The Preparation

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Will had come out of my grandfather's  room and his last words had shocked me , paralyzed me and made me numb , all senses void of emotions and thoughts and feelings ... I remember his words as clear as crystal "He's no more in a conscious state...hes in a  stupor , a coma and we are not able to wake him up, Sorry Victoria." The one person whom I gradually attached myself to, someone who automatically made his way into my life without any effort , a guardian , a mentor , someone to fall back on in times of need and help, was paralyzed and was in some kind of coma. The words rang in my head like an annoyingly repetitive bell chime and reminded me constantly resisting my efforts of making myself numb. I tried clearing every thought out of my head but it was all mixed together and that togetherness lead to a sensation of void , a feeling so absurd to comprehend. I walked blindly through the halls when I collided with a person . The shrill voice pulled me out of my messed up head and I looked up from the ground where I had fallen due to the collision to see Samantha standing up straight and dusting herself and her skirt. I remained on the ground a little distracted by everything as I felt a hand yank me up. Surprisingly, it had a lot of strength and balance but it appeared fragile and bony. I looked at the owner and in an instant she backed away from me , leaving me a little unbalanced and hid her hand behind her long robes. Samantha was looking at me with a weird expression nothing of hate or loathing rather with curiosity and a desire to talk. I straightened myself as I spoke first wanting to avoid a fight " I'm sorry about your loss , Samantha but I'm in no mood to fight over your mother or anything else you found faulty in me , loads of work to do.." She held my hand tightly as I tried walking away , I looked at her giving her weary look , she left my hand and spoke " I'm not here to fight with you on anything its just that I'm sorry.."

" for what??" 

" For breaking this school's trust , my mother got out today because of me and somehow even I'm responsible for your grandfather's condition." Now she had my interest , I stared as she said " I know this may sound weird but Merilda is my mother she doesnt use Wilson title anymore because father and her are divorced but she is still my mother .. birth mother. My mother today escaped because I helped her not directly but indirectly.. " I looked at her baffled she continued " I knew she was going to escape , I had heard her on the phone talking about it to a man , I didnt know what she was going to do to escape but she said that she would do something to your grandfather, our dean..something serious something that would kill him. We were in her office as she was telling me off for being more my father's girl than hers and acting all rude with her.. she wanted me to join her be on her side ..she didnt tell me how but he said that if I would come to her side stop following dad's orders I would benefit. I would be rewarded with something , she never told what but something but I refused . I hated her, she treated me as a tool for getting what she wanted and then left me when I needed her the most .... as when I got my first period and other situations my father made me whatever I am , I follow his orders only." 

" his orders??" 

" My father is  put at a very lowly position in the council but is a very trained wizard as well as a warlock.. he is acts all weak and helpless so that he could never be suspected , never even be paid attention to .. so that he could pay attention to everything."


" He's a spy for the school informs the school of whatever is  going on in the council.. unsuspected even the secrets reach him and he delivers it to the school to the dean .. he is his spy and he's teaching me to be one . I behave like a dumb girl who is only meant for nail paints and the one whom everyone detest, with the least brains , the last one to be suspected to be involved in this kind of work which requires sharp thinking. I'm not actually the girl who cannot think ,on the contrary I know complex spells and even the art of assassination , taught by my father. " she said proudly.

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