Connected by the soul: Chapter 17

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"How dare you. I'll have you know we did no such thing." Colby says, pretending to be offended. "That's only because I didn't let it happen." I laugh. "Wow so your just going to through me under the bus like that." Colby says turning to me. "Yup." I laugh. "You guys come on we have to film the intro before the psychic comes." Sam says grabbing the camera and turning it on. "Hey guys." "It's Sam..." "And Colby." The boys say. "Today we are with Jake and Corey of course, but we have two special guest. Kat and Brianna." Sam says. Both Kat and I wave to the camera and smile. Sam starts explaining the video and where were going. "For this trip we are going to Admiral Fell Inn in Baltimore, Maryland, built in 1770. It's home of the dead sailors. Guests have often reported seeing floating sailors and disappearing butlers knocking on their doors." Sam explains. "Before we go we are having a psychic come over and give us advice and etcetera." Colby adds. Just then we hear a knock on the door. "She must have predicted when to knock." Jake laughs before going to the door to open it. "Hello, I'm Amanda. I'm your psychic." The lady says when Jake opens the door. Jake let's her in and we all introduce ourselves. "Do you mind if we film you?" Sam asks Amanda. "Yeah no problem." We all sit down and Sam just sets the camera up to face everyone. It's main view is on the psychic though. "Okay well first I'll get a few things feelings, things about you and things like that. Then I actually do tarot card readings if you guys would like one." The psychic says. "Yeah sounds good." Colby says as we all nod our heads in agreement. "Okay so I'll start with you." Amanda says pointing to Jake. "Okay. Whatcha got for me he laughs." He laughs. "Your give off a very fun and goofy vibe. Usually you don't care that much or mess around, but when your serious about something it shows and you stand tall for it. You don't usually lead, but you could make a good leader Oh and don't take this in any wrong way, but. Your annoying, but in the best way possible, your only annoying when you want to be, otherwise it just comes off as being funny." Amanda says with a smile. "I can't even deny that." Jake laughs. "You forgot to mention. He's amazing at cuddling." Corey says, causing everyone to laugh, including the psychic. Amanda gets around to everyone except Colby and I. She gets to us last starting with Colby. "Okay Colby right?" She asks. "Yeah." Colby says nodding his head. "You seem like a good guy, someone who likes being out, but not to much. You know how to enjoy yourself at a party, but enjoy just staying home or in your room." Amanda says. Colby just nods his head in astonishment. All her readings have been low-key spot on. It's kind of scary, but it's so interesting, she is yet to say something wrong. Amanda continues talking and I snap out of my thoughts. "Be careful. I know some times it feels easy to push someone away, but keep her and your friends close. I know you'd protect her in an instant. Keep her safe." Amanda says pointing to me. My eyes go wide. Colby and I haven't even really looked at each other. Were not even sitting next to one another. How did she know. I look over to Colby and I see him sitting there in shock. I hear Amanda lightly chuckle and I turn back and look at her. She just smiles. "Ready for yours?" She asks. I nod my head. "I'm so sorry, but remind me of your name again." She says. "Oh no it's fine. I'm Bri. I'm sorry I haven't said much." I say. "No your all good." She smiles. "Bri, I know your like Colby. I know that sometimes life moves fast and it's scary. I know it's easier to cut someone so you don't get hurt, but trust me that won't be the case and trust him, because he loves you and it would hurt more to to leave than stay. Staying cab only cause happiness. Of course things happen and sometimes it all just happens so fast, but stick around.  I know you love him too." She winks. "Okay how about the tarot readings." Amanda laughs and claps her hands, emphasizing the idea of moving on.

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