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Sakura's shoulder brushed against mine as we walked down the hallway at the end of the lunch break. As always, the hallways were packed full of rambunctious teenagers trying to get as much time in with their friends as possible before class started again.

"I just don't think it's fair that you get a wholesome secret admirer who hypes you up, gives you candy and treats you respectfully while I just get men sliding into my DM's looking for an easy woman."

"Sakura," I interrupted, "remember that I also know next to nothing about this guy. No pictures to look at, no name, nothing. It can get frustrating."

"Oh, boohoo. Poor Naruto. A guy actually gives a damn about me and I enjoy talking to him but I don't know his name, whatever will I do!? My life sucks." Sakura mocked with a teasing smile.

"Listen, I feel like I have a fair reason to be bothered by this. I mean, what if he turns out to be a completely different person than he tells me he is?" I pouted with a hint of worry tinging my voice.

Sakura seemed to think about this for a moment before she spoke again. "Just make sure you don't get too attached then."

I smiled sheepishly as she opened her locker to get a textbook. I looked down at the floor hoping she wouldn't notice but it was too late, Sakura had already caught my look from the corner of her eye.

"Oh no, Naruto... don't tell me you are attached already," Sakura gasped in realization. "Naruto you haven't even held his hand or kissed him yet! How do you already have feelings?"

"I don't know, I just do!" I cried and a group of students walking past sent us a strange look.

"Then we need to find out who this is so you can finally know for sure. I mean, we do have it narrowed down to eight students that it could be. Why don't you just talk to them all and see if you feel a connection?" Sakura asked.

I groaned, "this guy really doesn't want me to know who he is. He probably wouldn't hold a conversation long in person."

"And that's how you would know who it is," Sakura pointed out. "If he's acting suspiciously when you're talking to him then you know that you caught the culprit."

We then went silent as Sakura rummaged through her locker. She had a fair point but the plan could also go terribly wrong. This guy played the hidden game well so he could be prepared for me to go looking for him. He could already have his cards ready to play me the right way I started a conversation in person.

"I'm gonna go grab my stuff, I'll see you in English," I said, already moving to leave.

Sakura nodded, "yeah, I need to talk to Ino before class anyway. See you there!"

That's when I took my cue to fully make my advance towards my locker in the next hall. My locker was close to the administration office which looked to be quite busy for some reason. I was tempted to take a peek inside but then my eye caught the clock and adrenaline burst through my body; I had two minutes until my class started.

With the realization, I jolted back a little and banged into someone behind me.

"Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me today," I apologized.

"Jeez Uzumaki, I don't remember you being this jumpy," a familiar voice replied.

That's when I looked up and locked eyes with a boy with raven hair and eyes to match. His long, sleek, black hair was pulled into a ponytail and he gave me a soft but genuine smile.

{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Where stories live. Discover now