Ch. 18

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"Talk to me." My dad says, stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth. "We haven't had the chance to talk like this in a while. And I know you have a lot to say."

"What makes you say that?" I chuckle, taking a sip of my orange juice after.

"You have that look in your eye."

"That look?" I repeat after him.

He nods, and I nod back. This is my dad I'm talking to, after all. The man knows me just as well as I know myself, and I can come to him about any and everything that happens to me. Some view it as a bit odd, but I don't have a mother to confide in and my father is all I had growing up. My dad is my best friend and he can sense when I have an issue. Like right now, I'm guessing that look I'm giving is my way of telling him that something is up. That look is damn right and on point because I'm about to tell my dad everything.

"I'm in some deep shit, daddy."

"Woah, okay. You have to be if you start off cussin'." He wipes his lips with his napkin before digging into his grits. "Start from the top."

I take a deep breath before I begin to unload everything on him. I'm a bit nervous to mention what's been going on with Namjoon and I intimately because I don't want my dad to be disappointed in me. But I've also never hidden anything from my dad, being an adult and all. He's always been truthful and open with me, so I do the same. Even the things that are TMI.

"Well for starters, I moved into the Kim house, so I'm now a live-in nanny."

My dad nods, listening intently. "Yeah, what's up with that?"

"The Kim's are getting divorced."

"Goddamn. Something big happened, huh?"

"Huge." I agree with his statement. "His wife cheated on him and is carrying another man's baby right now."

My dads eyes widen and he's rendered speechless. "Wow."

"So, Namjoon takes the kids and he moves. She hasn't even made any effort to see the kids in a couple weeks."

"Sounds almost too familiar." He says genuinely. "Let him know that if he has any questions on how this whole single fatherhood thing works, I will be there to answer them. It sounds like that will be his new title."

"I'll pass the message."

"How are the kids taking it?"

"Man, that's the sad part. The kids seem almost relieved, well Jinnie that is."

"Isn't she like, 7 or 8?"

"She'll be 8 next week." I nod. "Last night, she broke my heart. She asked me if her mother misses her."

"That's how I felt whenever you asked me about yours. I could never give you an answer." Sadness laces my father's eyes and mine match. "What did you tell her?"

"I just told her that her mom loves her. I'm sure Namjoon will get that figured out with letting them see her. He's been trying his hardest."

"He's a good man, Namjoon. I want you to find someone like him. Successful, smart, handsome." He wiggles his brows at me and I giggle. "Have you been dating?"

"Not exactly." I say softly, looking at the food in front of me. "That's kind of complicated."

"He so? What, you waitin' on Namjoon to become fully single?" He chuckles and sips his coffee. I don't answer him and he raises an eyebrow as he sets the mug back down. "LowLow..."

"It's complicated, daddy."

"Harlow Zuri." I perk up in my seat at my full name and sigh. "Open your mouth and talk."

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