Chapter 10

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Shredflash smiled as he saw Fang jump in excitement. The tom was also excited; he will train his daughter to become strong like he was. He would train her to win almost any fight, and to catch prey for herself, too. "When will we start?" Fang meowed.

"We will start tomorrow." Shredflash replied, still smiling. Then he watched Fang jump around more.

Shredflash, go outside the cave. Your family is in danger once more.

The toms' eyes lit up as he heard this in his head. "I'll be back soon." he meowed to Eclipse and Fang, then left the small cave. Once he got outside, he padded behind a tree.

"How are they in danger?" He questioned.

A cat is going to the Ocean Side, they are from Driftclan. She has brown fur, and she'll be with three other cats, but you only have to get rid of the brown one. Shred echoed.

Shredflash sighed. He didn't like killing cats, but he did it to protect his family and nothing else. He hoped that no other Driftclan cats would try to harm them after this one, though. "When will they be there?" Shredflash questioned.

They should either be arriving there now or heading there soon. I suggest you hide somewhere when you get there and wait to strike! Shred said.

"Alright," Shredflash replied and padded off to the Ocean Side.


It excited Marigoldkit to become Nova's apprentice, but not as excited as Nova herself. Nova has had a wide smile on her face since she woke up today. The medicine cat was pacing around in the medicine den, but it was out of excitement and not out of anger. "This will be great! She'll become the greatest medicine cat and I won't have to worry anymore when I-" Nova then noticed that the golden-furred kit was still in the medicine den.

"Wh-when you what, Nova?" Marigoldkit mewed.

"Oh, nothing! Just things for the future. Now, you ready to go?"

Marigoldkit nodded.

"Great!" Nova padded towards the entrance of the den and flicked her tail, signaling the kit to follow her.

They got to the entrance of the camp, but before they left, Scorchwatcher padded up behind them and got Nova's attention. "What's up, Scorchwatcher?" she asked when she turned around.

"Please let nothing happen to my kit." She meowed and gave an angry look to the medicine cat.

"I won't!" Nova laughed nervously.

"Great!~" Scorchwatcher smiled and padded away.

Better get this over with soon then! Nova thought, then she and Marigoldkit left the camp.


Nova and Marigoldkit went to the entrance of Driftclan territory and waited for two certain cats to come out. A few heartbeats later they both saw a brown she-cat and a white she-cat pad out and come closer to them.

"Hi, Nova! It's nice to see you!" the brown she-cat meowed, "This must be Marigoldkit," she looked at Marigoldkit and smiled.

"H-Hello..." she mewed quietly.

"Nice to see you too Otterpelt, and Thistlewhisper too! Look at how much you've grown! I remember you were just an apprentice!" Nova exclaimed.

"Hah, not that long ago..." Thistlewhisper blushed a little and looked away.

"Well, Marigoldkit, meet Thistlewhisper! She's another medicine cat from Driftclan," Nova meowed.

"Hi," she mewed and smiled.

"Hello," Marigoldkit mewed back and gave a slight smile.

"We all ready to go?" Otterpelt asked.

"Yep! The Ocean Side isn't that far at all," Nova meowed.

The four cats made their way to the Ocean Side, but as they headed onto the sand, they didn't notice the pair of eyes that were now staring the cats down from behind in a bush.

Once they got near the ocean, Nova and Marigoldkit got a little closer. "You ready, Marigoldkit?" she asked.

She nodded in response.

"Alright, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of Starclan as a medicine cat?"

Marigoldkit nodded, "Yes, it is."

"Warriors of Starclan, I present you with this apprentice. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant them your wisdom and insight so they may understand your ways and heal their clan." Nova looked up at the sky. Then she looked back down at Marigoldkit.

"From this moment, until you receive your full medicine cat name, your name will be Marigoldpaw," she added.

"Marigoldpaw! Marigoldpaw! Marigoldpaw!" Otterpelt and Thistlewhisper chanted.

Marigoldpaw smiled and blushed.

"Now, we must touch our noses with the ocean and visit Starclan," Nova laid in the sand and touched her nose with the water, Marigoldpaw did the same and they both closed their eyes.

The two Driftclan cats were smiling, but not for long when they heard pawsteps behind them and saw a black tom stand in front of them.


Shredflash watched as the four cats padded up to the Ocean Side. "When do I attack?"


Shredflash saw one cat moving their maw for a while and then laid onto the sand, along with a golden-furred cat.

Go now.

Shredflash hopped out of the bush and padded up to the two cats that were standing. He got close enough to where they could hear his pawsteps and they both turned around, now with looks of terror on their faces.

"Otterpelt... Is this who you were telling me about...?" the white she-cat meowed.

Otterpelt nodded, "Thistlewhisper, just stay back. What do you want Shredflash?"

Shredflash sighed, "Nothing important, just your life."

Thistlewhisper was shivering.

"Why do you want my life?"

"You're a danger to my family, so I must get rid of you."

"I didn't know you had a family-" Otterpelt got cut off by claws digging into her neck, blood leaking from it.

"Otterpelt!" Thistlewhisper yelled and ran towards Shredflash.

"Stay out of it." Shredflash took his claws out of Otterpelt's neck and slashed them across Thistlewhisper's muzzle, which caused her to shriek and fall backward in pain.

Otterpelt fell onto the ground, blood spilling out of her. She slowly looked up to see Shredflash looming over her. "Wh-Why are you doing this?"

Shredflash gave her an ominous look before gaining a crazed smile. "For my family." he said before clawing deeply into her non-blind eye, tearing it out and then biting into her neck. Blood spilled from out of her mouth.

Thistlewhisper froze in horror as she watched Shredflash kill her clanmate and mentor.

Shredflash sighed. "Such a shame." as he padded back down the Ocean Side.

Thistlewhisper ran up to the now-dead Otterpelt and cried silently.


Nova woke up and stretched herself out. She successfully got an apprentice! She stared at the sun as it slowly sank into the ocean. "I hope you're ready to start tomorrow, Marigoldpaw!" she meowed.

There was no response from her at all.

"Marigoldpaw?" Nova turned around to see Marigoldpaw in shock at what she was seeing.

Once Nova turned, her eyes widened.


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