Chapter 23

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      "Fang!" the black she-cat heard a voice, but she could not identify it at all. Her vision was black, as if she was now blind and could never see again. "They are beautiful!" those words echoed in her mind as everything now went quiet. Fang then woke up with a jolt and glanced around. Eclipse was still sleeping next to her, and Shredflash wasn't there.

No surprise there... She thought and got up. Then she stretched out her body. Fang knew that her father still had a little more to teach her before she would be ready to go out into the world.

She hoped her father would let her, of course. Shredflash was always so protective of her and Eclipse, it annoyed Fang sometimes.

I get he's trying to protect us, but nothing will happen to me if I leave the cave for good! Fang thought to herself as she padded over to the prey pile and ate a small rabbit from it. She had caught it herself yesterday and was proud that she even caught the speedy little thing.

Rabbits may be fast, but I'm faster! Fang giggled at the thought.

"What're you laughing about over there?" Fang quickly turned around to see her mother Eclipse yawn and then smile.

"Oh, nothing... Just thinking about how great I am at catching prey!" Fang meowed back.

"You are now?" Eclipse chuckled.

"Yep! Shredflash taught me how to catch prey quickly."

"You know... When I first met Shredflash, he didn't know how to hunt at all." she sat up and cleaned her fur.

"Really?!" Fang exclaimed

Eclipse nodded. "He never got properly trained back when he lived in a clan, remember?"

"Oh, yeah..." Fang's ears lowered as she remembered how terribly Shredflash got treated when he was an apprentice.

"So, I taught him how to hunt, and he quickly learned before I had you. Your father is very skilled." Eclipse rubbed a paw over her ear.

"Wow..." Fang whispered. "Shredflash is so amazing!"

"Not as amazing as you two!" they could hear a familiar meow from the entrance of the small cave.

"Welcome back, Shredflash." Eclipse meowed and stood up, then padded over to her mate.

"Thank you, Eclipse." He said, then gently touched muzzles with her.

Fang smiled. Maybe Mistpaw and I could be like that one day... She thought and spaced out.

Would we even be able to? What would Shredflash think?

"Fang... Fang?" she could hear Shredflash's voice and she shook her head.

"Yes, Shredflash?"

"We need to continue your training. We need to practice fighting some more," he meowed.

Fang nodded. "Alright."

Shredflash turned around and padded out of the small cave. He flicked his tail, beckoning for his daughter to follow him before he was completely out of the cave.

"Have fun!" Eclipse meowed to them both of them as she watched Fang pad out.

I'll try... Fang thought.


His scent is close... The black she-cat thought to herself as she slowly crept down the forest path. She kept herself as quiet as possible, lifting her tail and listening for anything nearby. Fang stopped once she heard a bush close to her rustle slightly. A little closer... She slowly got closer to the bush.

Suddenly, Fang saw a black tom hop out of the bush next to her. She quickly took a few pawsteps back and saw him land in front of her: It was Shredflash.

Shredflash gave a small Hmph before he charged at his daughter. He reached out his paws to tackle her as he jumped again, but she quickly dodged. He nearly touched her shoulder. Not this time! Fang thought to herself as she came close enough to swat him on the muzzle with her paws. Shredflash pulled back one of his paws and swiped it at her, nearly hitting her on the muzzle. Now's my chance! Fang pounced onto her father as he was pulling his paw back. She then pinned him to the ground.

"So..." she breathed. "How was that...?"

"Fang." Shredflash started with a serious mew.

Did I do bad...?

Shredflash then smiled at her. "You did great!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" she got off from on top of her father.

"Yeah." he got up as well and shook his fur.

Fang only gave Shredflash a pleasant smile.

"Fang, you've improved a lot over these few moons, and I am proud of you." Shredflash nuzzled his kit and purred.

"I'm so glad!" She purred. She was happy that her father was proud of her.

"Let's head back to the cave. We will go over what you've learned soon." He meowed and padded back to the small cave.

"Alright!" she meowed back and followed Shredflash.


Somewhere in the forest between Vertexclan and Driftclan were two apprentices: Lionpaw and Ripplepaw. Something had told them both to go to that location and see each other. Ripplepaw laid her muzzle onto Lionpaw's shoulder. "I'm so happy to see you!" she mewed happily.

"Me too," Lionpaw mewed back, purring.

Ripplepaw lifted her muzzle and stared at him. "Did something tell you to come here too?"

Lionpaw nodded. "Yeah! It was like a weird dream or something..."

"It was the same for me!"

Lionpaw smiled, but he then gained a serious look on his face.

"What's the matter, Lionpaw?" Ripplepaw gave a worried meow.

"I want you to be my mate when we're warriors, Ripplepaw."

Ripplepaw's eyes widened. She didn't know what to say. The words that had come out of the Vertexclan apprentices' maw shocked her.

"What about the warrior code?" she finally got something out.

"Forget the warrior code!" Lionpaw looked away, nearly hissing at the thought of him not being mates with Ripplepaw.

"I love you!" he blurted out.

Ripplepaw was now more shocked than ever. Did Lionpaw just say he loved her?

"S-Sorry..." the Vertexclan apprentice looked away, blushing.

Ripplepaw then smiled and licked his cheek. He looked up at her in confusion.

"It's okay, Lionpaw!" she smiled and blushed, "I love you too and I would love to be mates with you when we are warriors!"



Lionpaw happily nuzzled Ripplepaw. He now couldn't wait to become a warrior.

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