Chapter 30

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       Ripplewave was padding around Driftclan camp. She had nothing to do, and it felt like she was the only one awake. Which she wasn't, but it felt like she was. She noticed Hollowcreek padding over to her; she smiled as she padded up to her sister. "Hey, Hollowcreek." Ripplewave meowed.

"Hi, Ripplewave!" she meowed back. "How are things for you as a warrior?"

"It's fine! I hunted at the Ocean Side with Mistfall and Rushstreak yesterday."

"Aw! I wish I could've gone too!" Hollowcreek meowed and pouted.

"I'm sure you'll be able to hunt soon! Featherdrip told us that leaf-bare might come." Ripplewave licked her paw and rubbed it over her right ear.

"No wonder the wind has been feeling colder on my fur!" the brown- and golden-furred she-cat exclaimed.

Ripplewave nodded.

"Well, I will go see if Shellstar has any tasks for me to do!" Hollowcreek meowed and padded off to the leaders' den.

"Goodbye then!" Ripplewave called to her sister and smiled. She wondered if she even knows about everything that happened with Mistfall.

She'll find out, eventually! The white-furred she-cat thought as she headed near the entrance of the camp. She then halted. Ripplewave felt something she had felt before, and an image of Lionstrike had appeared in her head. I need to go see him. She thought and looked around, making sure there were no other cats around her before creeping out of Driftclan camp.


Back in the spot between Vertexclan and Driftclan lied two cats: Ripplewave and Lionstrike. Both meowing about different things.

"How many fish did you catch?" Lionstrike asked

"It was only like six or something..." Ripplewave meowed.

"Still great! I'm surprised you still smell good after all this time!" the tom smirked.

"Oh, hush!" Ripplewave licked his cheek, then purred.

Lionstrike chuckled.

"We need to be more careful, though. If got caught sneaking out of camp, then I wouldn't be able to go on without seeing you." Ripplewave meowed, frowning now.

"Has your clan suspected you yet?"

"No, but we should be careful." she meowed back and nuzzled him.

"Alright, but don't worry! They don't call me sneaky Lionstrike for nothing!" Lionstrike puffed his chest out.

"Are you even called that?"


Ripplewave laughed, nuzzling him more and purring. "We should go now though," she then meowed.

"Aw, come on! The sun is still high up! I want to stay with you some more." Lionstrike pouted.

"We have to be careful, Lionstrike. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" She touched muzzles with him.

"Fine..." he meowed back as they touched muzzles, Ripplewave, then turning around and heading back to her clan.

I'll see you then, Lionstrike.


    Mistfall peeked his head out of the Warriors' den. He looked up to see the stars shining down on him, along with the moon nearly up as high as it could go. The tom slowly crept out of the den and padded towards the entrance. He would go see Fang again, but he would ask her an important question. I hope it all goes well... Mistfall thought as he quickly padded out of the territory and headed to the Ocean Side. As he made it onto the sand, he could see his mate staring off into the distance of the ocean. The moon floated above where the ocean ended. Fang turned around, her burgundy eyes gazing into Mistfall's. Mistfall padded over to her and sat beside her. "Hello." he meowed.

"Hi." she meowed back, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Fang, I have something to ask you..." Mistfall started.

"Ask away!" she purred.

"Will you live with me in Driftclan?"

Fang pulled her head up and looked into Mistfall's orange-red eyes. "Would your clan let me? Aren't they after Shredflash?"

Mistfall nodded. "Yeah, but we don't have to tell them he's your father! Plus, Shellstar wouldn't mind a new clan member!" he gave a wide smile.

Fang smiled. "I would love to!"


"But." she added. "I must tell Eclipse and maybe Shredflash... Will you come to get me and take me to Driftclan tomorrow?" she mewed.

"I will for sure!" Mistfall meowed back. "But how will I find you?"

"Just go down to the end of the Ocean Side and go right. Once you get into the forest, then you'll just need to keep heading forward. Eventually, you'll find a small cave, that's where I stay at!" she meowed.

"Okay! I'll remember, but I'll be heading back to my clan now, I'll talk to you soon, Fang!" Mistfall meowed back and padded back to Driftclan camp.

"I'll see you soon!" Fang smiled as she watched her mate head back to his clan.

Warriors: Retribution (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz