The Battle Part - 2 - Sacrifice

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Two hushed voices could be heard , one bold- strongly trying to control the loudness in the voice and another soft but filled with anxiety , the voices grew louder as they reached my ear " We mustn't do what you intend to do , it is very cruel and not what we desired in the first place you said you would kill the grandfather when the war went on and that would be the end so what is this new twisted regime of yours now??" 

" You do not have the authority to question me like that , daughter . And I'm merely trying to make them pay for the wrongs done to me by her grandfather , when you have seen as much as me you will know death is easy not a punishment but a reward for the guilty its pain of every kind that is the real punishment and that is all I'm giving . Now listen to me , pack your bags and go away I will meet you after I am over with the girl , now go away."

" You are not doing the right thing mother , there will be consequences." the softer voice left the room and now the loud voice boomed " She teaches me about consequences , the teenage girl as if I dont know but the real fact is I dont care , I only care about my revenge."

" Who are you? please leave me" I whispered feeling drained out of energy and pained. My eyes opened to see a woman , that I would have never thought of . A gasp left me as I looked up at her through my watering eyes as I struggled to keep them open. She smiled an evil smile, one that made you shrink away in resentment . 

" Yes girl , Its Miss Westfield , shocked, surprised thought Merilda was the bad one or the master .. no its all me , I'm the one who wants all your power or in simple words wants you dead and had played a great role in your parents killing . I wasnt the main one then but now in your story I am . So I will save you the work of asking me why I'm doing this as you dont look too well." she laughed harshly and continued " Your mother was my sister ....shocked I know you are , I was the enchantress not your mother , I was beautiful and wonderful and everything that the enchantress is and the most of all , I was powerful not some average witch but your grandfather that is to say my father preferred my sister- your mother, she was a good little girl his favourite, being the younger one so, one day he took all of that power out of me and gave it to her. The transfer almost killed me , I survived by miracle but after that I was weak , weaker than an average witch , I couldnt do the easiest of spells , I was laughed at and your mother she became the apple of everyone's eyes, beautiful and powerful she had everything she had stolen from me. After that we grew up and fell in love with the same man, your father but he chose her over me even though she gave him the least amount of attention nothing like I did. I loved him but she again stole him from me so after that I let her secret out to a group of believers who believed that the enchantress existed and wanted her power for some use. I worked with them and in order to obtain the power. I went with them to kill your parents but they knowing they were about to be captured and killed , killed themselves first so that the power could stay away from me , your grandfather saw me that day and seeked me so I married a man who had a daughter and no wife and concealed my real appearance not by an illusion spell, I knew the spell would wear someday so I burnt my face and went for healing methods that made me look different. I was quiet and never got into the action let Merilda do it all, getting caught by David too and then I well planned it all out. "

" so you were the one who allowed the men to get through the chamber?" another laugh was heard " Yes, niece.. yes " so Will hadnt betrayed us all but .. Knox and everyone assumed Will has, what if they harm him, I pulled tighter against the hold. " I'm no niece of yours leave me you evil , twisted woman .. even your daughter said that you were doing wrong , listen to her"

" There is no need of trying to get rid of the ropes , they are too tight and so is the knife inside your back. It's draining all your power and that knife will absorb all of it and then I will have it inside of me and you will be dead. Now there is one way you can stop this turning into the enchantress but will you be able to control it ..No , because you are pure and good and the enchantress controls you, for you to control her you need to be as dark and evil as her which means act of pure evil or in other terms sacrifice. But whom?? the one most close to your heart.. Now on one side is your beloved lover Knox out there fighting..... on the other side it's your previous family. Dont worry I have it arranged they are here for a lucky draw contest that I devised or a trap, waiting in a hotel room , " she said at my aghast expression " Now on one call my men will bring them to you to be killed or if you choose the first then you will go out from here and kill the one you love .. or if you choose option three you will die here , the power will be mine .Now you will ask me why are you giving me options, it is to break you mentally and emotionally after doing such an act and that will trouble my sister to the core to see her daughter struggle like that. After that I'll make sure I kill them both and my men will kill your friends fighting out there obviously. I am loosing your ropes . So you have fifteen minutes tick tock tick .. choose your pick." She walked out of the thatch leaving me speechless and alone.

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