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- November 4th, 7:03 PM -

{Secret Admirer}
Why did you want the letter anyway? You never told me why. 

It just feels more personal, that's all. And I figured you wouldn't come and apologize to me in person so that was the next best thing.

{Secret Admirer}
Fair enough.

I was looking for you at the party, you know?

Well, I was trying to see who from the list wasn't there so I could narrow it down.

{Secret Admirer}
Any luck?

I managed to cross off Sasuke, Sai, Gaara, Shino, and Jugo.

{Secret Admirer}
Wow, you are really taking this investigation seriously.

Yeah, I'm disappointed I had to leave early but there's always next time.

{Secret Admirer}
Was everything okay?

Not exactly but that doesn't matter.

{Secret Admirer}
Are you sure? I'll listen... well, read if you ever need to get something off your chest.

I saw an old friend at the party and it was great. It felt like our bond snapped right back into place, even if it was only for a moment. And then when I hinted to the idea of us being friends again, he went silent.

{Secret Admirer}
That really sucks.

I know. It broke my heart because I miss him so much but what am I supposed to do? Force him to be my friend again?

I mean, he just stopped talking to me one day. Ignoring my calls, avoiding me at school. It was so weird.

I asked him about it. I just wanted to know what I did to deserve that kind of treatment. If he didn't want to be my friend anymore, didn't I at least deserve to know why after years and years of friendship? But all he could say to me was, "I don't know."

{Secret Admirer}
No, you absolutely deserved that!

That's what I thought!

Ugh, it's frustrating but it is what it is, I guess.

{Secret Admirer}
Damn, I'm really sorry.

It's not your fault. If it was meant to be, it would be.

{Secret Admirer}
Anything else interesting happen at the party?

No... nothing that I can think of.

Oh! Ino jumped out of a window.

{Secret Admirer}
Excuse me?


Her mom grounded her because she was caught having sex with Sai in the janitor's closet during the fifth period last week. She said Ino wasn't allowed to leave the house ever again which doesn't make sense to me but whatever.

Long story short, Ino was determined to go to the party so she jumped out of her bedroom window and had TenTen as her getaway driver.

{Secret Admirer}

Yeah, no wonder Sakura is best friends with her!

{Secret Admirer}
Don't forget that you are one of Sakura's best friends too. ;)

She reminds me every day.

Also, Rock Lee got into the party by selling Kankuro and Gaara weed.

{Secret Admirer}
Lee gives off so much crackhead energy... this makes so much sense.

Yeah, he's been dealing drugs since middle school. I don't know how he hasn't gotten busted.

And Kiba pushed Sakura into a bathtub. I wasn't around for that though.

{Secret Admirer}
That's so random.

What else do you expect from drunk high schoolers?

{Secret Admirer}
Not to be pushy but anything else?

{Secret Admirer}
I mean, I heard the party was pretty huge. There had to be some other incidents throughout the night, right?

Sorry, nothing that I can think of. I was drunk so I probably forgot some stuff.

{Secret Admirer}
It seems to me that you have a pretty good memory.

Well, I guess nothing worth remembering happened.

{Secret Admirer}
Alright well... if that's all that happened, I'm glad I didn't go.


{SasuNaru} My Secret Admirer Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя