The Ball of curses

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The long flowing gown made it difficult for me to walk without tripping on my attire , I was not accustomed to such shows of glamour and fantasy . Neither had I ever worn a dress that made me look like the princesses from Victorian era . The silken fabric flowed behind me in waves as I walked to the entrance of the hall. There were beautiful colors spread around every where . The torches lit up the hallway with different colors that scattered on the walls of the hallway making it shine in its wondrous beauty.  All students were dressed up in their best . The girls wore long flowing dresses and gowns of plain beauty and the boys looked handsome in a tux . Some had worn odd robes made of  feathery material and looked like soldiers in a never ending war. As Ossette told me they weren't students but the guardians dressed up as war men of the old times to distinguish themselves from the royalty- school and act like guards. Ossette and I stood beside the entrance waiting for Chase and my partner to come and give us allowance to the enter the Ball when I heard a soft whisper in my ears " Have you got the book of curses ,we need the book today , Cole was right you know, everybody is present here its the perfect opportunity to do such a spell, we wont get one later." she was right it was the perfect opportunity every single person, the dean , the guards ,the office assistants, also the staff was present. I looked back at the hallway waiting for my punctual partner to arrive when I saw a couple arrive at the door , a couple I loathed so much - Knox and Amanda . Beside them was Chase his eyes strung on the beauty beside me . He stared at her as if mesmerized by her presence and after a few moments broke his eye contact and then looked at me . He gave me a smile and a hand gesture suggesting I looked hot !!.. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and nudged Ossette who seemed to be in a similar trance. She blushed embarrassed by her lack of awareness and then took his hands and they walked inside . I was charmed by the intense love they shared for each other.

Then I turned my attention to the next pair of couple , Knox and Amanda . Amanda was bubbling with happiness as she held his arms and wrapped her frail arms around his waist in an act of ownership . I stared at his hands . They were clenched at his side, and he kept clenching and unclenching them . He seemed distressed as if trying to control his anger . He kept trying to remove her hands from his waist but every time he did so she put her hands right back where they were . She then looked at Knox who was staring at me intently and I at him . In that moment I wanted to rip her hands off him and hold him tight to comfort him . Our moment was a bit too much for Amanda to handle , she interrupted it with her sickly sweet voice laced with venom " So , Victoria didnt you get a date for yourself or are you on guard duty here .. if you are I feel bad for that dress you are wearing its too beautiful to be marred by something so lowly ." I looked at her and was about to give her a sassy reply when Will walked in breaking the fight . He was wearing a black tux with a white tie that made him look not  a day over 20 . His usual charming face which was generally filled with remnants of potion marks and burns was now cleared and  glowing . To be honest all in all he looked devastatingly handsome . I smiled at the smirk on his face which was due to the coincidence of his entrance time . He took my hand in his with a gentle movement and kissed it . Then put his other hand on my waist and then looked  at the couple in front of me . Will said " Do not fight girls..... aggressive faces on beautiful suits do not look pretty ...Now I'll take my leave with my beautiful date here. let's go dear ." he said the last statement directed towards me. He then swiftly guided me inside the hall without a check or the worry of standing in the line formed by the students where Knox and Amanda were standing. 

I was gleeful and trying to control my laughter at the look on Amanda's face but I felt bad for Knox .After seeing me and Will his annoyance had turned into anger . He was seething with rage and it was evident by the way he kept constantly pushing Amanda away whenever she put her hands on him. In a way I felt satisfied as his rejection and refusal to be with me when I had thrown myself at him had hurt me deeply . I did want to make me jealous like he made me when Amanda clung to him all the time ,touching him and kissing him when  I should be the one doing that , though I would never be so bold as to kiss him in the corridors while we walked when he looked that deadly . He usually did a grumpy walk and it became more grumpy whenever we crossed each other . By the time Will and I were seated in our seats in the front of the hall , all people who had been invited were there . We all sat in silence waiting to be addressed . A woman wearing a beautiful white plain gown with a garter in the middle climbed up the steps of the stage in front of us and uttered a spell which magnified her voice . Then in that magnified voice she greeted us" Ladies and gentlemen its such a pleasure to see you all seated here attending the Lisbon Berry Ball conducted by the Lisbon Academy every year. This day we all congregate to celebrate the inauguration of our school and its prophetic leader Lisbon . We all sit together and relinquish the fact that the school has continued to be a safe place for its pupils and the guardians protecting them , swear to its safety and the safety of the pupils . To celebrate this day we invite all the people who have contributed in making this school reach its utmost heights . 

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