Chapter 15

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Skystar has been thinking to himself for a while. Mostly about when, or even if, the clans will have another gathering. Skystar still wants both clans to be at peace because if there was a war between them, then Driftclan would have the advantage since Vertexclan doesn't have many warriors at the moment. If there have been no Driftclan cats spotted around the territory, then it should be fine, right? He thought and got up from his nest. Skystar then padded outside of his den and looked around the camp. He saw Buzzardgaze meowing to Smokedream and Emberpaw about something.

"Hey, Buzzardgaze! Can you come over here, please?" Skystar yelled across the camp.

Buzzardgaze's ears perked up as he heard his leader and he said something to Smokedream real quick before running over to Skystar. "What's up?" he asked.

"I've been thinking, how does another gathering between Vertexclan and Driftclan sound?" he meowed to his deputy.

Buzzardgaze gave a smile. "It sounds great! This will give both clans the chance to speak their minds and see if there are any problems." he meowed back.

Buzzardgaze is such a great cat. I love his enthusiasm! Skystar thought, then smiled back at him.

"Glad you think so! Could you gather some cats up for me? I'll be heading to Driftclan to discuss it with Shellstar," Skystar said.

"Sure thing!" Buzzardgaze turned around and ran off to find some cats that would go with Skystar.

I'm glad he's my deputy! Skystar thought happily as his tail swayed.

A few heartbeats later, Buzzardgaze came back with Lionpaw and Rockcreek. "Where are we going again?" the apprentice meowed to his mentor.

Rockcreek sighed, "We're going with Skystar to Driftclan for a little."

"Aw! But they smell like stinky old fish!" Lionpaw whined.

Rockcreek sighed again. "Be respectful of them while we're over there, please!"

Skystar gave a brief chuckle. "Let's get going then, shall we? Buzzardgaze, keep watch of the clan while I'm gone, okay?"

"I will!"

Skystar, Rockcreek, and Lionpaw had then padded to the entrance and left Vertexclan camp and headed to Driftclan.


A little while later, Skystar could smell the heavy scent of Driftclan right in front of him as they got closer to their territory. Lionpaw would say something, but Rockcreek stopped the apprentice before he could. A blue-gray furred she-cat soon stopped the three Vertexclan cats. "Skystar?" she questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, Featherdrip, I wanted to talk to Shellstar if that's okay with him?"

"Sure, follow me to his den, then. The other two can stay near the entrance. I'll have a cat keep them company." she meowed. "Hey, Ripplepaw!" she yelled. "Stay by these two Vertexclan cats while I take Skystar to see Shellstar!"

A white-furred apprentice quickly ran up to them and then sat down. Then Featherdrip signaled with her tail for Skystar to follow her. They both went off to Shellstar's den.


Lionpaw looked at his mentor. He just stared in the distance. He looked like he was spacing out.

He then looked at the apprentice that was now sitting in front of him: Ripplepaw.

"You're Ripplepaw, right?" he meowed.

"Yeah..." she meowed back.

"Well, my name is Lionpaw. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too."

Lionpaw padded closer to her and sniffed her scent. "You don't smell like fish at all."

Ripplepaw giggled a bit. "Why would I? We don't live in the ocean, you know..."

"Good to know." he replied, smiling.

Ripplepaw blushed and licked her chest fur.

"You seem very nice. I would love to meet you again one day!" Lionpaw mewed.

Ripplepaw blushed more. "Oh really? If there's ever a gathering, you better be going!" she giggled.

Lionpaw giggled. "I sure will!"

I hope there is a gathering soon... Lionpaw thought.


Skystar was now in Shellstar's den, with Featherdrip waiting outside.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Shellstar meowed.

"It's about having another gathering. As we both know, a former Vertexclan member killed cats in both clans and ran away."

"You mean Shredflash? He killed another one of my clanmates a moon ago," the Driftclan leader said.

Skystar gasped, "I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope the next time Shredflash is around, we can stop him."

"Yeah, I hope so too. Anyway, what about this gathering that you speak of?"

"Cats in both of our clans are probably scared and we need to show them they don't have to be and we can still live peacefully." Skystar meowed.

Shellstar sat in his nest and thought for a moment. Skystar worried about the response that he would give, but then he finally spoke:

"Skystar, a moon from now, our clans will meet up again and have another gathering. We will speak more about Shredflash then. How does that sound?"

Skystar smiled, "That sounds great! Thank you for letting me speak with you." he meowed back.

Shellstar smiled back and nodded.

"I'll see you then." the Vertexclan leader meowed and padded out of Shellstar's den.

Featherdrip got up and then escorted Skystar back to the entrance. Skystar sighed relief. He was glad that Shellstar agreed to another gathering.

"Let's head back now," he meowed to Rockcreek and Lionpaw. The three then headed back to Vertexclan camp.


Fang was creeping behind bushes and trees silently. She was stalking another cat. She then sniffed the air and continued and then stopped right in her tracks. He's got to be right in front of this bush! She thought, then quickly jumped from behind the bush and pounced on a pile of leaves.

How is he not here-

Her thought got cut off by something pouncing on her, then pinning her.

"You must do a little better than that, Fang. Sometimes your enemy will know where you are about to strike from, make sure you keep your tail up too!" he meowed.

"Aw, but Shredflash! I thought I had you this time..." she pouted as her father got up off of her.

"You were close, but you need to be more silent and quick." he said.

Fang got up. "Alright..." she frowned.

Shredflash licked her cheek. "Don't worry, Fang, you're still learning. You'll get the hang of it soon!" he smiled.

Fang then smiled as she looked up at her father. "I hope so!"

I hope so... she thought.

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