The Truth

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The door opened to reveal an enormous  room with a desk and a chair. The man sat on the chair and sighed in contentment . I realised that the chair and the room glowed with our presence . It was neatly arranged like any other office . Stacks of files and rolls of parchment lay there . The desk was cleared and had nothing except a file on it . It was highly polished and seemed to belong to a previous era . In my assessment of the place I hadnt realised that the man was talking to himself, he was uttering a few words like he had done before the staircase appeared or before the door opened . Panic shot through me " what are you doing ?? Are you going to make something more appear out of the blue ?.. " 

" No , dear I'm relaying a message to the guards of the school that you have entered the premises and are safe and secure under my care . "

On hearing his reply , the sarcastic side of me spoke up" By muttering under your breath, 

that's a good way of relaying message. "

"Its called - lire." 

"What's a lire ?"

"It is a way of convening messages in our coven . It's the easiest and the most well known method , though it needs a good teaching."

His vague answers did nothing to burn down my bubbling curiosity , with each word that came out of his mouth it overwhelmed me totally.

"What's a coven ? what are the weird things going on here ? That staircase how did it appear out of thin air ? Where are my parents..." I kept rambling all the questions that I had until the man held a hand and stopped my useless rambling .

" One at a time my dear , start with the first one ." I picked the question I thought would be a start to unveiling the events of the night . " Where is my family'?"

"Far away in Australia , on some island , Denver led them to."

"and what is  this whole thing about , the school and my fake family, where is my real family?"

"So from the beginning , when you were little, a group of people wanted to kill you, your parents to protect you left you to Roger , your fake father who would never be suspected on having you . The men would never believe that you would be given to such a man and be placed in a house of such poverty and less respect. As your parents moreover your mother had presumed  that they would never suspect Roger and he had been given a lot of money to keep himself quiet. We thought you would never be brought into this world as it was the greatest threat to you but alas that plan turned  out to be unsuccessful as you have obviously entered our world. "

Many questions troubled me but I asked the most important one " then why did you introduce me to all this ? "

" Because you are possibly in danger . The spell which guarded your secret is now broken , you are now exposed to a lot of threats , maybe some have even got a whiff of this. We needed to get you safe."

"spell!!!! you mean magic spell ??!!"

"Yes , oh I forgot to tell you.., your mother was a witch and your father was a wizard. Very powerful indeed both of them ."

"Yes and you expect me to believe that my parents were ........."that's bullshit "

"No it isnt . Your parents were supernatural creatures with powers and so are you , that is why the men are after you , also these men are  a group of supernaturals. The school is trying to protect you from them , this school is a residence for the supernatural , all kinds...;- vampires , witches , werewolves and everything in between. Its necessary you stay here under the protection of the school , it's heavily guarded by assassins and fighters , who pledge to protect it."

"Are you a wizard too????" 

"No I'm a warlock , wizards are men who fight only with magic , I'm a fully developed  warlock who fights with magic as well as arms ."

That was an overload of information , I felt like my life had been turned upside down , I could not believe it even though the staircase appearing suddenly and all events that had happened since the night started finally registered . So I was not mad...... this school was full of supernatural creatures and my parents had been magic users. What did that make me then , I wondered staring off into another direction . The stern voice of the man pulled me back into reality .

"Now are all your questions answered ?" 

There is one left I thought . " how did the spell break? " 

He looked at me with an expression , a mixture of pity and anger, then he said" A spell breaks when the the person who cast it dies , the spell was casted by both your parents and its completely removed." The man's hands clutched in anger, he seemed a little lost in thought , I perfectly understood what he meant , my parents were dead, even though I had never known them I somehow felt connected , an unexplained sorrow shadowed over me , the thought of the happy family I had was dashed into dirt. 

"I know u didnt know them , but they were wonderful people , your mother especially... but now that they are no more and  I am your grandfather and so I am now responsible for you . I will not be here so much but this school will be like a family to you... make good friends and as you must have guessed you are witch so your classes will be with the witches but  because you also have fighter traits you will be with the vampires and werewolves, training to be a fighter if and only if you wish , there are subjects you can choose from , book list and school uniform is in your dorm room , any more questions ... ???"

"Yes how did my parents you know .. die ?" I asked hesitating , it affected him more than he showed , he replied " A story for some other day , off you go now. "

He gave me no time to ask him anymore questions and again started muttering something . As soon as his muttering stopped , a girl  entered the office . Pointing at the girl, he said " This is Ossette Ralph a witch who will guide you to your dorm and help you settle . Your belongings are already arranged there . Now , I have some business to attend , you may leave now. "

The girl looked at me and pointed at the door , I walked out and waited for her to come and lead the way. After a few minutes she stepped out and sighed loudly.

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