Chapter 6

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Mistkit jolted awake. He couldn't feel his littermates or Rushstreak by him. He looked around to see tiny but bright stars all around him. He quickly got up and looked around again, "Where am I?" Mistkit questioned as he noticed outside of what he thought was the Nursery was brighter. He gave one last look around at the stars and padded forward and out of the Nursery.

"Woah!" was all he could get out as he saw the ground, the trees, and even the bushes that were filled with stars. I think I might know where I am! Mistkit thought.

"You are in Starclan, young one," Mistkit heard a meow from what sounded like a she-cat in front of him. He then looked straightforward to see that she-cat. Her pelt had stars in it, but it looked like it used to be fluffy and maybe white.

"Starclan! Am I dead?" the kit mewed.

The she-cat giggled. "Of course not! I've just brought you here to tell you something important." she meowed back.

Mistkit gasped. "Important? Why would you tell me then?"

"This will help you decide on how you want to live your life." she meowed.

Decide on how I want to live? He thought.

"I already know how I want to live! I want to be one of the best warriors of Driftclan one day and make Sandcoat proud!" Mistkit puffed out his chest.

The starry she-cat smiled. "Really now?"


"You remind me so much of... Ah, nevermind that... You must keep this in mind, young Mistkit." she started, "Trust yourself and trust what your heart says to do. Then you will find out how you want to live," she meowed, then gained a bigger smile on her face.

"Trust my heart?" Mistkit questioned. He would ask what that meant, but the starry she-cat slowly faded away. "W-Wait!"

"You will find out what it means in due time, Mistkit..." Her mew echoed as everything around Mistkit went dark.


Mistkit's eyes shot open as he jolted awake. He looked around to find out he was back in the Nursery with his mother and littermates.

Why do I keep having these weird dreams? And what did that cat mean by trusting me and my heart? He thought and shifted slightly in the nest, pushing into Hollowkit, who opened her eyes and then yawned. "Is it sunup yet...?" she mewed.

"No, you fish-brain!" Mistkit whispered back to her.

"Okay." Hollowkit instantly closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

It was still moonhigh as the moonlight shone into the Nursery. I should probably... Try to get more sleep, I guess... Mistkit thought and forced his eyes closed.

He hoped he wouldn't have another dream like that again.


Ripplekit opened her eyes to the sunlight shining on her face. She squinted at them, then yawned as she woke up. "Good to see you awake, Ripplekit," it was the mew of her mother Rushstreak, who was cleaning her fur. Ripplekit then saw Hollowkit and Mistkit still sleeping. "Rushstreak?" mewed Ripplekit.


"Can I go see Sandcoat in the Warriors' den, please?" she asked.

"Sure, but don't stay there for too long, okay?"

"I won't!" Ripplekit got up and stretched. Then she padded out of the Nursery.

As she went outside, she saw some of her clanmates either sitting out in the open or chatting with each other. Ripplekit saw as the Driftclan deputy Featherdrip organize the dawn patrol; she recognized only Eelspeck out of the three cats were in front of the deputy. The kit continued her way to the warriors' den. As she entered, she saw Sandcoat waking up. Two other warriors were sleeping, but Ripplekit couldn't tell who they were. She padded up to her father. "Hello, Sandcoat!", She mewed.

Sandcoat stared at her and blinked a few times before he realized Ripplekit was in front of her. "Oh, Hi Ripplekit... Does Rushstreak know you're here?" he yawned.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about something though."

"Sure! Come sit by me then." He sat up and pointed his tail right next to him.

Ripplekit sat by her father; she sighed.

"What's up?" Sandcoat meowed.

"Well... If there was something important you had to tell a cat, but it would make them sad, would you still tell them, anyway?" She asked, frowning.

"Hmm... How sad would it make them?"

"Sad enough to get angry."

"How angry?"

"Angry enough to hate their clan."

"Why would they hate their clan?"

Ripplekit shrugged.

Sandcoat put his tail around her. "Maybe it would be best for you to tell whoever you need to tell that important thing. The longer you keep them from knowing, the more it'll hurt later." he meowed.

Ripplekit looked up at her father and smiled. "Thanks Sandcoat!"

He smiled back. "Yep, now get back to Rushstreak before she worries."

"Okay!" She got up and ran out of the warriors' den.

Ripplekit would find the right time to tell Mistkit the truth.

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