The Romantic Escapade

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After our talk about the ball , Cole and I didn't see each other . He was probably angry with me for some stupid reason and even avoided looking at me sometimes . Ossette still hadnt returned from the social service camp so Amelia kept me company most of the times. Some people had noticed Ossette's absence beside me and had assumed that our friendship was broken . One of the girls even asked me the reason for the breakup between us ,dying to hear the gossip . Well there was nothing to gossip about but I didnt want to tell anyone about what business my friend had outside of school therefore I kept my head down and stayed quiet . That was not the only rumor circulating around . Cole's show the other day had aroused suspicion in many of the girls that had assumed we were a couple , but recently the distance between us kept the rumor from turning into a known truth. I felt kind of relieved to know that I didnt have to deal with another set of rumours or have another girl ask me about the rumours going on about me . If someone was enjoying this unbidden popularity that I had suddenly got was- Samantha . She reveled in happiness and told as many people as she could about how treacherous a friend I had been and how I kept hitting on guys who would give me power like Cole and Chase . Amelia filled me in about all the rumours and never got upset by any of them . She said it was my way to attaining popularity. Classes went by as usual and probably the teachers had heard the rumour but if they had, none ever expressed anything except our teacher of ancient magic who one day during the week , stopped me after class and told me that I shouldn't be diverted by other problems as I was a bright student but a magnet for trouble . I had been rendered completely speechless by his words and it had surprised me that he had voiced out his concern and not ignored the situation like my other teachers . The week had me advance a bit more in magic . Ossette's absence after classes led me to spend time in the library and I learnt more about new potions and spells . Still after everything that had me distracted, Knox never left my mind . We crossed paths sometimes in the hallways but he ignored me . Amanda hung around him happy with the  distance between us . She stuck to him most of the time and as days passed I was sure she was the one who would accompany him to the ball and not me .

 Cole still seemed pissed by my answer but I didnt have the time or the liberty to go and freely speak to him because of the hoard of girls he now kept himself surrounded with. Therefore , Amelia was the only wrench I had left and I spent most of the time learning about history and spells of witches . I had also tried to get the book of curses but it had been a wasted attempt again. This was another task I had devoted myself to - finding about how my parents died . No one knew or discussed the subject in the academy even the school's guardians wouldn't talk about it . I had finally plucked up the courage to ask one of the guardians that guarded the library wing about my parents as he and I had reached on good terms but as soon as he heard the topic of discussion he launched into silence and never answered my question or spoke to me that day , he wasnt angry I could see as I had recently  a lot of experiences in men getting angry with me but he was trying to just avoid my question and his eyes held a look of sympathy and compassion . 

A week and more had passed, things remained the same way , rumours about me and Cole had now faded and even Ossette and I had become a boring topic . Since Ossette had left, Chase too had gone somewhere maybe they were gone together or separate . Amelia usually rambled on and on about how she had met this guy with very beautiful eyes and she cant find him in school anywhere that irritated her and she spent most of the time snooping in corridors and looking for the guy. Even I was looking for one person -a male one ,but I had different motives . The person I was looking for would have answers to questions that kept me busy these days but he too was missing . So , irritated with my life I was walking back to my dorm at eight, three hours before curfew sets in when Merilda spotted me passing by and called for me to stop . She looked as usual prim and proper and ready to walk the runway any day but there was a look of firmness etched across her face she said " heard about your romantic escapades Victoria , you do know that it is against the school's rule to engage in romantic relationships ?? its a shame you have put your grandfather to, your parents would be ashamed of you if they knew how you turned out." her words boiled the blood inside me . This woman didnt get the authority to tell me about how my parents would feel if they were alive . I looked at her and with the utmost expression of disgust and anger said " well, lets just say they are not alive now to be ashamed ,now are they ?? maybe its their fault I turned out such a brat or maybe your fault as you killed them cause nobody is informing me how they died or who killed them ?? so if you can hide such a big disgusting secret I can surely go on romantic escapades in secret .. " Merilda seemed shocked by my words . Her face fell for a moment and hurt crossed her face but then she looked at me with anger and said " control your tongue little one , you may be the dean's daughter but you still are a student and no student is allowed to speak to me that way  therefore you will have to do detention which is in this weekend, you are going to mow the lawn with the other detainees and the gardener ." she smiled in an evil way and trotted away satisfied with the punishment I was going to do . Mostly her punishment seemed nothing compared to the words that had leaked out of my mouth , I had really lost a filter when I came here . Probably , a side effect of having powers . From side effects I remembered the weird dreams I have been having since the day in the forest . Its the same over and over again , I run and run ,see the wolf but I'm not scared of the wolf there is something else that's coming ,its reaching towards me and then I wake up all sweaty and drained of energy . The nightmares do not let me sleep properly at night and I feel as if someone is calling out to me waiting for me to reach it , touch it but I feel so disconnected now but I'm sure its growing stronger everyday and I feel as if a big revelation is on the way but these were matters that didn't need my instant attention what needed was the ball. The Ball was going to happen in two days and I hadnt yet got a partner . The whole school knew Knox was going with Amanda as she had made sure to inform each and everyone of her ownership over him . Cole was taking Samantha, which came to me as a great shock  and I thought he was doing it to get back at me but then Amelia informed me that Cole and Samantha had been in a relationship before so she was an ex and she had cried in the hall , almost cried to him and asked him to take her so he complied . Though the reasons were apt I felt bad that the two boys I trusted most had left me alone . Ossette had now returned and she and Chase were probably not gone together so they were making up for the lost time which left me alone a lot and gave me time to consider my options . I had not many options , some guys had asked me out , Cole's friends and other vampires even wizards and warlocks but I had not yet given an appropriate answer waiting for the right man to come and swoop me away but there was no man coming and the ball was in two days , desperate times called for desperate measures and finally getting myself ready to accept one of Cole's friend.

 I walked towards the hall hoping to find him when I bumped into a familiar face ,with the same ruffled look and the charismatic smile etched across his face was Terry Wilson, the healer the one whom I had been looking for , for so many days . He looked at my petite form and after checking me out as subtly as he could he said " Nice , to meet you here little one .. looking for someone ??" he said pointing to himself . I laughed at his reaction and playfully glared at him trying to intimidate him but he was far from being intimidated . He chuckled and held my hand and spun me around into his arms . I reeled from the movement . He had me encased in his arms in a protective way and my back faced his front. Even though  close he kept a certain distance between our bodies that made my respect for him increase . He then again spun me around , picked me up from the floor and sweeping me off my feet raised me up with his hands then again with the very same swift movement he brought me back to my feet again and then I realized what we were doing . We were dancing and probably he was , I was just being treated like a doll being picked up and kept down , following his lead . He smiled at me again when we were at a considerable distance apart and asked " So, as I know you havent had any dates to the ball yet and the two men whom you would want are currently busy with another so would you accompany me to the ball??" his words surprised me but then I thought maybe he was joking so I decided to play along " yes sure if you can dance this well , I'm all up for it ." 

He looked happy-- would be an understatement , he seemed bursting with joy but then he recomposed himself and asked seeing the laughter on my face " I'm not joking , I'm serious will you come to the ball with me ?" he was serious and I was shocked . Out of all people he could go out with- he chose me why ... I asked him " why would you want to go with me , I already have built a bad reputation for engaging in romantic escapades " I said imitating Merilda . He smiled and said " then one more to your list and as for why you , you are the only one with whom I can do this with." he said swooping me in his arms lifting me off the ground , and then turned me 360 degrees and brought me back to my feet. He then gave me a heart warming smile and said " call me Will and not Terry it makes me sound too old ." I looked at him still shocked head reeling with the adrenaline flowing through me . I looked at his retreating form and I was certain this ball would be a blast . 

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