ChaosDancer12 Destruction Corruption

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Request: I love Shadowed Moon, so I was wondering, what could happen if Corrupted was the Destroyer instead of Passive?

Dream had grown up quicker then he liked.

Yet he had no choice, he had to protect Nightmare.

Poor Nightmare, who was gentle and had no fighting ability.

He hated the Villagers for that, Nightmare had eaten the apples in despair. But it split his twin in two, the one he looked after now who Nightmare replied he was Passive.

Corruption, the curse of the apples and its corruption and all that was aggressive.

Passive... the part of his brother he had left, could not fight.

He couldn't even blame his brother... ers, he'd been driven in a corner and broke.

With the tree dead nothing here remained, so he gathered Passive and left.

Passive he discovered was frozen in the form of a child, gentle and sky.

Dream cursed the humans.

Passive would never be alright unless they could find Corruption, who Passive said had been stolen.

Stolen by who?

In the end Dream joined the Star sanses, mostly to stop the mass negativity that was too much for Passive to control and keep the balance.

Passive did not understand why Dream aged without him, or the ability to fight.

Dream felt like a failure.


Passive hummed happily as he found another book he needed, he loved going to book sales.

Suddenly screams filled the air and mass negativity and fear filled the air.

He slipped outside to see what was going on.


The Destroyer...

He had heard of him from Dream, who had warned him to flee from the being as Passive while Powerful couldn't fight.

Error turned.

Mismatched eye lights met purple eyelights.

An eternity seemed to happen.


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