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the room was practically washed out in pitch black, only the moonlight straining through the large windows of the apartment you shared with Kara was the only source of light — even with the ominous rumbling of thunder and the muffled pitter-pattering of the rain, it was still silent, eerily silent, you could pretty much hear your own heartbeat echoing throughout the walls.

you take a shaky deep breath and with a trembling hand, your thumb hovers over the button emblazoned with the House of El's sigil. it lets out a meek beep as you pressed your finger onto it.

There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere as Kara made her entrance. a swift whoosh can be heard as she touches down inside the apartment with a bitter scowl, the sound of your blood rushing to the tips of your ears became almost deafening as you could already feel the heavy and intense aura she carried along with her.

she wasn't wearing her usual suit and

instead, dawned a fit, dull, dark-toned suit that blended along with the darkness.

It didn't feel or look like Kara at all, it seemed as if you were gazing at a complete stranger.

the Kryptonian impatiently tapped her feet against the floor, "why did you call me."

"I-I was worried." you gulped.

a shiver runs down your spine as a wicked, humourless laugh escapes Kara's lips, "you? worried about me?" she scoffs, "the only thing you should be worried about is you and your shameful, pathetic, worthless self."

you bit your lip as you felt tears burning by the edge of your vision, heart agonizingly throbbing at her words, "Kara." you trembled, pushing away your tears, "this isn't you."

"and what do you know about me!?" she resented, bright, red veins pulsing with a dim glow underneath her skin.

your eyes widen in horror. kryptonite.

"I thought so." she mocks when no words come from your frozen figure.

"you're n-not... you're not w-well." you managed to choke out.

"oh, Y/n/n I've never been better," she sneered, her tone low and threatening as her lips twisting into a menacing smile.

"no, Kara, you're not seeing clearly," you insisted on. "You're being affected by kryptonite-"

"don't." the smug smirk on her face is immediately wiped away, replaced by a displeased frown, "you can't help me when I'm already better, Y/n."

"you." she slowly advanced to where you stood with a threatening look, stopping when you're both only a feet apart, "you are nothing. nothing but a weight that holds me down." Kara hissed, "poor, lonely, Y/n, Always. Always begging to be saved because she can't save herself!" she mocks in a singsong.

you don't even realize that your backing away, not until your back hits the dead-end wall. your breath hitches and you make a startled sound behind your throat.

"Without me? You wouldn't even be here to live your sorrowful, pitiful, insignificant life!" she presses on.

She laughs amusedly when a look of hurt crosses your features, tears were now freely streaming down your face, your breaths coming in trembling, shallow pants.

You back away into a corner, hunched over and hugging yourself, you barely had the strength to hold yourself up as your knees felt like they would give away anytime. the thundering pain and fear in your heart rose as she slowly stalked towards you as if she were a predator hunting down its prey.

what you didn't expect her to do was to softly caress your cheek, you instinctively flinch away from her touch, clenching your eyes shut, she laughs.

you didn't want to look at her.

you couldn't look at her.

this isn't Kara.

this isn't your sister.

is it?

but what if she is.

what if this was exactly how she had thought of you in her whole life?

what if you really were nothing to her? nothing to them? nothing to anyone.


all of a sudden, her cold fingers are snaking down your neck. only then, you opened your eyes.

you wished you hadn't.

there was not a single hint of hesitance or doubt in her eyes and it scared you. her grip on your throat steadily grew tighter, and tighter, until your lungs felt as if it were being filled with water, leaving no space for air.

but you don't fight.

instead, your head raced with many frantic thoughts of every other person you had weighed down just like Kara — if you listed each and every one of them down, maybe you'd be here for a whole day — tears flooded your eyes, but you can't scream or yell as she slowly crushes your windpipe.

Soon enough, you start to feel yourself grow numb.

Kara only smiles.

and as the darkness came to take you away, you thought, maybe.

maybe this is for the best.

you faintly hear a crash followed by a familiar voice crying out, "let her go!"

then everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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