The Man in the Suit

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I woke up to find myself on the pavement near the school , the shadow , the steps and whatever was out there waiting for me , made me shudder. I had been in the forest, how did I get here was the first question that occurred to me , had that thing kicked me so hard that I fell here . No it was not possible the forest was at least a kilometer away and that action required some serious inhuman strength. Probably I fell asleep on the pavement and saw a dream was the only rational explanation I could provide myself. I saw that it was six in the evening  and I was sure to get a good scolding from my mother when I reached home. I had never been this late. Yes I know I was a model student and perfect but then I sighed what was the use of being so perfect when all you were judged on was your family and other petty things , I decided rebellious was the attitude I would take from now if they even let  me stay at school. I sighed and stood up and walked towards my house thinking of how I could make enough money to pay my fees for the next year. Working at the Fanny's seem particularly tempting as they were a rich family who owned a number of restaurants and clubs . But how could I work in a club , would I be able to , I was totally unsure of this as I thought of my other options . My apartment came into view as I looked over to see men with black suits standing around it . Maybe they were policemen or detectives who had come to investigate . I know it wasn't a pretty neighbourhood . We were not rich enough to afford a proper house in a good and posh neighbourhood, so after a lot of search we settled down here . People who lived  nearby had a knack for getting into trouble for certain things . Not such as drugs but stealing, rule breaking and over-speeding were a regular matter with the police . My father himself had been involved with the police for a while  . I walked towards the house and looked over to see a familiar looking man standing in the hallway , he looked in his 30 or 40 and had an aura of power and respect surrounding him. It was unnerving . I didnt realise I had been staring at him for so long when suddenly our eyes met . The man visibly relaxed and a smile spread across his face. He was happy to see me but why was the question that loomed over me. He spread his arms in a way of greeting and said " ahh !! what a wonder my dear child . Its been so long that I have seen you . You have grown up to be a fabulous looking woman just like  your mother . She was pretty too." His words took me by surprise , the honesty and the fact that he believed absolutely  in what he said shocked me . Even though the compliment made me blush I was more surprised by the  use of tense . He said my mother was pretty , she is still alive and pretty as much as I assumed and how did he know my mother . Mother I thought oh where was she , we were in the house but I saw no sign of her or my younger brother or my father in fact . Where were they ?Had this strange man done something to them . My fist clenched at the thought of him hurting my family . It was as if he had read my thoughts he said " No Victoria dont worry I havent hurt your parents , They are safe and secure . " Anger coiled through me, who did this man think he was  , and how dare he enter my house without permission and tell me about my family's whereabouts . What was happening here . I was sure the day couldnt be anymore hectic . "You whoever u are, please leave me alone and walk out of my house now . You cant enter someone's house without their permission . I'll call the police and where is my family  ?what have you done to them ?"The man spoke again as if my words had been merely a lecture . "FIRST  I would like to clear certain things . I am David Melbourne your grandfather from your mother's side . The family you thought was yours wasnt actually your own, it was a hoax planned to keep you safe . Of course they promised to accept u and look after you but that is it . We paid your father a bit of money to keep you , of course he spent it all and you had a rough childhood but its okay I'm here to bring u back to the place you deserve as my granddaughter . " I was shocked was a very meagre expression of the emotion I was going through . I couldnt comprehend his words, he made no sense . I never had a grandfather , my mother always told me he was dead and my family had left me willingly to the mercy of a strange man, it was unacceptable . I had always taken care of them why would they leave me ,it was outrageously unfair . I huffed my shoulders in anger and looking straight at the man said " listen strange man I know nothing of what you said and do not believe to accept it. I know my family and whatever they were, they were my family and they loved me exclude my father and I'm not going to leave them just because suddenly you reappeared again . Even if you are my grandfather and I am from a different family I dont care I love them and I know them . As for now I  will stay with them . " The man looked surprised at my words as he shook his head in annoyance and uttered " stubborn like your father " that was when I  lost my patience . "How dare you compare me with that man, I hate him he is nothing like me nor I like him . He is vile and cruel and I am not those things :" I shouted at the man , I had finally snapped , the days' events had me lose it , I never got provoked easily but now I was livid ,every part of my body felt on fire . I was going to combust for sure .The man now mirrored my expression " stop acting like a brat , I'm not that kind of man to bear nonsense .  I have already told you the truth ,also that your family is not the one you knew . There was a reason why your parents left you , you were in danger and they couldnt keep you to themselves so they sent you away . You had a protection but now its broken you have reached the age of seventeen and it is very important you understand that you are in mortal danger and also a danger to the people you stay around . They are coming after you and if u choose to live with your family you will be putting them in danger . If that is what u want ,go to them" The man's eyes had turned greenish black .He was angry . His words shook me and reminded me of  the earlier events . The shadow ,my fall, those steps, was it something related to this  .. My mind swirled with unanswered questions and tough decisions to make . This man claiming to be my grandfather had a lot of answers I needed for myself  but then he was a stranger . The man asked " will u come with me" I  answered after a long time .


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