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Sasuke practically glared at his phone when it dinged on the other side of the room and Itachi gave him a questioning stare from across the table. The older of the two was about to open his mouth to say something but Sasuke wasn't going to let Itachi coax out Sasuke's frustrations.

"Not now, Itachi," Sasuke groaned.

"No, tell me what's going on. You've been acting weird since yesterday and now you look like you want to smash your phone. Talk to me, little brother," Itachi encouraged.

Sasuke sighed, "why should I?"

"Because I care about you and want to know if you are okay," Itachi retorted with a grin.

Sasuke rolled his eyes but Itachi knew it wouldn't take a lot of convincing to get his brother to rant to him. When Uchiha's were frustrated, it was only a matter of time before they snapped and took their anger out on someone. Itachi was always willing to be Sasuke's punching bag.

"It's Naruto," Sasuke finally spoke, confirming Itachi's thoughts.

"Okay and?" Itachi asked with no hesitation.

"Remember when I asked you to give me his number at the beginning of the school year?" Sasuke started with a hint of caution in his voice.

"Yeah, you wouldn't tell me why you needed it... I almost forgot that you convinced me to give it to you." Suddenly, Itachi had a worried look across his face, "Wait, Sasuke, what did you do?"

Sasuke stared at the floor hoping that somehow it would make Itachi's questions go away. Of course, it didn't work and Itachi cleared his throat from the other side of the table to remind him that he was still there.

"I've been texting him but... anonymously?" Sasuke continued.

"Anonymously? You didn't tell him who you were?" Itachi asked, clearly confused by this whole conversation.

Sasuke nodded in confirmation. "We have been talking for months but I refuse to tell him who I am. We joke, converse and flirt but all he knows about me is that I go to his school."

Itachi was silent for a moment and then took a breath. "You two flirt but he doesn't know who you are?"

"Yes, I know, it's weird," Sasuke replied.

"No, it's not but... I don't understand why you'd be upset about that," Itachi smiled softly. "We both know that you've liked him for a long time. So, what's really wrong?"

"When I saw him in the office yesterday, it reminded me of what I did to him," Sasuke fiddled with his fingers nervously at the thought. "It reminded me that I'll have to tell him one day, or he'll find out and I'll have to face all the things I've done. My phone played his ringtone across the room and I've been ignoring him because of all this... so, you got your answer, that's why I'm acting so weird."

"Your acting like a coward."

"I'm not—"

"Yes, you are!" Itachi cried angrily. "Jesus Christ Sasuke, you should see how that boy looks at you. He looks at you with such care and adoration and admiration. We both know he's frustrated because of your actions but it's obvious that he misses you, Sasuke. And now, you want to drop out of his life again and hurt him again!?"

Sasuke was so taken aback by Itachi's outburst that he was lost for words. His brother was usually calm, collected and understanding but right now he was just angry. His brows were furrowed together and his lips were pulled into a thin line. It was almost scary.

What shocked Sasuke, even more, was Itachi's take on the whole situation and that he was defending someone who wasn't him. He couldn't remember a moment where Itachi hadn't taken his side which told Sasuke that he had really messed up.

Itachi got up out of his chair and grabbed his bowl of spaghetti. "You ruined me and Naruto's relationship when you did what you did, little brother. Out of nowhere, you kicked Naruto out of your life, and because of your decisions, Naruto and I aren't close anymore either. You didn't just hurt him, you hurt me too. I loved that kid almost as much as I love you."

"I'm sorry," Sasuke muttered. He hoped that it sounded sincere because he truly did mean it.

Itachi's brow cocked in interest but he didn't take the bait. "Then prove it," he replied, causing the conversation to end completely as he left the room.

Sasuke proceeded to sulk for a few minutes over his older brother's outburst. After he had gone over all the events in his head, he glanced at his phone and sighed: Itachi was right and Sasuke knew it.

This thought got him to finally abandon his cold spaghetti on the table and go grab his phone. He swiped it off the couch and sat down, tapping the passcode and opening it to their texts.

He read over Naruto's previous text once more. 'Is everything alright? You usually reply to me within minutes of me texting you. If you are just busy then I'm sorry for bothering you.'

Immediately, Sasuke felt regret for ignoring the boy when all he wanted to do was share his excitement with him. Itachi was right, Naruto did care even if he didn't necessarily know he was caring about Sasuke right now.

Then his eyes found their way to the next text Naruto sent. 'Well, I'm going to go Trick Or Treating now and then I'm going to Gaara Sabaku's party. I don't know what you are doing tonight but whatever it is, I hope you stay safe.'

Sasuke started to type the sentiment of, 'Stay safe and have fun, Dobe,' but then he stopped. The words Itachi spat at him such as, "coward," and, "you hurt him," lingered in his brain.

How would this text fix that? There was only one answer: it wouldn't.

He had to go to Gaara Sabaku's party and fix everything.

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