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- October 12th, 2:11 PM -

Can I ask you a question?

{Secret Admirer}
You can but you probably won't get an answer.

{Secret Admirer}
You are also distracting me during class.

You've been distracting my thoughts so deal with it.

{Secret Admirer}
Damn, I think that was worse than my pick up lines.

It was not.

{Secret Admirer}
Whatever makes you feel better.

How did you get my locker combination and how did you know where my locker was?

{Secret Admirer}
Who has a crush on someone in high school and not know where their locker is?

Okay, fair point. The combination?

{Secret Admirer}
You give out your combination to a lot of your friends. It was easy to find one who would betray you.

Sakura and Hinata wouldn't do that!

{Secret Admirer}
It wasn't either of them.

Fucking piece of shit Sai.

{Secret Admirer}
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.

Well, now I can ask him who you are.

{Secret Admirer}
I paid him not to and you know how he is anyway. He'll give you that fake ass smile and say something weird that you can't understand and you'll never get what you want.

Your evil.

{Secret Admirer}
You wound me.

- October 12th, 2:29 PM -

Fuck you.


{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Where stories live. Discover now