• Chapeter 11 - Fist Fight•

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I was walking back from my little 'meeting' I just had. I kept on doing these errands from him but he hasn't done anything to make my loved one fall in love with me as much as I love him! At this point my loved ones only know I exist! I know he told me to be wait and it will happen in time, but all I've been doing is waiting! I walked into the dormitory, I was thinking about watching him in his sleep again but then decided against it, if I was caught again sneaking around at night I would be screwed. I went to my dorm closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body.

One last code, just to break that final firewall andddd- DENIED! GOD DAMMIT! I had been up all night hacking into the school system, I was so close to finishing, breaking though but then a stupid firewall got in the way! I first tried doing passwords but I was unsure who set it up meaning I had to try every possible password for every teacher but none of them worked! Then I moved on to password hackers but none of my codes worked! My morning alarm went off "Deku get the fuck up. Deku get the fuck up. Deku get the fuck up!" I honestly loved my alarm, mainly because I had recorded shiggy saying that. BANG! "DEKU?! DON'T TELL ME YOU STAYED UP ALL NIGHT AGAIN?!" The voice sounded like shiggy. Wait a second... MY ALARM DOESN'T SAY THAT?! I whipped around to see Shigaraki at the door, I obviously must have forgetten to lock it. It was then I realised I really fucked up. He had caught me. "LOOK AT THOSE BAGS UNDER YOU'RE EYES!!" He yelled as he ran up to me holding my face in his hands as he fussed over my like I was a child. I slapped his hands to the side and growled "I'm fine, I'm not a kid anymore," instantly shiggy knew something was off but also knew I wasn't in the mood for questions. "Sorry deku... Dabi, Denki and I are down stairs if you wanna come join us" he said and with that he left. I sighed, he never closes the door when we leaves. I got out a plain black shirt that said "the beetles" on it with some black ripped jeans a belt and two chains. I then put all the clothes on and then connected my chains to my belt. I opened the door only to see Denki and Todoroki arguing. "Leave him alone! He doesn't like you!" Denki yelled at him. "You don't know that! And it's not that he likes you either, and you don't like him... do you?" Todoroki raised an eyebrow.

They continued bickering for a while and I stood there watching with a smirk plastered onto my face until I decided it was enough. "Awwwww, you guys lovvvveeeee meeeee!" I taunted. Todoroki then spun around to face me and Denki stepped to the side so he could see me. "Bunnny!" Denki chimed as he engulfed me in a hug. I chuckled a little. "Hey sparky," I paused realising Todoroki was still there "... Todoroki,". Sparky let go of me smiling, it was then I noticed that his eyes were sparkling... weird but cute. "Um I made breakfast for us!" Todoroki exclaimed.
"Oh sorry Todoroki I actually planned to have breakfast with Denki and the others," I told him. He immediately frowned and I remembered what happened the day before. I sighed once again, I honestly just wanted some nice mocha with the others but I had to make up for what I did sometime. "But I guess a little couldn't hurt," I spoke out. It was almost as I played a uno reverse card on them because now Denki was pouting and Todoroki was smiling crazy.

Todoroki has pulled out a seat for me and then got two plates full of food and put one in front of me and one next to me then he sat down next to me and started eating. I just kinda looked at the food wondering if I should really eat it or not. With a mouth full of soba Todoroki said "it's soba! eat up!"he smiled. I reductly took a bite and scrunched up my nose about to gag. "You don't like it do you?" Todoroki said sorrowfully.
"Yea, sorry Todoroki I'm not the biggest fan of Soba,"
"Well what about a chocolate bar," he pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket and it was a brand I didn't recognise.
"Ah, I can't take that I'm lactose intolerant," I lied getting up from my seat. "But thanks for trying to make me breakfast anyway," I said with a smile and walked over to Denki and the others. "You got da pork buns?" I asked doing a funny voice for literally no reason. "Ya we got dem buns," Dabi said replicating my funny voice the handed me a bag full of pork buns. We all started to crack up laughing. I ate my pork buns in Denki's arms while the others and I were joking around having a blast. "Uhhh hi guys!" We all turned to see Mina. Dabi, Shigaraki and I dropped our smiles while Denki just out on his act again. "Hey Mina!!" Denki called back.
"So, what brings you to us?" Shiggy said going straight to business.
"Well, uhh, I've been noticing people judging you for being a villain without actually getting to know you and I also thought it was really nice of you guys to let Toga go without trying to take her spot," Mina rambled on.
"Okay so what are you trying to say?" I demand
"I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU GUYS!!!" She blurted out "just give me a try I promise I'll be a good friend and-" We all started laughing but Mina.
"You could have just said that at the start! Come sit with us," Dabi said.
"Really?! Thanks so much!!" Mina put up the piece sign and sat down and started to joke with us.

We were having a good time all joking around but I knew I had to tell them about the firewall. So I started speaking in our code because we were in the open and didn't want anyone to hear, not even Mina. "Guys I gotta go to the bathroom," I said ( translation: Guys I have something to Important to tell you and we need to meet up not around others,)
"When?" "Where?" Shiggy and Denki asked. "School bathrooms, now," I told them (Translation: Behind dorms, 12pm) they all nodded in agreement expect for Mina who just say there really confused. She shrugged it off and we continued chatting. Little did any of us know there was a certain someone starring at us, being the most jealous he has been in a long time.

After another long chatting session it was about mid day and we were surprised Kirishima and Bakugou hadn't broken us up yet when an announcement rang out "May the villains report to Principal Nezus office... NOW!" We all sighed. "Well that's our cue," Dabi said. We all got up and made our way to the office.

We got into the office and when Nezu signalled us to sit on the tiny chairs so he would be taller than us we didn't. He sighed and got straight to it. "Who's the UA traitor?" He demanded. I stiffened up, they better not give Denki up. Shigaraki laughed "and why do you think we would send someone to this dump?!" He started cracking up "we're not that bad!"
"Well how else did the villain know we were out in a training camp and collect Toga?" He asked once again
"Believe or not, they were gonna come get they're family back one way or another" Dabi dodged the question
"Tell me who it is or he gets it... again" after he said that Eraser head stepped up behind us holding the remote to my shock collar. "Some heroes you guys are," I softly mumbled. Dabi was gritting his teeth and Shigaraki was clawing at his neck again. "We told you, you damn fools, there is no traitor!" Dabi growled out. "Nezu let them go, they're no use anyway," All might said coming up behind Nezu. Nezu thought about it for a moment and the flicked his hand signalling he was done with us. We all walk out into the hall way and once we got outside I spoke up.
"What are we gonna do?!" I said fear flowing with every word I spoke "Their onto Sparky!" I started to get teary.
"Look deku theres nothing much we can do," Dabi started
"All we can do is hope, pray for him that he doesn't get caught," Shigaraki finished his sentence.

We walked into the dorms and before our eyes we say a fist fight going on...
A fist fight between Denki and the one and only Todoroki.

Sorry that this chapter is once again uneventful but next chapter I have surprises for y'all!

Sorry if there's any spelling or grammar errors 😅!

~1542 words~

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