The Left Wing

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"Hello, I'm Ossette , a witch and your new friend. No need to introduce yourself , I know you very well , Mr. Melbourne filled me in about everything , You are totally new to being a witch and you lived life like a human , your fake father was horrible and you lived in poverty but now all that has changed . You are a part of this prestigious institution for supernaturals and we are going to enjoy so much..." Ossette said this all in a hurry . I was shocked by the amount of information she had about me , David had told her everything , like everything ,that was so unfair , how could he reveal something about my life to a fellow student without my permission. I had to talk to him but I doubted he would listen to me now , he seemed in a kind of a hurry to make me leave and it was too late, I had enough for the day , I was exhausted from all the running and surprises.  I longed for a good night's sleep. Suddenly , I heard the snapping of fingers , that brought me out of my reverie. Ossette was waving her hands all over my face , then I noticed how Ossette looked like . She was a slender girl with beautiful blonde hair and deep hazel eyes. Her arms looked frail and a feeling of tenderness swarmed around her. She  looked at me ,a look of concern etched across her beautiful face " Are you okay ??? Is something wrong??"

On realising my mistake I said " Oh!! Everything is okay. I'm just a little tired." 

That statement made her sad , her face again expressed some hidden emotion , something was  bothering her ,I asked " What is wrong ?? You look worried ."

She gave me a look that expressed her surprise on being caught so easily , then after thinking a bit she said " Well, I would normally not tell anyone new, about this but I have some very important work , I , have to meet a guy , my boyfriend - Chase , we had planned to meet but then Mr. Melbourne asked me to show you to your dorm and ....." she trailed off lookimg sad. 

I instantly felt guilty on listening to her words , she had to meet her boyfriend and I had so unceremoniously disrupted their time. but then one thing remained " At this time of the night ??? You could meet him in the morning . I dont mean to disrupt but isnt moving around the corridors at night not allowed??" 

"It is , but we cant meet anytime else , dating is prohibited.. we cannot date here , its a silly rule that is not understandable , I love Chase but we cant show it in the halls in the morning . So all couples meet at night , once a week at least to you know do stuffs..." She twiddled with her fingers while saying this , obviously embarrassed by what she had said. I was shocked again , even in my old school where the students were from a very high class , dating was allowed , even in that strict school; dating never seemed like a problem , but here ,for the first time I felt that dating should be allowed . I felt bad for Ossette and her boyfriend. They had to hide and meet at night ,sacrificing their sleep and I had disrupted even that. 

"I am so sorry I wish their was anything I could do , I never meant to intervene in your private moment..." I said feeling sad for the girl. I had instantly taken a liking towards her , she was easygoing and friendly . 

"There is one thing you could do , I mean you dont have to, but if you want then, I could give you the directions to your room and if you want, you could go there without my company . I promise to meet you in the morning and keep you company forever pleaseeeee...." she pleaded with me and begged me to let her go , and how could I refuse that pretty face and lose any chances of making a friend and having company on the  first day , I sighed and said " Okay I will go to my room following your directions and tell people that you were with me ,but promise me to accompany me tomorrow during my classes and break time , I hate to be alone on my first day ."

Ossette's face lit up with loads of happiness and excitement as she squealed loudly and hugged me , then sobering up she went all business like and said " So here is the deal, you have to take this way towards the front and then at the end of the hallway turn right and then next right; follow the right and it shall lead you there , but beware do not take the left wing , its prohibited and do not be spotted by any teacher , if you see a teacher hide behind anything or you will be asked as to why you were roaming unaccompanied being a new student, and we will be exposed so hide , and also follow my directions very carefully . Do not take any other route or go on to explore , as you know we are not allowed to move around the school after night , and the most important one ,do not go into the left wing ." She said and hurried away before I could ask her what was there in the left wing . Left all alone , I looked at the hallways of the school , small torches lit up the hallway , the school was asleep and I felt like the only person awake though I knew it wasnt that way . In some part of the school Chase and Ossette were doing something and all over the school other couples were meeting . I felt awfully alone. I walked in the direction of the path Ossette had said , admiring the beautiful portraits that hung on the walls . Suddenly a whispering voice reached my ears , two people were coming towards me directly , I froze and hid behind a statue that stood there. One of them was Merilida , the office assistant and the other was a teacher . I was scared , Merilida definitely knew about my grandfather's orders and would be very upset if she found out that Ossette had abandoned me. My heart rate increased its pace , and Merilida looked alarmed . She had sensed me , how was a question I didnt understand . I looked around to find an escape out of this situation ,  towards my back was the left wing that Ossette had prohibited me to go , she had said it was dangerous but these were desperate times I had to hide somewhere and that spot seemed perfect as it was prohibited , I would pass undetected . I turned around and crept into the left wing, Merilida had now reached the statue for its inspection surely wondering where the presence she had sensed was gone . Then she turned and walked back into the hall disappearing from sight . I stood up sighed and wondered in amazement at how I had succeeded in hiding . I had never been good at such things , I was always the ever righteous girl and never had to resort to such methods , now that I had turned rebellious , I realised it was fun. I turned around and was met with the most spectacular sight I had ever seen. The wing was lit up with beautifully coloured torches that sparkled in presence of the moonlight. They flickered a little and an illusion of light and dark was set upon it . The floor was made of marble and a beautiful garden was visible from this part of the school. I was confused why would such a marvelous place be restricted . Then I looked at my watch it was three in the morning and soon the sun would come up .I had to go to my dorm . I walked towards the exit of the wing increasing my pace and suddenly collided with a wall . I fell down on my back , and looked up to see what had thrown me off balance and then I realised.... there was no wall visible . I placed my hands on the place I had felt there was a wall . A wall , something like a shield seem to deflect my hand as soon as it went near . I started hitting on the wall but to no avail, it didnt budge or showed any signs of backing down . I fell back on my feet , now I was trapped in a wing unable to leave , tired and weary unable to move a muscle , I sighed down in defeat. I was tired of today's events , I didn't wanna fight , tears leaked out of my eyes , I was scared and helpless . I looked up and decided that I would stay here till dawn and then think of something else , I got up dusted myself and looked at the flaming torches . I walked towards them in hope they would lead me somewhere . The torches seemed so unique , so beautiful ,  a feeling seeped out of them , I touched the torch , a blaring siren like noise filled me , my head blasted with that noise , I felt like I was being ripped to pieces. Just when I thought my death was near a voice brought me back to life . It was a familiar voice , I looked up and saw the face of my liberator , the wailing had stopped and a rough voice reached my ears " what are you doing here ??? what ??? what is wrong " the affection and the care in the voice pulled me into reality. I opened my eyes and stared at my liberator , he was the same boy ....... the boy that had saved me before ......

"You there ??? why would you come here ?? its prohibited .."

I stared at him unable to form any words , my head had ceased to work , I felt drained , my eyes drooped as the last thing I heard was his voice ..........

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