The Prisoner

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It was three in the morning ,Knox was still laying there, unmoving on the library ground . His wounds had healed and he seemed quite healthy physically but he was still unconscious , probably the work of a spell or a curse. The person who had cast this must have been too powerful if he could put Knox in a trance . I had tried all kinds of spell , revitalization , revoking spell but none had worked . I had looked through the library in search of  a book that could help me but the only help those books provided was the use of dark magic to do a resurrection spell which I couldnt . It required sacrifice  which was not possible as there was nothing to sacrifice in an empty library.

I had searched almost every book in the library , no book ever gave the information I wanted , the only method to call the dark magic was to sacrifice and yield the magic and I tried so many times to skip the sacrifice part and do the resurrection spell but I failed miserably. I was still looking through the books when I found one book dark and greasy . The cover said it was a book of dark arts . I opened the book to see if I could find someway to get Knox back from  the trance and looked through the book. Disappointment washed over me as I went through the book as it gave me no way to perform the spell without a sacrifice . A wave of rage ran through me , no book in the library was helping me find a way to bring Knox back , even books from the restricted section. My anger took the best of me , I threw the bookshelf down on the floor and the books went toppling by . I wanted to destroy everything in the library when something caught my attention , from the same book of dark arts a small book seemed to be peeping out of it . I went and picked up the book and tried to control my rage . Curiosity got the best of me as I opened the cover less book . The book had recipes of how to make gruesome potions using dark magic. I skimmed  through the pages looking for some valuable information about dark magic when one page caught my interest . The title said the possessor of dark magic . I started reading captivated by  the title - 

In a village far away back in the old ages, lived a lot of witches together . It was a strange village as many covens of witches lived there .It was said that the land there gave power to the witches so the covens who knew about it decided to stay there in peace and harmony . The witches never fought among themselves and no threat ever came to them from any other creature as the large numbers kept creatures from stumbling into the place . But some covens had refused to stay there owing to their wish to travel and some knew something  was not right about the place and they were right .The place warded of any creature not only because of the number of witches but also because the place itself repelled them. As soon as the creatures neared it they started losing the control they had and started deteriorating . Unknown was the cause and the witches who lived there didnt want to find about it. Men too lived there and worshiped the witches as they protected them and made their work easy . Days passed by no one ever heard any disruption or disturbance in the village . One day out of an abandoned hut one that had been so, for many years came out a girl , very beautiful in grace , extremely charming . No man could resist after seeing her . Her beauty attracted men and women . The villagers were entranced by her . She was in her teens , young and cheerful . After that day she lived among the villagers . She seemed normal even human but was a witch . She never lost control or could yield dark magic . Villagers thought she was an angel sent from the Gods for redemption . When one day a creature crossed the borders of the village, it was a hybrid a very different kind , no one understood its nature . It killed many witches and wizards, the spells bounced off him and he healed instantly. The creature came into the village week after week . 

The village cried for the loss of its inhabitants . On one such night when the villagers were having a gathering the creature came to kill. The villagers were all gathered but the creature seemed extra powerful that day , they saw the blaze in his eyes , a blaze of destruction when out came the beauty of the crowd . The creature was entranced by her but it didnt last long .He started coming closer when the girl whispered a few words 'I'm lost come possess me ' the words were foreign to the villagers but their meaning was clear because as soon as she said those words the beast lay dead and another beast had awoken . A beast more powerful than anything ever seen. The beast had dark bleeding eyes . She could manifest dark magic without sacrifice , her beauty was enhanced . She was the enchantress. The girl after killing the beast returned to her original state . She fainted . When she woke up the villagers saw her differently and they were scared of her . The girl hated seeing the fear in their eyes . The villagers that day conspired to kill her as she was another beast another one who had immortal power . The next day when they went to find her she was not present inside her hut . Search parties of witches were sent but no results were yielded , the witch was never found again ever . The girl was lost and only she could manifest dark magic without sacrifice because she offered herself as one . Many witches after that tried to say the spell said by her and copy her actions without no success.  The girl was lost so was the secret of her power . It is said only she or her bloodline if she had could yield such power. People have tried finding such a witch but through years they did it without success . But maybe one did find -

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