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Hey guys! Posted my own drawing of Cosmina/Elyza, I hope you like it!

"A-Alucard please..." she shuttered as two sharp fangs pierced her skin. They didn't bite down hard, only enough to penetrate her skin and draw blood. It felt strange being in this weird pain. Part of her wished for it to cease while, some subconscious part of her, wanted to egg him on. Fuck, what the Hell was she thinking.

His tongue lapped at the red liquid. It wasn't much but enough to sustain himself for the time being. With every cell traces of memories entered his mind like shards. They were disorientated, not in order, blurry even. He saw her as a child getting her first taste of chocolate and then freaking out over how tasty it was. Then he saw her make a dive into blue water with a swim cap on. These were all very small memories, but still, seeing her past like this somehow brought the slightest bit of happiness to him. She was cute as a kid.

But, every kid has their times of fear.

She was in a dark room that smelled of urine and morphine. It was cold, when suddenly, the loud bang of a door being forced open while shouts of police officers stormed the room she was currently being held in.

Anger bubbled in him, how dare some filthy human take custody of his Cosmina?! How dare they...

Suddenly she fell limp in his hold. Did she faint? He remembered her mentioning something about having anemia; whatever that meant. Still, if it was a factor that caused her to fall unconscious he must stop otherwise he could risk her well-being.

Pulling his lips away from the small holes in her neck he switched her position to where he held her bridal style. Carefully he lifted her and walked over to her bedroom and placed her down on a bed. Of course he joined her, he wanted to see her when she awoke.

"Exhilarating isn't it?" she trembled.

Her fingers pulled away from the knife; this wasn't him, this was someone else, an impersonator.

"That man was a prisoner scheduled to be executed. But, it seems you have done my job for me." the soft pad of feet against marble alerted her as it grew closer. Dammit! How did this man know when she was going to be here! How did he know? It couldn't have been that... She should've known better than to trust that weasel of a leader.

Quickly she pulled the blade from the flesh and spun around pointing it to whoever had been behind her. While it was dark, something told her, just from the man's voice, this was her actual target.

Suddenly a flame had been lit and illuminated the man in front of her. Thick locks of black wavy hair and a slight mustache greeted her. This man... It was him. He was in full armor as well, he knew well to prepare himself before confronting her. No matter... She would have his head regardless.

"Surprised?" he questioned as he sat down in a nearby chair. Did this man not care she was here in an attempt to kill him? He's a fool.

"No, not really. Still, you don't fight me despite I attempted to murder you?" she wiped her blooded blade on the cloth of the bed sheets.

He chuckled.

"You truly do not recognize me..." he sounded disappointed.

"Why the Hell would I have seen the likes of you before?" she almost took offense.

With an exhale he placed his head in the palm of his hand as he examined her. It was the same girl from before, but much healthier than before. She was lean with muscle and supple curves. She had truly blossomed from the last he had seen of her.

He walked toward her, and as a cornered animal would, she prepared herself to fight. But, from what she could see, he had no blade of any kind. Was he trained in hand-to-hand combat? Either way, she was prepared to fight.

"Cosmina," she was startled, how did he know her name?! She hadn't even given her real name to that scummy leader "do you truly not remember me?" he held out his arms with his brows furrowed. He looked upset and slightly wishful that, somewhere in her mind, there was a shard of his memory left.

"How do you know my name?" she spoke lowly as she backed away.

"You gave it to me all those years ago, do you truly not remember that life? The life of a slave? The life I gave you? You were to die but I saved you, my dear Cosmina." he inched closer and closer much to her discomfort. 

"H-How do you know about that?! And how dare you speak of like you know what it is to be a slave!" angered she was nearly ready to tear this man's throat out.

"But I do know the life of a slave," no, it wasn't him.

"But, how are you king?" she wasn't willing to put the pieces together, no, this man wasn't him.

"Cosmina, I am Vladimir Tepes the Third, born of Dracul, the boy who allowed you to sleep where you pleased, eat what you pleased, rest as you saw fit." he was only a few feet away from her now. Her muscles relaxed as she dropped her blades. No way was this the kind boy who had shown her mercy all those years ago. No, this wasn't him right? He was kind, how could he put all of these people through so much suffering? How could that one man put so many people through despair when he himself knew the lash of the whip?

"N-No, it can't be you..." his smile was so kind, so warming and heartfelt. There was no way...

"Yes Cosmina," closing their distance he placed his hand on her head reminiscent of the past "it is me and do not wish to fight with you, I simply wish for you to remain with me." her expression was blank as she could hardly believe what was happening. While part of her wanted to rejoice and embrace this man, she was in denial that this same person murdered so many people.

"But how could you murder? How could you kill so many people!" she smacked his hand away before grabbing her knife "Why?! How could you!" enraged she quickly aimed for his hand only to be stopped mid swing.

"Oh Cosmina," with her blade in hand blood slowly dripped from his flesh "I will reveal everything to you so long as you remain here." with his other hand he cupped her cheek. He was still smiling warmly at her despite the pain he endured. Nothing could stop him from enjoying the reunion with someone he cared so deeply about.

Her eyes spilled with weak droplets of tears. 

The pillow was wet and so was her face. Her heart ached while her thoughts were loud with dark emotions. Why was she so upset? And why did that girl in her dream look exactly like her but only with short hair? What was that? Opening her eyes she was greeted by the cold light of the moon covering her like a blanket. How did she end up in bed? And how did she even fall asleep?

Oh that's right.

Alucard had been feeding on her and she fainted from too much blood loss. While it wasn't major problem, it was enough to make her heart rate rise. She wasn't a vampire was she? No, she could feel her pulse and her canines were still the same size as before. Mentally she wiped her brown and gave a sigh of relief.

Hands snaked around her waist.

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