Chapter 7

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     Fang woke up with a jolt. "E-Eclipse? Is it morning yet?" She yawned. Then she looked around to find out that neither Eclipse nor Shredflash was laying next to her. "Eclipse? Shredflash?" she mewed for her parents. Fang noticed that there were few stars around her in the cave. "If this isn't the cave... Then where am I?" she questioned out loud.

"I see you're awake, young Fang!" an unfamiliar voice came from outside the cave.

"Huh? Who said that?" she replied, hopping up onto her paws.

"Come out here and see!" the voice seemed cheerful.

Fang hesitated for a little before slowly padding out. She saw a tom standing a few pawsteps away from her. She couldn't identify what he looked like, but he seemed young. "Who are you and where am I?" she hissed at him and her fur stuck up on end.

"Woah! Calm down there, I am of no harm to you," He replied, now giving a smile.

Fang was slightly calmer now. His voice made her feel joyful.

"My name is Shred, you could say that I am... Sort of your kin!" He mewed.

My kin? She thought. "Okay, Shred, where am I?"

"Well, we are in your mind, of course!"

"In my mind? Why did you bring me here?"

"I have to show you something!" Shred meowed excitedly. Then a minor star appeared by him and it grew. Fang came closer to him and saw the star was showing what looked like to be her.

"Is that me?" Fang mewed.

"It would seem so!" Shred replied.

Fang looked much older in the vision, and she was with another tom. They were laying next to each other peacefully. "Who is that cat next to me?"

Shred sighed. "Sadly, I do not know, but that cat is from one clan. The clan calls itself Driftclan, I'm sure you have heard of the clans before."

"Yes, I have," Fang nodded.

"That's good, but I know what this means for you, Fang. You must meet with that cat, it's your destiny," Shred said to her.

"My destiny?" She repeated.

"Mhm! You should try to sneak away at moonhigh and go to the Ocean Side so you can meet him," Shred suggested.

"But what if I get in trouble?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can talk to Shredflash!"

"O-Okay..." Fang was a little unsure about this, but if it was her destiny to meet this cat, then she will do what it takes to meet him. Everything around her suddenly disappeared as she woke up back in the cave next to Eclipse. It looked like Shredflash disappeared. Fang got up and padded out the cave for a bit. The sun was still up, but it wasn't as high as it was before. She padded back in and sat down next to her mother.

Hopefully, when moonhigh arrives, the other cat will know to meet me next to the Ocean Side! Fang thought and smiled.


Nova needed to see Otterpelt, and soon. It's been a while since the two medicine cats have seen each other and visited Starclan. How could I ever forget? I hope Otterpelt remembers we need to see Starclan soon too! She thought as she paced around the medicine den. Nova paused for a moment as she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her from the entrance of the den. The Vertexclan medicine cat looked over to see a golden-furred kit staring at her with a worried look. "Oh! Uh... Hi, Marigoldkit!" she meowed.

"A-Are you okay, Nova?" She mewed back.

"Of course! I was just thinking that's all."

"Okay... I wanted to know if-" the kit paused for a moment, "you could show me what some more herbs do...?" she asked.

Nova gave a wide smile. "Sure! Come right on in and I'll show some!" Nova flicked her tail, inviting Marigoldkit in.

Marigoldkit smiled and padded in. Nova was happy that Skystar allowed her to take Marigoldkit as an apprentice soon. That way she wouldn't worry about Vertexclan not having a medicine cat in the future. I must go visit Driftclan, if Skystar lets me and lets Otterpelt to go with me to the Ocean Side. Nova thought, as she looked through some herbs with Marigoldkit.

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