Mothers' drama

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" Will you scared me. " I said as he laughed madly as it was the funniest things he had ever heard. Then he recomposed himself at my grave and murderous expression and said "Its funny how  jumpy you are." I glared at him " You seem like a four year old . It's me who should be acting all young and childish and you the controlling one whereas I'm the one here acting like an actual adult. " He laughed it off as he said " Well, its your wish, act childish I'm not stopping you." I gave him an exasperated sigh and squinted my eyes to see through darkness. In that moment light flashed through the room ,the lights had been turned on. It was plain with gray walls and dim light. The room was empty with no exits or entrances visible. Will answered my unasked question " The entrance to the chamber is through this way" , he said pointing to another trap door concealed in form of a rusty carpet. I stared at the unsuspected door and the security arrangement surprised me I asked Will "What's the use of such high security in a transportation chamber??" 

Will replied " The transportation chamber is an easy gateway into school using it anyone can have access to the school and enter it." I asked again " but it uses a security password doesn't it ??"

 " Yes it does but a lot of people know the security code and using another transportation chamber anyone who knows the password can easily get in , so if anyone manages to get in also they wont be able to get out of the area and cause any harm to the residents and the more the people know the code there is a chance one will babble out so its so protected so much." 

It seemed reasonable and justified when one idea struck me " The day of invasion at the ball maybe the attackers got in through the chamber maybe they passed its defenses."

 Will replied " Nice idea but no one can pass the defenses other than me or with my help so its just impossible or rather you suggest I helped them." I shook my head furiously" No , never I wouldnt suggest such a thing but I know surely for one that someone helped them." He looked at me questioningly , I told Will everything from the discovery of the enchantress to the man and the lost girl story, Will for first time was taken aback by surprise. He seemed in deep thought , his smiling face serious for the first time since I met him, he sighed and said " I did suspect something was not right about you, we still dont know for sure if you are that witch but the invasion and the prisoner is dodgy. I'll find more about it without spilling your secret dont worry" he said looking at the aghast expression on my face, " and also the thing about finding, its only you who can find yourself if such a side of you exist .. remember that only you." I nodded in agreement as the carpet unfolded itself to reveal another trap door. The spell he performed was complex and I had never read or heard of it. Both of us entered the chamber by jumping inside. I was amazed at the first sight, it was a very beautiful chamber . The walls were decorated with the same jewels that adored the office. It had a beautiful structure in the middle of the room. The structure had a base made of gold and a tower which protruded out of the base was allured with crystals. On the top of the tower there was a beautiful crystal enormous in size and extravagant in beauty. The tower had a door to enter it . The crystal was shining red and its light made the room glow. The awe of such a magnificent structure allured me and reminded me of the torches in the left wing . I shook my head to get that memory out of my head. Will then pointed to a chair and table in the corner of the room and said " you are going to be administering the entry of parents and helping them if needed. Nobody ever needs ,to be true. None are humans so no directions required they know their way quite too well. Do not argue with any of the parents specially not with the mother of the werewolf girl it will do no good and you will get another detention though you can use any spell quietly that wont hurt much." After saying this he started saying some incoherent words probably spells and the door of the transportation tower opened , I waited to see something some magic as the moments passed by. Soon a bald man with a funny nose and carrying a hat appeared in the doorway. Then out came with him a very beautiful lady wearing a white gown and heavy jewelry.  She greeted Will and then looked at me and gave me a warm smile, it seemed familiar. Then she stretched her hand out to me and introduced herself " I'm Jannet Ralph , this is my husband Lorret Ralph we are here to meet our daughter Ossette Ralph." Oh! so these were Ossette's parents , I greeted them with the same smile and said " I'm Victoria Melbourne , Ossette's best friend ."

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