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The car ride from my apartment to the wherever the man was taking me was silent and reminded me of a time when I had purposely tripped my brother ,when I was six to exact revenge for eating my cakes . Mother had taken me on a similar car ride a silent one , the one intended on making me feel guilty but instead lead to the explosion that happened after we reached home . If the man thought that by giving me the silent treatment he could make me feel guilty ,he was definitely wrong . I still didnt trust him and he hadnt given me much reasons to . The only reason I had agreed was to get some answers to questions  which were left unanswered , like why I didnt resemble much of any of my parents and why father hated me so much more than my younger brother and treated me like a freak or, something  extremely nasty , he knew something I didnt know , something that I needed to know. For the first time I had acted so irresponsibly , had left my house to the mercy of men in black suits and had actually accepted his story. Some part of me wanted to believe that I had a family waiting for me to welcome me with open arms and not leave me to the mercy of a strange man . Tears leaked my eyes as I tried to control the anger and the resentment I felt for my family. The man looked at me as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand , he had an odd expression on his face . He then looked back to the road and I relaxed as his intense scrutiny and gaze shifted from me . In the events of the day I had totally forgotten how young this man looked . His attire comprised a black suit and a blood red tie.... what a combination! .His hair was sleek black and looked smooth . He had a deep chiseled face with a square cut jaw and a few marks on his face . I wonder what that was !! he didnt look like my grandfather at all, he looked like an uncle or a brother, but the words and his wisdom and his way of expressing himself showed his age . He had a certain warmth and a certain respect that was earned with age and not from fear . The car came to a screeching halt in front of a pair of old iron rusted gates, I recognised them. These were the gates that lead to the cemetery , beyond the town . The thought of a cemetery sent chills rushing down my spine . Why were we here , in this very silent place away from town. Had I fallen for a trap ? Is this man going to kill me now . I  prepared myself to run in case of danger . Sensing my uneasiness the man offered " we are going to pass through the cemetery to get to the academy, it's on the other side of it . The cemetery was built before the school was constructed , it was a hospital of some sorts so they built their own cemetery. After the academy was built  it was never much in use . Even the people from the town avoided it saying its aura wasnt good even for a cemetery . " I was shocked with all information he gave me . The only thing I absorbed was that we were going to a school. "Why are you taking me to a school? I thought we were going to your house ."

 " You will obviously see my house but it will be during the vacations when I will take you home . For now you will come with me to the academy I will explain a few things and then you will join the school ." A school , I was going to a school , I could complete my studies . I could live my last year at school and enjoy like a normal kid . but the money... " I dont have funds enough to send myself to school ." I trailed off, not knowing what to say anymore . I was poor and hardly had any savings as I usually spent my savings on maintaining a prim and proper image , buying proper clothes and certain academic requirements . I  had depended on the scholarship , that one turned out to be a disaster. The man looked at me amused by my declaration " Do not worry about the money, I have it arranged also you would have noticed I'm rich which means you are rich too . And I own the school so do not worry about the fees" I couldnt believe after all the bad things something had turned out to be good . I was going to a school , I was filled with excitement that kept me immune to wary and dull surroundings as we passed the cemetery . Another pair of iron gates this time huge and flagged , majestically golden in colour welcomed us. The gates were flanked by two people, who bowed as we passed. It was an amazing sight to see . Inside the golden gates , were buildings of many shapes such as circular , triangular and conical , each had something written on it . It was night time and not one student seemed out of bed. There was a statue of a woman holding a few small people in her arms , cradling them like a mother. Fountains erupted out of her arms and legs and showered the nearby flowers and grasses grown next to it . The view ended as we reached a very oddly shaped building . The building had stones embroidered into each one of its curves and oddly resembled waves in a sea. It was dark therefore the colour could not be deciphered yet as I stepped out of the car . Two men in suits greeted us as my grandfather and I stepped into the building . The interior of the building was simple compared to the exterior . No glittering jewels or unruly curves greeted us, instead a posh and neat looking building of marble with a brownish tint to the walls and a deadly silence greeted us . I looked around the building , the hallway was brightly lit not by lights but by flaming torches which glowed and shone more than a bulb could ever , its warmth made the building cozy and it instantly felt safe , safer than the outside, that had a cold but gentle breeze blowing . David smiled at me and said " this is my office , as the owner of the school I think I deserve one . I think its the coziest place in the whole school but then different people have different opinions . The staircase from here leads to my office . Merilda here is my assistant and you can ask her if u ever need to see me , I dont usually stay at this place ...  "            "Why?"                                                                                                                                                                                        " work" was the the short reply I got . This was the first time he had not explained something .I would have asked him more about it when a fact struck me hard . "There is no staircase inside this room , is there??"  I was wondering if my eyes were playing tricks from the lack of sleep . He chuckled at me as if I was  some extremely ignorant child . Then his face retained some of the seriousness he carried and he muttered a few words and his hands moved in a opening motion . suddenly a staircase appeared in front of me . Grand and huge it felt that it belonged to a Victorian era , beautifully polished  and refined. Now I was sure my eyes were playing a trick . I was now seeing things .. wow !!! Without asking any questions that would question my sanity , I proceeded as the man climbed the stairs .. , Suddenly the staircase started moving and soon we were in front of  a door. The man opened the door for me with a few words as he had done with staircase  and with an inviting smile welcomed me inside .

The lost girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon