" Ripplepaw replied.

"Just wait until I'm an elder... I'll sleep forever!" Hollowpaw gave a cheeky smile to both her littermates.

Mistpaw and Ripplepaw both giggled.

Mistpaw then got up and stretched. He didn't feel like going out and training today, he just wanted to sleep, but he knew he couldn't because he did not want to let down Dampbreeze or his mother Rushstreak. He would pad over to the Warriors' den to see Dampbreeze, but he felt something paw his tail, so he turned around to see Ripplepaw and Hollowpaw next to each other.

"What's up?" Mistpaw asked.

"Well, Ripplepaw and I were wondering if you want to go see Tansytail in the Elders' den!" Hollowpaw meowed back and smiled.

We haven't been to the elders' den since we were kits! He thought and gave his sisters a wide smile. "Yeah! Let's go!"

The three apprentices left the den and headed over to the elders' den to see Tansytail. Before they entered, Mistpaw noticed Dampbreeze was staring at him. I guess he'll come and get me soon! He thought as he went inside.

"It's you three again!" Tansytail exclaimed and purred. "I haven't seen you all since you were tiny kits and look at how much you have grown!" she said

Mistpaw gave a tiny blush. "Yep! We do a lot of training as apprentices, Tansytail!"

"Is that so? Well, what are you in here for? I don't have any ticks and I just ate a fish." she meowed.

"We just wanted to pay you a visit, Tansytail." Ripplepaw meowed back.

"Well, how about I tell you young cats a short story before you have to go back to your apprentice duties?"

"Yes, please!" the three mewed in unison.

"This story is the Legend of Floodclan."

Cool! Mistpaw thought.

"Long ago, before Driftclan and Vertexclan were around, there was a clan that went by the name of Floodclan. An exceptional leader named Gentle Lake led them."

"Did they live on Driftclan territory?" Hollowpaw asked.

Tansytail shook her head. "They lived right on the Ocean Side."

Right next to the ocean on all that sand? Wow!

"I wouldn't be able to sleep on the sand..." Ripplepaw said.

"Same here!" replied Mistpaw.

"But one day, the ocean got wild and violent. Floodclan did not understand what was going on. Until a huge tsunami rose above the clan and crashed down on them, killing them all and leaving no signs of them ever being there. Legend has it that Floodclan is still alive and is just living in the ocean. The only way to reach Floodclan is if the mist falls and it parts the sea.."

The three apprentices stared in shock at what the elder had just told them.

"Mistpaw, I know you're in here." Mistpaw turned to see the face of his mentor, Dampbreeze.

"Hi, Dampbreeze!" he smiled.

"Come on, I'm teaching you how to swim." He meowed.

"Yay! Bye Ripplepaw, bye Hollowpaw! Thanks for the story, Tansytail!"

"Anytime." the elder smiled as she watched Mistpaw and Dampbreeze leave the elders' den.


"Come on, Mistpaw, you got this!" Dampbreeze yelled to his apprentice.

Mistpaw was swimming in circles in the ocean near the Ocean Side and his mentor was watching him.

The water is freezing! How can any cat swim in this? Or even catch fish? He thought as he was having a hard time pulling his paws forwards. He felt like he was sinking.

"Come back here, Mistpaw." meowed Dampbreeze.

Mistpaw struggled to swim back to shore, but he could still get back onto the warm sand. The apprentice was panting, "I... I'm sorry, Dampbreeze!"

His mentor only smiled. "Don't worry, Mistpaw, you will get the hang of it soon! You just need to keep your forepaws going and you'll be fine." his mentor said.

"Really?" Mistpaw gave a wide smile to him.

Dampbreeze nodded. "Of course, now try to swim one more time in a circle, then I can show you how to fish."

"Yay!" Mistpaw bounced around happily.

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