Triumph Over The Day

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I woke up to a giddy feeling surrounding me , the unfamiliar walls and the bed sheets scared me. The daylight spilled through the window , and the birds chirped loudly. I covered my ears with my hands , the voice annoyed me and my head ached really bad. It felt like I had a hangover , though honestly I had no idea how it felt cause I had never been the one to do reckless stuff, always responsible but last night I had gone reckless , the old me would have never let Ossette ditch me to meet her bf , she wouldnt have hid from a teacher or hidden in the left wing or touched those torches. The torches , the noise and then my savior , who was he , why was he here , was he also a student or was I certifiably insane , imagining people saving or rather just one person so I could not feel lonely and have the comfort of looking into his deep brown eyes , those alluring orbs of other worldly beauty that had captivated my attention since the day he saved me or rather disrupted my chance at peace . I sighed and removed the covers off me , I was wearing the same dress from yesterday night and my hair seemed to be a tangled mess as I tried to tame those , an unsuccessful attempt . I looked around in order to understand my surroundings better, my belongings lay there and my bags were packed and pushed into a corner . On the table beside me , a dress more of a cloak or a robe was folded and kept in a neat manner and a glass of what seemed like juice lay there on the table . I picked up the glass to check the contents, when a disgusting smell hit my nose . I shrunk away from the contents in the glass , this wasnt a juice ,it was poison . Suddenly the clicking of the door caught my attention and my head snapped towards the intruder . Ossette graced me with her presence with a worried expression on her face and then I remembered .Oh my god , If a teacher had found me in the left wing and brought me here or the fact that I was in the restricted area had reached the ears of the authority Ossette would have had a tough time and her secret, her relationship with Chase would be revealed, was I such an idiot, I had now destroyed a relationship and had also ended a friendship I had formed in this school...Great progress just great...

" I'm so sorry I didnt mean to hurt you , I was trying to save you ....." I  didnt know what to say . Ossette looked at me with a confused expression on her face and then as if she had just comprehended my words she said " We weren't caught Victoria but it was so foolish of you to enter there . I thought you looked responsible and then you go around doing such reckless stuff . The left wing is a dangerous place ,we are not allowed to go in there , teachers don't enter the place and you did when I told you so many times do not enter or go towards it . "

She said this all in one go and released a shaky breath. She was worried about me and I understood her . I had acted recklessly yesterday night even though I hardly had any choice but this one was the worst , I had not completely understood this thing I had gotten into , this was all new to me ,magic and all, I had not understood the severity of the situation. Then Ossette's face went back to her cheerful demeanor and she said "Thankfully Knox was there to save the day ."

"Knox ????"

" The one who brought you here yesterday after you passed out in the wing "

" The guy with the brown eyes?"

A smile flitted on her face as she said " Yes , the guy with the brown eyes. "
Oh so this guy's name was Knox and he was my saviour . Hmmm.. one question still prodded me 

" So , you know Knox ??" 

She replied as if amused by my question " Of course , I do. He's Chase's bestfriend and my future best man at my wedding ."

Oh so Knox was Ossette's friend and because he went to this school he was definitely a supernatural , a hot one indeed . 

Suddenly , two boys invaded our private conversation , One was a blond guy with a roguish look and deep blue eyes almost like mine . Almost I said it lacked those green rings that I had and the other was my saviour , the one with the brown eyes . Now that I noticed more carefully it wasnt completely brown it was somewhat brick red , what a unique colour , as beautiful his eyes were ,his body looked like a piece of art decorated with god like muscles and extremely sturdy legs. 

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