The Old Church

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I paced around the room , my anxiety had spiked up a few notches, indecision clouded my mind first there was Knox and then there was Amanda his girlfriend and fiance and then there was this connection we had , kind of saviour and damsel in distress one and then there was me having confusing and mixed thoughts about him. One second he made me so angry and the next second everything was fine. There was so much I couldnt understand , so many unanswered questions including the reason how I got inside that wing , then the classroom incident , I shuddered remembering the flames and the satisfied feeling I had got and then there was the mystery of my parents that my grandfather had refused to answer . How had my boring life turned upside down so easily and had left me in this situation . It had all started from the day I was not elected the president , I would have never gone into the forest never believed all that the man said never would I have got the nerve to enter the wing and would have never met Knox again . Again yes... We had met earlier but he never discussed or showed any signs of recognition or that he remembered me but then his eyes they bore so deep into me as if they knew me totally , owned me , understood me and pierced right through my soul. Those reddish brown eyes.....I sighed how would I get myself out of this , even after knowing that he had a girlfriend my heart refused to acknowledge her presence , it was as if it refused to understand anything except the fact that he was mine.......... 

Ossette entered the room and sat beside me , obviously she knew about Amanda and I could see pity in her eyes as she spoke " It's okay , I dont know , I cant explain its not my right but dont give up , go for it , shout , fight , chase do anything but please dont give up." she said it all genuinely , her face morphed into one of pain .  Then a thought struck me I didnt know the way to the old church , gosh I didnt even know if it was a church or a place and as far my tour of the campus included I had not seen a church not even a new one. If it was a place where couples did meet , Ossette would understand but I knew she wasnt the one to follow. I asked her " Ossette , where is the old church??" as soon as the words fell out of my mouth a smile spread on her face , she started squealing with excitement " So, you are going that's absolutely wonderful, I love you , go girl go.." I raised an eyebrow in a way of  question , the excitement faded and then she said sheepishly " Chase has vampire hearing " At this I nudged her with my elbow and that was just the starting of the catfight ,we proceeded to pull and push each other until it was almost dinner . Dinner was nerve-racking as I was worried the whole time . I was scared and at the same time excited ,adrenaline was coursing through my veins , I saw Chase and Knox at their table talking about something . Like usual they were whispering but that is not what caught my attention . Amanda was sitting with the werewolves and kept chattering with them , they seemed taken by her, appalled specially the boys by her beauty . So , she was a werewolf but she didn't look like them , she was pale and lean and looked as if killing anyone would certainly be her last priority . She was short and beautiful and lacked the heavy curves that adored the other females . Still they all had their eyes on her and a look of admiration was etched across their faces , I wondered what tale she was feeding them with , I sighed and looked at my food , my appetite for food had vanished. I pushed the plate away when I head a drawling voice " scared of getting fat dear??" Samantha said pointing at my untouched food . I had no intention of arguing with her or setting her up on fire again , I got up from the table and walked away . Ossette had gone out somewhere due to some work , I was left all alone when I saw a boy staring at me . He was a student and by the looks of it a werewolf , he had green eyes and a charming face . He looked cute enough and more likely like those players in school. He smiled at me when our eyes met then advanced in my direction , I stepped a step back as I felt him coming closer , he stopped a feet away and then extended his hand in greeting. I put my hand in his and instead of shaking it as I had expected he held it tight and then placed a kiss on the back of my hand . I flushed to my toes. Never had I been greeted in such a heartwarming gesture . He then stepped back to give me space and with a smile on his face he said " Cole Maxwell , werewolf Alpha ." His alpha title made him even more intimidating . 

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