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Sasuke had to park his truck in a parking lot down the street from the Sabaku house because the block was full of cars parked along the sidewalk. He knew that it wouldn't be long now before the police were alerted and sent to clear the party out but it was worth a shot. It wasn't like he'd be in trouble any way once the cops saw that he had nothing to drink or smoke.

He walked down the block with his arms crossed in front of him in an attempt to keep some body heat. The fall season was quickly turning to winter and Sasuke was regretting his choice of a jean jacket instead of a coat.

After only a few minutes, Sasuke was entering the Sabaku household as a guy and girl brushed past him out the door. It was clear by the bruises down the women's neck that they weren't exactly done partying yet but Sasuke honestly wasn't interested in how their night was going to end. The only thing Sasuke wanted to see the end of now was his misery from the lack of contact he was keeping with his blonde friend.

He quickly got to work with looking for Naruto and started to walk through the party. Bodies were constantly being pushed and shoved into his own causing him a tinge of discomfort from the lack of personal space. Yet Sasuke pushed forward, his eyes scanning over each and every person he passed.

He looked in the kitchen, living room, lounge room, dining room, and more. He even looked in their fucking theater. Naruto was nowhere to be found.

The basement was locked and the lights were off so there was definitely no hope for that route.

He almost gave up on the idea and pondered on the thought that Naruto could have gone home early. It wasn't uncommon for the blonde to be up late at night but who knows, he could've got tired from the trick or treating he supposedly did earlier in the night. He wouldn't blame Naruto if he had wanted to settle in at home after that.

But then he came upon the staircase that led to the second and third floor of the mansion. He saw countless things littered across the stairs such as shoes, alcoholic beverages, and... was that a tampon? Sasuke could only cringe at the thought of the happenings over the staircase but that was the only place Sasuke hadn't thought to look.

So, against his better judgment, he started to make his way up the stairs.

It felt awkward being in this part of the Sabaku house. Being in someone else's home, in general, made Sasuke feel weird but going into the space of their bedrooms and bathrooms? That felt like too much of an invasion.

At the top of the stairs, the first door Sasuke passed was the bathroom. The door was wide open and there were a few people sat on the floor and one familiar girl sprawled out in the bathtub.

"Sakura, what are you doing in the bathtub?" Sasuke asked, unable to continue his trip without knowing.

Sakura laughed, clearly very intoxicated, "it's comfy in here!"

"Right," Sasuke smirked, barely containing his amusement of Sakura's silliness.

"Hey guys, where is Naruto?" A blonde-haired girl asked from the ledge of the sink.

This comment piped up Sasuke's interest.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. He's not my responsibility, Ino."

"He's your best friend," a boy who Sasuke recognized as Kiba Inuzuka pointed out.

The girl Sasuke now knew as Ino scoffed, "second best friend!"

At that moment, Sasuke decided that listening to this interaction was no longer benefiting him but at least he knew one thing: Naruto had been upstairs. At least, that's what the conversation hinted to.

So, Sasuke yet again continued down the secluded hallway of the second floor.

Some of the doors were closed along the hallway and Sasuke could hear unholy things happening from behind them. He could only imagine what the Sabaku siblings would have to deal with the next morning. Their parents would have a fit and he would probably hear Temari complaining to Shikamaru about being grounded in the next class they had. He could hear Shikamaru groan, "your such a troublesome woman. Why did you even have a party in the first place? What a drag."

That was when he heard a violent bang from a room at the end of the hallway. It threw Sasuke off and stopped him in his tracks for a moment. An uneasy feeling quickly found its way to his gut and the scream that followed made it worse.

"Get off me!"

Before Sasuke could think about what he was doing, he slammed the door open and took in the scene before him. It only took him two seconds to realize what was happening and a second to react.

Sasuke grabbed a brunette guy by the collar of his shirt and threw him to the floor. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"What do you mean what do I think I'm doing? What do you think you are doing? My friend and I are just having fun, right Naruto?" The brunette said and that's when Sasuke's eyes locked with blue ones.

He could tell that was not what was happening. Naruto's clothes were ruffled, his lip was bleeding and there were tears streaking his cheeks.

"Naruto, you say the word and I'll get this guy out of here," Sasuke said softly, hoping it was at least some form of comfort.

"No, that's not what was happening," Naruto confirmed. "I told him I wanted to go home but he wouldn't let me leave the room."

The man on the floor grunted, "that's a lie. You know you wan—"

Sasuke grabbed the guy by his collar again and dragged him out of the bedroom. This time, he started to scream and people started to poke their heads out into the hallway to see what was happening.

Sasuke threw the guy against the wall and slammed his head against it extra hard for good measure.

"You do not touch anyone unless they say yes. Ever. Do you understand?" Sasuke growled. "What is your name?"

"What does it matter?"

Sasuke slammed his head against the wall again and the man started to cry.

"I'll give you something to actually cry about if you don't answer me," Sasuke hissed. "What is your name?"

"Kisame," the man trembled.

"Sasuke stop!" He heard Sakura cry from behind him.

He turned his head to see Kiba grab her by the waist to hold her back. She was struggling but Kiba was much stronger than her. It was weird to see Kiba trust in him since they barely knew one another but it was made clear in the nod Kiba gave Sasuke.

Sasuke turned back to Kisame who was still pressed against the wall. "Alright, listen here Kisame," he spat. "If I ever hear about you touching anyone, I don't care if it's a handshake, without their explicit okay first... I will track you down and beat the shit out of you. Got it?"

Kisame nodded and Sasuke flung him to the floor.

"Your lucky that there are too many witnesses here right now. If this had happened any other way, I would've made sure you didn't even have the ability to touch anyone again."

He saw Kiba smirk from the corner of his eye and a few other people in the hallway looked interested. It almost made Sasuke change his mind but he realized he had more important things to get to.

"Naruto," he whispered.

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