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My first day had passed without any happenings and I was thankful for it. The classes here at the school fascinated me . I had no idea till a day before that I was a witch and I could use magic but now being in this school , I definitely felt like I could . The next day I awoke with a huge yawn and realised that I was late for breakfast , Ossette would kill me . I hurriedly dressed myself up in my robes and grabbed my bag to hurry to the hall. By the time I got there I saw Ossette seated in between witches and the hall was full of students milling in and some eating and gossiping. I took an empty seat beside Ossette . She turned to me and said " Slept in late today??" with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah , kind of , though I'm here for breakfast and that is what counts " I said defending myself . I had promised Ossette yesterday that I would wake up early and would reach the hall before time but I had slept in a little late , and I certainly didnt want a lecture coming my way . She smiled at me amused by my reaction, our conversation was interrupted by a sweet voice " Today's breakfast is the only breakfast I enjoy , fruits and nuts they just suit me so much. I think we should have fruits and nuts everyday rather than the unhealthy greasy food they give us the other days ." I looked at the plate in front of me full of fruits and nuts , I turned towards Ossette horrified at the thought of having such scarce breakfast" Only fruits and nuts , how will I satisfy my hunger with these!!!" Ossette looked at me surprised by my reaction " You do not like fruits and nuts ??" she asked me obviously not believing me. I hated having just fruits or nuts , they never satisfied me , I wasnt a huge eater but I needed my food cooked properly and fats and cheese never hurt me so I never hesitated to have them. Though most people never believed me due to my slim size and small form . I wasnt too tall just average height. The girl who had just declared her love for fruits and nuts said " Are you mad ??!! Do you want to end up fat and thick. Fruits and nuts are healthy and needed for our body , having them helps us be fit and trained , whereas all that fat food just makes you obese  ." I had never argued with a peer , for god sake I never sat at lunch times with my classmates . I spent it in offices and cabins of teachers trying to get extra credit . I just stared at her when I heard Ossette say" It's her  choice , Samantha she can have whatever she wants." so this weird girl's name was Samantha and she obviously thought too much of herself. She had a beautiful face and radiance deflected off her skin. Her body was covered with her robes that refused to reveal anything . I had thought she was a friendly person but now after this, I realised I was definitely wrong. She had not liked the part where Ossette had supported me, so with a frown she said " Of course she can have whatever she wants I just think its not her authority to interrupt me while I was speaking ,instead she could have kept her mouth shut and the thought all to her herself."

Silence fell over the table , all the witches had stop chattering and stared in our direction, not only the witches the other two tables of werewolves and vampires had also stopped to listen to the conversation here , I looked at the other table and saw Knox staring at me . It was a kind of an encouraging stare the one that forces you to react , I peeled my eyes away from him and stood up and looked straight  into Samantha's eyes " Listen you , I dont give a damn about your authority over fruits and nuts , cause that is the only authority you have and dont worry about me getting obese , I can manage to keep myself fit unlike you " I said pointing to her overly grown nose. She was fuming after my little speech , she got up from the table and hurried out of the hall. I stared after her in disbelief when Ossette's hand pulled me down to my seat . The hall was silent for a second then the whispering and gossips broke out ,some kept staring at me while others were engrossed in their own world but I didnt mind the stares , I was used to being stared and made fun of , I ignored them all and focused on my plate but one stare stood out from the rest -his. He stared at me and kept staring despite our eye contact he seemed lost in thought , I had decided at first that I would give a little wave or a smile but decided against it. I finished my food and Ossette and I went to our first class.  Ancient magic was as boring as ever but offensive magic on the other hand was the one I loved the most. Professor Vonn was an extremely good teacher and he could do spells , I couldnt even imagine doing. Today was the second day and we had already made quite a progress.

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