HIS Incident

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I was shocked to see the students filling in , it was the first time I had an opportunity to have a closer look at the vampires and werewolves , the werewolves looked perfectly normal except their heavily built frames and muscles , the girls were tall and tan most of them and had a certain aura of power surrounding them . I was sure if it was a fight of arms I would be crushed by them. The vampires on the other hand had  perfectly carved faces and supermodel kind bodies . They were usually lean and seemed normally built but their strength was beyond imagination . I saw a vampire uproot a tree , showing off his strength to a girl probably a witch who looked entranced.  As I stared at the students filling in, from different buildings , my eyes got locked on to a sight I had grown prejudiced to. The gorgeous body and brick-reddish brown eyes never left my attention . He was talking to Chase and discussing something in low whispers but my brain refused to comprehend the matter of discussion and kept staring at her favourite sight. Then I felt two gazes directly on me , Chase and Knox were staring in my direction , Chase looked a bit distracted but Knox had his eyes trained on me , staring with an intensity that made me shudder . A slight nudge on my shoulder brought me out of my trance , and I instantly broke my eye contact and pretended to be busy with tying my hair . Ossette had a huge smile on her face whether it was due to the fact that she saw Chase and Knox coming towards us or the fact that she had caught me red-handed ogling Knox. I was not sure myself why I had stared at him for so long . His eyes had captivated my attention , I felt as if they were conveying some unspoken message. Their was such depth in them , it frightened and excited me at the same time , those eyes that had saved me whenever I was lost . I was sure I wanted him more than anything I had ever wanted even the wish for a perfect family but at the same time , I felt scared of something , something I couldnt understand ....... why me , why it had to be that the first time I wanted something so bad it felt so unreachable ,so out of league , I sighed to my myself . 

" Again , lost are we ???"  asked Knox his question took me by surprise . 

" Lost , who is lost?? " I asked feeling stupid . Ossette's laughter rang in my ears like a soft melody , Chase looked at me with pity and something else mixed and Knox well he was Knox he stared at me impassively , with a waiting look in his eyes . I looked at them confused and then realisation dawned upon me . I felt extremely stupid for being in a dream world and losing the little bit of awareness I had. 

I looked sheepishly as I addressed no one in particular " just a bit tired ." 

Ossette smiled at my response and shook her head , Chase spoke up " So what made you so tired ??" he asked wiggling his eyebrows . I dismissed his actions as childish and ignoring his questions I asked " So, you know about the incident ??" I was sure all of them did but still I hoped that I was wrong 

" Yes" was the short reply I got from Knox , he seemed angry and unwilling to talk . I wanted to know what were the rumours but controlled myself , Knox was angry which meant the rumours were bad ,real bad and I certainly didn't want to hear them . An awkward silence fell over us , there was something they didn't want to tell me and to be honest I was a little pleased not to know , my insides were already melting away with guilt , I didnt want to add fuel to the fire . Chase broke the heavy silence by pulling Ossette into his arms ,  she squealed and tried to pull away from his unbending grasp . Knox and I laughed at their actions , clearly Ossette was enjoying this as much as Chase but it was fun to watch them argue and fight , suddenly Chase's pants started getting wet and we doubled in laughter , Ossette jumped out of his arms sprinting to a safe distance , Chase looked embarrassed and amused . He moved as fast as a bullet and in a second Ossette was squealing , we had eventually caught the attention of the teacher as he stared at us in anger . Stomping towards us was a man with bald head and heavily built up body . He resembled  a werewolf owing to his frame but his face perfectly cut off at the right edges that felt like crystal , was a reminder that he was a vampire . He looked at our group and shouted " Knox , Victoria , Chase and Ossette come here ."

We hurried towards him , he looked at the four of us closely and with a resigned look on his face he said " Chase do not test my patience , go and complete 100 laps and Ossette to the library now . As for you Victoria and Mr. Knox , please pair up and Knox will introduce you to the basics of fighting . " he said pointing towards a small patch a little away from the rest of the class. Then he walked away to separate another group . I stared at Knox hoping he would say something to break the awkward silence , but he only pointed at the same place the teacher did . I followed him as he walked to the place with big strides . He looked angry again and now I felt angry . I had enough of him acting like I was a burden and unwanted complication . I spoke up " If you have any problems in training me you could tell the teacher , I could learn with Chase ." My words snapped his attention towards me , he narrowed his eyes at me and said " You want to learn with Chase ???" he again looked angry and this time livid ...hmmm so if I was so irritating then , .. the two can play this game , I spoke up" Yes , since he doesnt look like Miss grumpy then I would  certainly learn with him." He seemed taken aback by my comment , then his face relaxed into his usual cool demeanour , then with a smile on his face he said " lets learn to fight ."

We started with the basics as he told me how warlocks and witches who fought with arms did fight . They usually kept a safe distance from the attacker and used their brain and strategy instead of charging down and playing with strength . We circled our enemies and waited for the right opportunity to impair them and then with our fighting techniques when they were disarmed and hurt we would charge and finish them off. However interesting it sounded ,it was very difficult to follow , Knox was an expert as he succeeded in defeating me in a  flash.  I was getting more and more irritated . In our millionth match I had given up all hopes of strategy, planning and circling . As soon as the match started I tackled him down instantly . Taken by surprise he lost his footing and we both fell to the ground his body shielding mine as we hit the earth . He got the whole impact of the fall on his back but seemed unfazed. My eyes opened as I realised the position we  were in . I was straddling him as our bodies were stuck to each other and he stared at me with extreme passion ,the intensity of the stare burned me up . I couldnt extract myself from his unwavering gaze . We stared at each other lost in the moment . 

A cough pulled us out of our trance . A girl , was standing over us , with an expression of disgust and and a expression I knew too well , jealousy . I stood up and hurriedly got out of our compromising situation . Knox seemed to snap out of it too. In an instant he stood up and then a smile spread onto his face, a fake one " Hi Amanda , nice to see you ." he addressed the girl in front of us . She narrowed her eyes playfully onto him and said   "I doubt you are and who is this ??" she asked pointing towards me . Before Knox could respond I answered " Victoria Melbourne , Knox's friend .' I didnt know why I felt the compulsion to state my relation with Knox , I wanted her to understand or rather misunderstand. The girl looked at me shocked as if she couldnt believe I had the skill of speaking . Then she smiled and said " Its Amanda Dale , Knox's girlfriend and Fiancé ." I was shocked was the understatement of the year , I stared at her with disbelief marring my face . She seemed satisfied with my reaction . Then she walked towards Knox and wound her hands in his  and pulled him in for a kiss. My heart stopped at the sight , it felt broken , I couldnt understand why I was in for such a situation , tears threatened to leak out , but I didnt want to seem weak . I held my head up and looked at Knox hoping he would deny it , sadly he looked guilty and grief was written all over his face . Then our eyes met , like earlier he was trying to communicate some unspoken message to me . I looked away scared that I might melt under his stare. Amanda looked smug, extremely happy and she tugged on Knox 's arm. I looked at both of them disgusted by both or maybe more by Amanda and very less with Knox . I wanted to be angry and shout at him but I couldnt somehow, reasoning stopped me . He had never committed himself to me , whatever was there between us and there was definitely something ,it was unspoken and a secret and as I had  recently entered everyone's life over here , they would have had a life definitely that was extended beyond me and surely outside of this school. But then why did I feel betrayed ??? the unanswered question left me baffled . Amanda had walked on and was calling  out to Knox , he looked at me for one last time, pleading evident in his eyes trying to make me understand something impossible and in a low whisper uttered- 

" Meet me in the old church , today midnight ."

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