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I felt like I was flying , after a few moments , my legs hit the ground . I opened my eyes to the night sky above me . We were on top of the roof of the church . Knox had already seated himself on the edge of it . I silently took my place beside him. The sky was laiden with stars , the moon was bright and shining ,glowing brilliantly and radiating a warm feeling. I stared fascinated at the night sky, I had never taken much effort to look at it with my busy life  but now it seemed to be a part of me . I had felt so separated from nature before , busy managing my life but now I felt furthermore connected to it. Knox beside me stayed silent as I assessed the surroundings . The cemetery was visible from this height . The nameless graves seemed to shine in its presence as if it was calling out to them . Suddenly I saw a shadow around the cemetery , which snapped me out of  my reverie . I asked Knox " Do you see that ??" Knox looked at me and asked " what ??"

" The shadow ." He looked at me puzzled and said " there is no shadow ." I looked at the area where I had seen it , it had disappeared , must be hallucinating , I thought . Knox broke the silence saying " So you met Amanda ." his words reminded me of all the questions I had in store for him . I started off " how old are you ??how are you getting married , you are just in school?? also you have never mentioned you have a girlfriend before , I mean seriously she is your fiance and what about us ??" I started rambling all my questions ,seeing the amused look on his face I stopped and asked " What is so funny??"

He lost his amused expression and then with a nervous look answered " See before I answer all your questions you need to understand somethings." I encouraged him to proceed as he stopped to ask my permit. " I am the son of a vampire and a witch but I'm not a warlock . You would have come to know by now vampires cannot procreate which means vampires with humans is no child , vampires do not reproduce with any other species except for witches. Witches and vampires produce a warlock which means a child who is a witch /wizard with increased mortality and they are fast and strong not as strong as vampires just a little stronger than normal witches or wizards , which means those  witches or warlocks who learn assassination in school.  Now you must have assumed that even I'm a warlock but I'm not . I was also born from a wizard and a vampire but this union led to create me- a half vampire , half wizard , which means I'm not a warlock that is manifested using magic by witches but nature's only creation of a vampire /wizard. I need to drink blood for surviving, my characteristics are more like vampires except the part that sunlight doesnt affect me and I can do magic ." his revelation shocked me but moreover baffled me I asked " but we were told in class that vampires cannot do magic like if a witch turns to a vampire she loses her powers , nature does not allow a vampire or any creature to manifest itself ." I had payed attention in my classes and I definitely knew this and also Ossette had explained a lot of stuff. He almost looked impressed then he said " Yes , you are right , vampires cannot manifest nature which is magic that is why I cannot use nature magic , I use dark magic . All supernatural creatures have a lot of dark magic which gives you the disadvantages like witches with their mortality and vampires with sun and blood and werewolves to the moon. All creatures have it so do I but because I am different , I have a lot of it which does not come out as side effects it manifest as magic , therefore I can do magic, dark magic . Only dark magic ." I was very surprised ,It was an overload of information again. Though I was happy he had shared it with me but still my questions were unanswered I had a lot to know still... 

Seeing the dissatisfied look on my face he sighed and begun again " Now my family did not want the word that I'm different reach the ears of other people, they knew they would see me as a threat to be eliminated or an experiment so they told no one, kept it a secret . Now Amanda's mother and my father were close friends during their school days . My father worried on seeing that I was turning out more like my mother a vampire even though he had some magic done , told her mother about it . Her mother told her family and so the secret was no more a secret. My mother furious with my father for putting me in such a grave danger attacked him and he died . This was witnessed by the Dale's--Amanda's family and they swore to not tell anyone about this situation, if I would marry their first born daughter Amanda . But the incident leaked out and mother was put into prison , they sentenced her to death for the murder of my father and that would free me so Amanda's mother struck a deal with your father the law enforcer , on the council . She told him that I was sacrificing my choice of marriage to save my mother's life . Your father agreed to grant her pardon , so she was sentenced to life imprisonment and she would be killed the day I refused to marry Amanda and freed the day after I married Amanda . " 

I was almost shocked by what he said . This was too much . He had to marry Amanda because she was blackmailing him  and he had lost both his parents, I asked " does Amanda know about it ??"

"Yes " was the reply that came. I felt disgusted , at how low someone could stoop to achieve what they wanted . My eyes watered , he had obligations to fulfill and if he didnt his mother would end up in the same place as my parents were. I could find no words to express myself , I stared at the night sky and the moon which was at its apex now. Knox too was staring upward . Suddenly a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me closer . Knox had me almost wrapped around him. I tried to create some space as I pushed hard onto his chest . He did not budge but tightened his hold and then he brought his mouth to my ears , his breath was rough and cold as his exterior but it had a beautiful scent to it , I relaxed then he said " I feel the same between us but 'us' is impossible , I have obligations and you have a life . I would never want you tied to me when I am with another girl even if its fake. You deserve so much more, more than me . " his words pierced my heart , I felt almost broken, tears threatened to leave my eyes. I didnt want to be seen crying in front of him. His rejection even though quite reasonable hurt me. I didnt want to see him or be with him for now. 

I pulled myself very unwillingly out of his arms , then with a stoic expression I said " we should go it's late , I need to get there before morning . " relentlessly he gathered me into his arms and jumped down from the roof . The experience was thrilling but ended quite quickly. Once on the ground I removed myself from him and ran towards the forest . One of the most reckless things ,but I was angry. I didn't want him around me anymore or I knew I would say something nonsensical.  I ran with all the power in my legs , which was little . I knew that evn if I tried, I could not make my way back without him catching up to me , it would be impossible.  

So, I took a left from the church a path I didnt know and ran in that direction as fast as it would be possible . I couldnt hear the sound of the footsteps or any feeling of someone's presence . I halted to take rest. I half expected him to catch up to me but maybe he had taken my bluff. I was happy I had outrun him but now I realised that I was stranded in the middle of a forest with no guide to get out of it . I was almost certain Knox wouldnt leave me alone but it was a huge forest and I had forgotten the path which I had come from . Completely stranded, and neither did I know the spell which would lead me to the academy , the guide spell. But Ossette had helped me out with some basic spells and one was to sense a presence , but before I could do so I heard a growling sound . It echoed deep through the forest . It was coming from the bushes behind me , I turned back to see a big black wolf growling at me. His eyes glowed golden and and his teeth were bared towards me . I looked up and saw it was a full moon. How had I forgotten about the werewolves and now I had to deal with one. I knew Incendia would keep it away but I had never burnt any person except Samantha and that was in rage and I couldnt outrun him . I needed Knox desperately to save me or some other way . The wolf bared its teeth and trotted towards me like a hunter approaching its prey, that is what I felt until my world started spinning and my feet gave way . I fainted . Before darkness overwhelmed , the wolf 's shocked face and feeble voice entered my ears "who are you?".

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