Chapter 21

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     "You can't just fall in love with a cat from Driftclan Lionpaw! We're too young to think about mates, and it's against the warrior code!" It was Emberpaw yelling at her brother.

"Why is it against the code, though? Shouldn't cat be able to love whoever they want?" Lionpaw meowed back, getting angry.

"You must stay loyal to your clan, Lionpaw! You never know what could happen with a mate that's in a different clan!" she yelled.

"Leave me alone, Emberpaw!" he then shouted back.

Emberpaw got quiet, and she gained a hurt look on her face. Her ears lowered in sadness as she slowly padded out of the Apprentices' den.

Emberpaw doesn't understand what I feel at all... When I'm a warrior, Ripplepaw and I will be mates and have kits! I'll keep it a secret from the clan as well! Lionpaw thought and pouted. The apprentice then heard pawsteps coming into the den. He looked up to see his mentor, Rockcreek, standing in front of him.

"Come on, Lionpaw, we will go hunt." he meowed.

"Yes!" the apprentice hopped up onto his paws and followed his mentor out of the apprentices' den.

Lionpaw knew he would make Ripplepaw his mate one day.


Rainpaw has been staring at the medicine den all day. His brother Lightningpaw came up in front of him. "Hey!" he waved his tail in front of his brother's face.

Rainpaw shook his head and stared at his brother in confusion.

"You've been staring at the medicine den forever! Don't tell me you've been thinking about Marigoldpaw, have you?" Lightningpaw meowed.

Rainpaw looked away with a blush.

"Rainpaw! You can't be mates with her... She's a medicine cat!"

Rainpaw only sighed and went back to staring at the medicine den.

"Rainpaw, I'm only telling you this because I care about you. I don't want you to get in trouble at all. If you were to get exiled or something from Vertexclan, it would upset Cloudthorn! And I would be too!" Lightningpaw told his brother.

Rainpaw heard him but didn't respond.

"You know what? If you know you'll be happy being mates with Marigoldpaw, if you become mates with her, then I'll be happy." Lightningpaw meowed.

Rainpaw looked back at his brother and gave a smile.

"Lightningpaw! Come here, we will go hunt!" it was Stagwhisper who yelled for his apprentice.

"Alright!" he yelled back, then he looked back at Rainpaw, "Promise me one thing Rainpaw, please don't get in trouble..." he mewed.

Rainpaw gave a small smile and nodded at Lightningpaw.

Lightningpaw smiled back, then ran over to Stagwhisper.

Rainpaw's smile turned into a frown because he did not know if Marigoldpaw liked him back.

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