Battle part-one

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Twilight settled in , The sun had now taken his leave and a slight darkness spread upon its depart. The bluish-pink sky adored with a mix of different colours was the only good sight to see and the only beautiful thing we could imagine as of now. As doom was approaching , we could feel it , the date on the letter was the date of war, a war of good vs bad , a war of clear boundaries , a war for me , to a war that I so desperately wanted to fight , so that I could win or never see the light of the day again like the whole of my family. A small group of students were sitting on the porch , the only ones left behind who volunteered or didnt have a home to go back to . I was among them and I had my head laid upon the  man I loved, Knox. Chase and Ossette were huddled up together by us, Cole was standing in the corner of the field and Samantha was sitting beside her father , whispering in hushed voices to him. There were few other people too, the teachers, professor Vonn and other teachers that were getting equipped for the battle. Vampires had stayed , most of them, mostly presuming the fact that they were old and had lost their families or were perpetually immortal beings who were very difficult to kill. Only Cole and Andrew had stayed among the wolves and Amanda had come back to fight. First on seeing Knox and me together she looked shocked then many a council warriors and guardians had surrounded her discussing war strategies , so instead of saying anything she had given me a look of pure loathing and then had started discussing strategies. Among the witches many had stayed here , specially warlocks, they were sharpening their blades , axes and swords. Stakes were laying on the ground, wooden and silver stakes, sharpened to protect us from vampires and werewolves. 

Will had still not come back.His betrayal was a shock to me . I didn't want to believe it , any of it but the proof was there,  crushed and folded in my hand. I clutched the paper tightly in my fist , crushing it even more, a hand had covered mine in a soothing manner, in order to calm my nerves . It was Knox's hand as he asked me " Its Will isn't it ??" his name made me burn with rage. 

"I don't want to believe he betrayed us , he just seemed so trusting, I.. don't know what to believe or whom to believe anymore,Why would he do this to us??" I asked , Knox replied " Maybe he was jealous , he was jealous of the fact that I had you , that you didn't pick him and he didn't show it unlike someone " he glanced at Cole who was looking at us ," he hid it and took revenge or maybe he worked for Merilda maybe that is how Merilda knew who you really are, he even refused to do the anti-illusion spell for us because if he did he would be betraying them."

Ossette said" Don't worry we are here for you, we will not let anyone harm you."I rested my head on Knox's shoulders once more as he patted it soothingly. Chase suddenly stood up in alarm so did the other vampires and Knox. Cole and Andrew reacted then too. I strained my ears for any sound  , a soft rustle could be heard and then out of the forests into the clearing appeared men and women all dressed up in black robes with a red mask. Some sneaked in stealthily some openly walked into the clearing without fear and formed a group of around thirty people. We lacked numbers . Some were magic users , some were vampires very few werewolves could be seen, vampires mostly in number then magic users. Among them one was standing with his head held high and appeared to be the one they called master. He walked ahead separating from the group. A few followed behind him -two men one a werewolf other a vampire. We all were ready by now, weapons in our hands stakes ready to be showered . The man walked further ahead hardly scared of us, then after reaching a considerable distance he said , his voice magnified almost a hundred times" We are here to take the lost girl , give her to us and we shall do no harm." An almost inhuman growl ripped out from Knox's throat, the man looked at him with consideration," he is the boyfriend I suppose. I want her give her to me , I'll pardon your lives if not then I will rip and tear everyone of you apart." Knox left my hand and started towards the man , I held him back and walked out of the group with my head held high. I could see Merilda in those red robes and instead of saying anything I started the battle by hitting the master with my favourite spell ' Incendia '.

As soon as the spell hit him , a roar was heard from the other end, the group roared in protest, the master surprised with my attack staggered back by the blow of it. Then he held up a hand to stop the group form lounging on to us. He then got back on his feet and said " It's a pleasure to meet someone brave enough to defy me just like your mother child, but I hope you dont end up like her." He then flicked his hand and I rose up high in the air and he smashed me hard against the rock , another flick of his finger the war started and the thirty men leapt on to us. A vampire crawled up to me, his teeth bared at me , staying a little afar probably his masters orders, I picked up one of the stakes when he was jumped by Knox who bit him and then drove a stake through him . WE looked at each other a word of understanding passing through each others eyes , when I saw Ossette being dragged by werewolf who tugged at her skin. I took out those killing guns and shot at the werewolf, he howled in rage as the bullets hit him and then lay dead. I realised they were silver ones. I proceeded to hit others too, the vampires had killed a few councilmen , I was looking around for any of my friends in danger when I  was distracted by the fight between Knox and a werewolf who was aiming to bite, suddenly I was lifted up from the ground and smashed into the wall. A witch had now reached me . She had me in a body lock spell , I tugged hard but my body refused to move as if bound by hard ropes. She smashed my head again into the wall, blood started to ooze out of it , then she stalked closer and raised her hood, it was Merilda , she was glowing with happiness " I want to kill you now... so much but I cant, I have orders to follow but now when I will deliver you to master alive and not so much healthy it will be so much fun, but let's torture you a bit while we are at it ...-afflicto".  A scream escaped my mouth , a pain so hard so dreadful shot through me , as if every part of my body was tearing into pieces. Then as soon as it came it stopped , I fell from the air to the ground, my back hurt a lot. I opened my eyes to see Merilda dead on the ground with a knife plunged inside of her. Looking up I saw Samantha standing on top of her mother's dead body in shock . She then took out her knife in an instant her tearful eyes back to normal and started shooting with her knives at the targets she could find nearby. I saw Chase and Ossette now fighting together, Knox and Cole were surrounded by a herd of vampires , witches and werewolves , I ran midst them. One of them jumped at Knox whom I lifted up by a hovering spell and threw into the clearing. 

Just then another thirty to forty people entered the clearing and charged at us . There was no way we could survive being outnumbered this way unless I ..

But the enchantress was something I had no control over I wasnt sure whom I would kill I wasnt certain of anything because I didn't control her, she controlled me and however hard I tried the attempt was futile there was no way I could control her and if I hurt someone close to me how would I live with that , there had to be another way, somehow we all could be saved without calling her when I felt a sharp stab at my back. A knife had been plunged straight through me. Pain , dizziness , shock all shot through me at once. A hand roughly handled me and dragged me  through the woods. Blood was oozing out of my wound in great amounts making me extremely dizzy and weak to walk , I hit him continuously on the hand and struggled against his hold. I closed my eyes feeling the stabbing pain in my abdomen raving through me. The man grabbed a fistful of my hair , making me howl in pain. The dagger in my back was paining worse than ever , my eyes drooped and I felt all energy leaving my body. The last thing I saw was a broken down cottage , greyish in colour as I fainted into oblivion.

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