• Chapter 24 - Lies •

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I felt all my muscles tense up. Eyes unblinking. What am I supposed to say?! How am I suppose to answer that question! I don't want to rat Denki out because, if I do he'll be in trouble, but if I don't when they eventually find out he'll be in even more trouble and so will I! Todoroki basically knows the answer now, he just needs the confirmation. Do I lie or do I tell the truth? Either way it ends badly!
"Well that's because he doesn't really like his Job, he doesn't really want people to know. It embarrasses him," I fluently lied.

Being a villian had its ups and downs like everything else did but, a major advantage you gained from being a villian is the ability to lie. And, after years of practice, I got quite good at the art of lying. It was as if I was bilingual! I can speak English and I can speak lies.

"Oh, do you mind telling me where he works?" Todoroki mumbled "it shouldn't be a problem because your on our side now," He looked up and locked eye contact with me.
"Yoshinoya," I lied again. I let my muscles relax slowly so it didn't look like I had tensed up much in the first place. It also made me look like I was telling the truth.
"Yoshinoya as in the fast food place?" Todoroki asked, titling his head to the side a little in confusion.

"Mhm, that's why in embarrasses him. It doesn't sound very heroic to work at a fast food place y'know,"

"I guess so... anyway, you ready to go to class?"

"Sorry, I'm not, I need to pack my bag. You get a head start though. I'll catch up and I know you don't want to be late," I stated. Todoroki nodded his head in agreement and left the room. As soon as I closed the door behind him I sank down to the ground. Breathing heavily I clutch on to me knees. Why is one mere lie working me up so much? It's not like I killed someone- wait i have killed people... It's not like I killed a member of the league! Was it because of Denki? Was I worried too much about him? Or was it because of Todoroki getting to close to the truth? But what if it's me getting fed up with all might and the heroes bull shit!
But whatever it was. It wasn't good. Slowly steadying my breathing, I pack my bag and run out of the dormitories with haste.

While running out of the dorms I looked at the kitchen, only then realising how hunger I was. But despite that I didn't want to be late to class. Correction. I couldn't be late for class. I didn't want to scream "ATTENTION!" anymore than what I had to. Breakfast's over rated anyway...

Spiriting down the path turned to running, then to jogging, to fast walking and finally walking in an world record breaking time.

I saw All might and Todoroki up ahead, and started pick up the paste a little more to be able to catch up to them. I guess I should at least try to get to know them now that one of them is my mentor and the other my forced lover. But... Todoroki left a while ago, I don't understand why he would still be out.
"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice All Might," Todoroki said, obvious hatered towards the man in his voice.
"Yea, yea. Just don't do it again. Now don't ramble and get to the point. You're wasting my time," All might replied like a self centred brat. Todorokis teeth clenched together but he continued.
"Denki is the UA trai-" After realising what Todorokis sentence was I yelled with all my might "ALL MIGHT! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" I lied once again. I hated the man why would I ever purposely try to find him of all people.
He slapped on a smile and got into his booming character, as I got into my fanboy character.
"Ah! Young Midoriya! What can I do for you?" He asked.
I ran the last couple of steps, now next to the both of them. One of them smiling at me the other glaring.
"All might! I was wondering if we could do some training after school today? I realllyyy wanna be able to control One for all as soon as possible!" I beemed, putting on a goofy smile.
"Sure thing young Midoriya! I'm glad you have come to your senses and are more motivated to train with me! Now let's get heading to class!" All might yelled, causing my ear to burst. As I pretended not to look I saw All might mouth "We'll resume our discussion later," to Todoroki. Great, another obstacle to overcome.

Class had been quite boring, as always, till now. The top 3
Students in UA known as the big three were in our class. The only female was up and booming asking everyone personal questions. The bluey purpley haired one has looking at the wall as if pleading to it to get him out of here. And the yellow haired one was just starring at me from the front of the classroom... and he was looking way to enthusiastic.

They did there introductions, The yellow haired one was Mirio, the female was Nejire and finally the bluey purple haired one was called Tamaki.

We were then lead to the quirk training area by Mirio. Everyone was up and buzzing but I don't think they realised what was to come. Maybe this won't be so boring after all...

Ai! Look another chapter! Sorry this chapter is a short one, I don't have enough time to make it any longer otherwise it will take me a couple more days.

Also thanks to everyone about saying nice things about my book! It means a lot to me that you guys like it!

Also I'm super sorry for having you wait so long, I started trying to pick up the paste of writing this chapter when you guys noticed I hadn't updated in a while 😅.

As always I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar errors and that this chapter doesn't have much climax (This chapter was supperrrr rushed)

I'm also not sure if you guys would like me to do a Halloween special or not. Keep in mind it would be like a mini story and would not be apart of the main plot line.
So if you want one feel free to tell me in the comments!

C'ya next chapter!

~1115 words~

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