• Chapter 13 - Runts •

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"Deku, this isn't the time to be making jokes," Shigaraki warned me.
"Who said I was joking?!" I snapped back at him.
" No one did! But c'mon you gotta be kidding," Dabi added
"Shut up burnt beans," I barked at him.
"B-BURNT BEANS! Who you calling burnt beans broccoli hair!" He shouted back at me.
"Hey guys! Let's all calm down this isn't the time to be arguing," Denki explained. Then the screens turned on to show us a sleep deprived dude... that isn't shinsou or Eraser head. "Ahhh that was nice and quick, now you will be going into a zone that have been attacked by terrorists with many innocents injured and stuck in debris. You're goal is to get all the victims into a safe zone, where you put the safe zone is your choice. Get all the victims to the safe zone safely and you win," he finished. Sounds simple enough. "Now go go go!" Someone screamed. The wall collapsed again and it was almost like we were in an entirely new area. We found a safe spot and we spilt in half. Half of us would stay in the say zone to tend to the 'victims' and the other half would go 'save' the 'victims'. Of course I stuck with Dabi and Shiggy.

I watched the small debris I kicked skid across the ground. "So we just wait around or what?" And as soon as I said that we heard crying in the distance. We made out way to see some chubby kid wailing. "Oi runt. What's your deal?" Shigaraki half asked half snapped at the kid. "M-my grandma is stuck I-in the debris!" He wailed
"I'll get her," Dabi volunteered but before he could start lifting the debris the kid stopped crying and yelled " MINUS TEN POINTS!"
"Huh?!" We all had dropped jaws, staring at the kid.
"You idiots didn't even check if I had any injuries! And you're not being very nice at all!" The kid barked out.
"Fine let's just start over again," I sighed and faked worry "Hey kid, whats wrong?"
"M-my grandma is stuck I-in the debris!" He started wailing all over again.
"Okay, we'll make sure to get her out kiddo, but are you hurt at all?" I asked him
"M-my ankle!" He screamed. Annoying little runt. I carried him in my arms then looked at Dabi and shiggy. "You guys look for the grandma and other victims while I take this kid to the safe zone," I said then started running off.

"We're almost there guys, just hold on for a little longer!" I said with a fake smile. "PLUS TEN POINTS!" The kids screamed. I was now carrying one and somewhat piggy backing the other.

Just before we got to the safe zone, we saw a massive fire light up then come back down behind the last bit of debris left. In result of this the runts cried louder. Yayyyy. I got past the debris and went to the safe zone ignoring whatever is happening next to us. I went up to Denki "here ya go sparky!" I said as I got the runts off of me.
" Seems like you had quite the journey bunny, anyway can you pass me the first aid kit?" He asked. I turned around only to see earthquake dude with a bunch of fire coming towards him. I sprinted as fast as I could to him and tackled him out of the way. I looked down to see him unconscious. Great. I looked up at wind dude and Todoroki arguing"OI IDOITS!" I shouted at them.
"Huh?" Wind dude said
"Deku!" Todoroki eyes lighted up in joy. Wow, so he can, not be completely emotionless. Get your heads together! You're meant to be fighting HIM not each other! You're on the same fucking team!" I yelled at them. Then the announcement played, it was the end of the trials. I sighed, finally it was over. "God, these bracelets really did restrain me" Gang Orca said. Really? Was what you just did restraining yourself. I guess Gang Orca is just as dumb as all the other heroes.

"Congrats villains you passed the hero test," Eraserhead congratulated us, then walked off. "Pffft never thought I would hear someone say that," Denki laughed out loud.
" wait but aren't they hero's now since they passed the test?" Todoroki asked confused.
"You can't make me be a hero, I refuse," Shigaraki grumbled.
"Celebration time we're now all like real life herooooossss! well, expect for Todoroki and like Bakugou but still!" Mina squealed.
I started laughing "Way to rub it in Mina!" I said though fits of laughter. "It's okay you'll get to be a hero one day soba boy," Dabi said then we all started laughing. "I wouldn't be talking, aren't you the ones who tried to kill us multiple times and only NOW you're being friendly. It's all fake. You are all being fake, you really are villains!" Todoroki lashed out in anger, and we all were dead silent as Todoroki stormed off.

??? POV

They're all stupid! They don't know what it's like to be laughed at and pushed down on their whole life! None of them would even have a clue! The only person exception to this is Deku. He's smart, cute, funny I could write a whole list about him! The only thing getting in my way, to getting him, is Denki! Since when were they so close? Hi bunny! Hi sparky! Urgh they're up to nicknames and everything! When is it my shot?!

I was in my black hoodie and gray sweatpants in our normal meeting spot. Waiting for him to arrive.
"Hello Todoroki," He said

Hehehehe cliff hanger!
Sorry it's been a while since my last update I just didn't have any ideas for the chapter. Sorry it's not the best. And once again sorry for spelling and grammar errors. I've been requested to do POV's so I'll start that now but if you guys want me to stop just say so. And also would you all prefer to have longer chapters but a longer wait time or shorter chapters with a shorter wait time?

Anyway see ya next chapter!

~1048 words~

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