Ajtt21: Stringless Puppets

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Requested by  ajtt21 I've had this idea and it would be so cool for someone to write it. It's FGOD, by the way. You know how Error has the puppets, and then the souls? Well, what if he could put a soul in a doll? Not so they could reset or escape, but they could talk and move around. It would be so cute, and Error could have someone else to talk to besides the voices in the Anti-Void. You could do make Ink and the Council spy on Error, and find out about the dolls, or something

Note to self.. writing this while a bit loopy from allergy meds is hilarious

"Geeze, that's a big load of souls," a voice said.

"Inks gone over creative again," Error muttered.

"Ohh! Is that a dance sans soul!" another voice said.

"Yup," Error said simply "The AU was glitched to hecc and back, couldn't patch it so had to destroy it."

"Hey... can he become one of us?" a third voice asked shyly.

Error thought it over as he tied many souls up, then gently summoned a puppet down.

A Dance Sans puppet.

Gently Error placed the dance sans soul above the puppet, moments later in seemed to sink into it.

Puppet eyes blinked.

Error placed them on the ground of the anti-void.

"Hi..." the shy puppet said, the puppet was a flowerfell sans.

"Are you alright my dear? The altertale puppet sans said.

"Hi!" the first voice said, revealing himself as Asylumtale sans.

"Is it over... the resets... the glitches destroying everything?" the new puppet asked.

"Its over my dear," Alter puppet said.

Dance puppet broke out crying, and strangely enough he could cry even as a puppet. Alter hugged him gently, Asy and Flower also trying to help.

Error watched them and smiled a bit, he didn't regret placing the first soul in a puppet at all. Asy had been so lonely, and relieved for there AU to end as it was a super dark version of Asylumtale.

Asy hadn't wanted to sleep forever as a sealed soul like the others, so Error had created a puppet just for him.

The voices of the anti-void rarely spoke now, as the puppets could hear them.. and.. lets just say Asy confused them.

One day some of the souls would be freed, to reset there worlds.

That is if Ink ever stopped creating, allowing the multiverse more time to grow.

It was a very slow process, and Ink never seemed to stop creating.

He doubted they would ever be freed then, as it would take a miracle to stop Ink long enough to give the space needed to grow.

Til then, he would continue to destroy to keep the balance.

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