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- November 8th, 4:07 PM -

Some girl just ordered a coffee and then spilled half of it on the counter when mixing her cream and sugar in. I'm going to kill someone if I have to clean that counter one more time.

{Secret Admirer}
And you are texting me because I also work at a coffee place and relate to your sorrows?

Now you are getting it.

{Secret Admirer}
Okay, I'll help you commit the crime.

You were supposed to talk me out of it.

{Secret Admirer}
Nah, I'm also working and very frustrated. We sell lemonade but only freshly squeezed lemonade and this old guy came in and ordered it. So, I made the order and gave it to him and he SPITS IT OUT AT ME!

What the fuck?

{Secret Admirer}
Oh, it gets worse. He then asked me why there was pulp in his lemonade. I said, "sir, it's freshly squeezed lemonade. That's how freshly squeezed lemonade is supposed to be."

{Secret Admirer}
Apparently, that was rude so he called out to my manager and asked her to fire me while I was standing right there soaked in his spit and lemonade.

Ew, that's disgusting. I'm so sorry.

{Secret Admirer}
Long story short, I didn't get fired but I had to take my break early to go clean myself up.

Who doesn't know that freshly squeezed lemonade has pulp in it?

{Secret Admirer}

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