• Chapter 3 - Kacchan •

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"Okay then, now that we have finalised the rehab you four will be participating in we will move you to your dorms," Nezu explained
"Sounds good, when will that happen?" I asked
"Now!" Nezu said.

We had just arrived at UA and it was still quite dark outside. A couple cops had picked up Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga being careful to not wake them up from their sleep while I had just followed them. We entered into a big building which I guessed was the dorms. We entered a room and they put Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga down on the bed. I was then taken out of the room by Nezu. What did he want now? For once I actually wanted to sleep! "We will have eraser head wake you up in the morning and explain what is happening then. Your friends have had there anti-quirk cuffs replaced with anti-quirk bracelets we would have done the same with you but as you pointed out before that is useless to keep you in check, so.." Nezu paused on his sentence.
"We made a shock collar which is designed to look like a chocker, once you put it on only we will be able to take it off," he explained once more after handing me a black chocker. As much as I wanted to refuse and go: 'No you filthy rat!' I had to gain their trust. So I hesitantly put it on hearing a click. I knew I couldn't take it off now.
"I must go now, please return to your dorm. Have a nice night Izuku," Nezu said and walked off. I winced at the name for a second and then went back to the room I had came from. I snuggled up close to the others and went to sleep peacefully for once.

BANG! BANG! BANG! I jumped out of bed on my feet in a fighting stance while the others were just covering their ears. I looked at the door to see toilet paper man holding two pans, one in each hand. Why was toilet paper man here Nezu said that eraser head- WAIT ERASER HEAD IS TOILET PAPER MAN?! Dabi groaned "Why the fuck did you do that?"
"Morning everyone~" Toga said in a sleepy sing song voice while Shigaraki was still trying to wake up and that's when they noticed. " WAIT WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE," Toga, Shigaraki and Dabi screamed out loud noticing they weren't in a cell. "Quite down you 3 you'll wake up the others!" Eraser head snapped at them and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're at UA for a rehab program we have just set up, you'll stay here for the next 3 years in hope to rehabilitate you into being heroes, after 3 years your free to go," he explained to the group. "and who's idea was this?" Shigaraki asked scratching at his neck so deep it started to bleed, Toga slapped his hands away from his neck and scowled him "Bad Shiggy!". Erase head pointed at me while looking down at a clip board "it was his idea" he said. The 3 slowly turned their heads to look at me their face going dark as they glared daggers at me. "I'm gonna kill you as soon as we're outta here," Dabi growled. "Stop that, it's stupid," Eraser head told off Dabi and put a bag on the ground " You have school today, put on the uniforms in the bag and wait outside the door of Class 1-A until I call you in, understood?" He asked as we nodded. Class 1-A... why does that sound familiar? "Oh try and avoid anyone and everyone in the dorm area when you make your way out and don't try to run away because you can't. After school you will all get your actual dorms this is just a guest room and you can decorate your dorm on friday when you go to the mall with the others," eraser head said and walked out of the room. We all took turns getting changed in the bathroom and then we headed out of the dorms and started to make our way to Class 1-A.

We stood by a massive door that has the words '1-A' on it. And when I say massive I mean massive. I mean even with some sort of quirk that made you taller you still wouldn't hit your head! We could hear eraser head talking to the kids and slowly starting to lead us into our introductions. "Now behave because you'll have 3 new students joining you today," Eraser head half growled, half explained. Many of the students protested "Isn't it a bit to late for new students?" Some said while others said "Did they take the same entrance exam as us?" Though there was a small group that didn't protest against the idea saying things like "Cool!" "I can't wait to meet them!" And "I wonder what their like?". Eraser Head quieted them down and then told us to come in. We all came in in a line. Shigaraki 1st, then Dabi, Toga and last of all me. A few people jumped up onto their feet and into a fighting stance. " Their the ones that ruined the USJ trip," A dude that looked like a red paint brush pointed out, I remember him being called Kirishima. "They tried to kill all might! They can't be trusted!" Space girl pointed out, I'm pretty sure her name was Uraraka. "Plus he's not even in dress code," Robot man otherwise known as Ida pointed at the shock collar I was wearing. Hero's, always pointing things out and being too judgemental, I'll make sure they never do that to anyone again. "STOP IT AND LET THEM INTRODUCE THEMSELVES YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OUT OF US," Eraser head yelled at them and they all sank back into their seats murmuring apologies while we just stood there and didn't try hiding the small smirks forming on our faces. "I'm Shigaraki, My quirk is Decay though these stupid anti-quirk bracelets are stopping me from using my quirk. Um and a fact about me hmmm... I want All Might dead," Shigaraki smiled his weary smile and made his way to his seat everyone watching him. "I'm Dabi- Oi! Idiots I'm talking!" Dabi snapped and everyone quickly turned to look at him, then he continued introducing himself "Thank you. Anyway, my quirk is cremation and a fact about me, I'm happy for you guys to kill me anytime if I can't escape," he says and takes a seat next to Shigaraki. "Hi! I'm Toga! My quirks transform andddd a fact about me is I want to have all your blood~" Toga happily sang out loud which weirded out everyone in the room. Then Toga took a seat next to Shigaraki and I knew it was my turn. "I'm Deku-" I started but was interrupted "Try again," Eraser head said "Hello I'm Deku-" I started again and was interrupted once again "You're real name Midoriya," Eraser head said again emphasising the real. I sighed and tried once more "I'm Izuku Midoriya-"
"THAT'S NOT YOU'RE NAME EXTRA!" Some one jumped up and called out. Now I was really starting to get angry "WHAT NOW?!" I growled out when I turned to face the person. My face darkened as I realised someone I didn't like was in the room.
"Hello again Kacchan," I spat out as if it were poison.
OOp- some nice tea is brewing here. Once again sorry if there's any spelling of grammar errors.
See ya next chapter!

~1283 Words~

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