The Hurt Alpha

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On reaching the hospital wing the blond haired nurse who had tended to me was standing outside a room which had a big sign attached to it that said-' the room for critical patients' , another room was situated just opposite to the room , that said ward for patients hurt by curses and jinxes. The walls of the hospital wing were white and blue and reminded me of human hospitals that I had rarely visited due to high medical fees . My mother had usually tended to me whenever I got ill and took care of me using home remedies rather than paying heavy fees to the doctor . I wondered where my family was now and how they were doing . I had no contact with them since I moved here neither had I tried to . It was not because I didnt want to it was because they would ask questions I would never be able to answer and I didnt want to lie to them . I had no idea what my grandfather had told them and I didnt want to create a mess and enrage my grandfather who would already be angry due to my expeditions this week. The blond haired nurse on seeing me hurried towards me . She seemed worried and gently asked me " Are you not feeling well ?  have you had any problems since you left today morning ?? " her anxious voice reminded me of the reason I had come here . I was distracted by the view of the wing and the eerie feeling that I felt being here . I looked at the nurse and asked her " I want to visit my friend in here , he's not well , his name is Cole Maxwell. He got hurt today ." I added the last statement for specification but I was certain that she already had a good idea of why I was here . Her face fell into a frown as I said the name she replied " I have had a hoard of girls coming up to me with flowers and chocolates for the alpha all day, at first I thought it was a gesture of care and support but soon I could hear girls weeping over him as he has been unconscious since the healers attended to him , recently he had woken up for food and medicine but that's it . I think he is purposely avoiding girls for some of them are too nagging even for me to bear , so be ready for rejection , also visiting hours end in 15 mins and curfew is in 30 mins meet fast and then get to your dorm  " saying this she marched away probably feeling superior . If whatever the nurse said was true and Cole was avoiding girls then it would be a bad idea for me to see him because already I had one guy reject me, another rejection would be revolting. 

In spite of the nagging fear of rejection I walked towards the room which had patients suffering from curses and jinxes . As soon as I stepped in, a nauseating smell filled me . It was coming from an old man who lay close to the entrance on the bed . He almost looked rotten and his clothes were soaked in some green material which I assumed was medicine . I looked around for the sign of Cole when another man walked out of a private cabin at  the corner of the room. He looked like a healer as his hands were covered with some medicine and he had a few bottles floating in front of him . As soon as his eyes fell on me his face brightened . He put the bottles down on the table with a flick of his hands ,they swiftly settled themselves on the table. He smiled and his awfully young face felt more charismatic than before . He was tall about 6'0 feet and had a good build rare for healers . He also had a handsome presence which was lightened moreover with his smile . He looked young enough except I knew he wasnt . Healers were a kind of magic users that mostly were above 40 and with age their experience in this field enhanced therefore they were careful and made precise decision that depicted their age . The ones with the compassion to heal and the patience to tend became healers which no one possessed in their youth . Ossette had told me all about it . But the man looked like an exception to the case , he was now closer to me and surprised me with his warm greeting " Bonjour, my little one ."

I was abashed by his frank greeting which had rendered me speechless for a minute . Then I plucked up my courage and in a bold voice replied " hello to you too, who are you??" he seemed amused by my greeting he smiled and said " I am a healer as you have already concluded, my name is Terry Wilson, little one ." on hearing his reply I couldnt control my self , unfiltered words fell out of my mouth " just because you are a massive giant you don't get to call me little one ." his laughter glazed through the silent room. Then he composed himself and with a little smirk he said " you are, my little one dear , however much you deny it ." then he walked out of the room unabashed by the conversation we had and without a further look in my direction , disappeared out of sight . There were some really crazy people out here in this academy. 

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