6. Pass

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Chapter 6.

The Hwarang trainees were running laps through the forest.

All except six.

"Haven't I told you many times that all roommates should act like one person?" Poong Wol Joo sounded way to merry from his highchair. "Sleeping together, waking up together. However, one was wandering around at night by himself. That is something that should never happen again. Don't you agree Gae-Sae?"

Sa-do struggled under the weight and heard Ji-dwi sigh loudly from behind her. Seon-woo had been outside the previous night and had been caught by Lord Wih-wa and now all six of them were being punished for it by carrying their teacher around through the forest, Soo-ho, Sa-do and Ji-dwi on one side, Seon-woo, Yeo-wool and Ban-ryu on the other. But even with all of their manpower, it was a struggle and Poong Wol Joo's not-so-subtle jabs didn't make it any better.

Sa-do felt glad that she, herself, had not been caught in her everyday mini excursions for her reading lessons. At this point, it was all about small favors and it was truly a miracle Ji-dwi, Seon-woo and her hadn't been caught during their daily outings.

"You are even worse than I thought. Look at what we are doing because of you," Ban-ryu seethed breathlessly.

Sa-do was pretty annoyed herself. If she became tired because of this, she wouldn't be able to study properly for the exam.

Soo-ho quashed any forthcoming verbal argument with a loud, "just hold it up right. It's leaning towards me because of you." Then to Seon-woo, in a quieter voice that Sa-do heard due to their close proximity, "also, you should see me when we are done with this."

She heard Ji-dwi mutter something about someone fainting if they see him now and held back an amused smile. Their punishment ended when they reached the clifftop from where the rising Sun was casting glowing shadows over Silla's capital. They had a brief meditation session that visibly improved everyone's mood to some extent.


They were washing their clothes by the river when Ban-ryu dropped his own pile before Seon-woo. "You should do this much. Think about what we did for you. If we are punished again because of you, I won't stop there," he imperiled before wading to the other side to sit with Yeo-wool and Ji-dwi. Seon-woo gave a tired sigh. He had no argument in store for that.

"What a consistent guy. It's not that easy to be that rude without missing even one chance." Sa-do grinned at Soo-ho's teasing comment as the person in question glared at him. "Shouldn't you do my laundry too? I suffered a lot from lifting that heavy thing." Seeing Seon-woo's miserable expression, Soo-ho amended, "whatever. Let's hear the reason why you were wandering around at night." Sa-do had been wondering about that too but kept quiet as she tried to rub a mud stain off her pants.

Seon-woo sighed loudly before randomly asking, "you have a sister, right?"


Later that evening, Sa-do sat on the floor, leaning against Ji-dwi's bed with books and papers sprawled around in front of her. She copied a few letters that she knew she would have to use for her answer.

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