Chapter 8

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"Today is the day!" Mistkit meowed excitedly to his sisters.

"I know, I'm super excited!" Hollowkit mewed back with a smile on her face.

Ripplekit only nodded as she watched Mistkit and Hollowkit bounce around. Rushstreak sighed, "Both of you calm down before I have to straighten your pelts again," she meowed. Both Hollowkit and Mistkit mewed, "Aw!" before calming themselves and sitting back down.

"I wonder who my mentor will be?" Mistkit mewed and gave a big smile.

"Who knows? I would like Shellstar to be my mentor!" Hollowkit mewed back.

"Shellstar wouldn't want to mentor you! You would be a terrible apprentice!" Mistkit gave a pouty face and looked away. "I would be better!"

"Nuh-uh, you would be terrible!" Hollowkit stuck her tongue out at her brother.

Rushstreak and Ripplekit both sighed.

There was then a loud yell that came from outside the Nursery.

"Cats of Driftclan, please gather around the Tide Pool for a clan meeting!" The voice yelled.

Mistkit gasped. Yes! He thought and ran outside the Nursery, with his sisters and mother behind him. There stood Shellstar, standing by the Tide Pool.

"I have gathered you all here today because there will be three new apprentices." He meowed.

"Mistkit, Ripplekit, and Hollowkit, please step forward." the leader said and the three kits did as they were told. Mistkit looking very excited.

"Hollowkit. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hollowpaw. Your mentor will be Gullstalk. I hope Gullstalk will pass down all he knows on to you." Shellstar signaled his tail for Gullstalk to pad over next to Hollowpaw. And he did.

"Ripplekit. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ripplepaw. Your mentor will be Lionsplash. I hope Lionsplash will pass down all she knows on to you," Shellstar meowed and Lionsplash came up next to Ripplepaw.

The Driftclan leader set his eyes on Mistkit. "And Mistkit. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mistpaw. Your mentor will be Dampbreeze. I hope Dampbreeze will pass down all he knows on to you." Dampbreeze gained a look of surprise as he slowly padded up next to Mistpaw. His eyes seemed to go dark. In the crowd of Driftclan cats, Ruststreak had a worried look as Dampbreeze went up next to him. Ripplepaw seemed worried.

"Gullstalk, Lionsplash, and Dampbreeze. You have all received great training from your previous mentors. I expect you all to pass down what you know to your apprentices." He meowed.

"You all may dip your noses in the Tide Pool."

The six cats dipped their noses and then took them out.

"Hollowpaw! Ripplepaw! Mistpaw!" The rest of Driftclan cheered for their new apprentices.

As the clan dispersed, the new apprentices talked to their new mentors. "This will be great!" Hollowpaw exclaimed to Gullstalk.

"It sure will be!" Gullstalk replied.

"I hope you're ready, Ripplepaw." Lionsplash meowed, and Ripplepaw only nodded.

Mistpaw gave a wide smile to Dampbreeze. "So, when are we starting? I'm ready to start now!" He meowed.

Dampbreeze stared at Mistpaw. His smile reminded him of Blizzardfluff. He shook his head quickly. "Uh, we won't be starting today, we'll start tomorrow!" he meowed back and quickly headed back to the Warriors' den.

Mistpaw turned his head to the side, confused at Dampbreeze's actions. I wonder why he went off so quick, I could've spoken with him longer! He thought.


Go to the Ocean Side... A voice echoed in Mistpaw's head. His eyes shot open as he realized it was dark in the apprentices' den. He quickly got up and padded outside to see the moon high in the sky, with the stars spilling all around it. Mistpaw had a dream that a cat was standing by the Ocean Side. He felt like he had to go there.

I don't know what it is... But something is telling me to go there so I can meet that cat! Mistpaw thought and ran out of Driftclan camp. A set of eyes was watching from the apprentices' den.


Once he was near the ocean, he could feel the sand starting to get under his pads. He stopped as he noticed something. A black cat was sitting by the Ocean Side. The cat was staring at the moon.

That must be the cat! He thought and began padding up to them.

The black cat twisted their head to lock eyes with Mistpaw. It was a she-cat with burgundy eyes.

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